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    Political Cartoon: "Violence and threats target democracy"

    Political Cartoon: "Violence and threats target democracy" Copyright 2011 Kaveh Adel

    In the East or the West, it does not matter.

    Whether it is the thought or the practice of voicing democracy. It does not matter........

    Democracy is the Target.

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     Artwork 2011©

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    A friend posted the NY Times article about the Palin crosshairs that were on her website that were targeted at Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' District.  Counter posts noted that hunting was different then assassinations, and Sarah Palin was a hunter.  The counter post thought drawing a relationship was "idiotic".  Another poster referred to the author as a "flag burning liberal"  as though that was some kind of an insult on the face of it.  A 3rd wrote, "Pretty pathetic stretch, even for the left. No, I take it back - nothing is too pathetic for the left."  And then another writes, " Equating an ancient and honorable activity, i.e. hunting, with murder is deeply offensive to me and many others." 

    It reminded me of an old adage, "Never argue with a crazy person, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."  These events clearly cannot go far enough that these people will ever admit to even a suggestion the rhetoric is too extreme or has even a scent of a relationship to what happened in Tucson.  I said to myself, "Really?  You can't see it? Not at all?", which caused me to have to admit, "Really.  They will not.  They refuse." 

    Predictable, aren't they?    "Who, me?  I din't do nothin'"  Putting humans in the cross-hairs is nothing more than a nod to a good old American pastime.  You gotta give it to 'em.  Their tops are spinning all the time.

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