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    Prez to taxpayers:"Make my cash problem your friend--Crazy Barry's pay one year, get two, tax bonanza.."

    In the ongoing series, Things Prez Can Do On His Own, a prospective amnesty from the Director of Internal Revenue:  If you prepay your 2011 tax (due April 2012) now we'll double it, and carry the extra into your 2012 tax bill.

    Provided you filed this year showing less than 100k agi.



    Hey Jolly with all these new stylistic fashions available....


    Remember TPM and the spam that would show up?

    I shall however look for this edict.

    Give me a goddamn link for chrissakes! ha


    We all love minimalist we might need a teensy bit more info here, JR; and a little less on the advertising.  Just sayin'.

    But Wang is an Italian company?  Who knew?

    Everyone understands "buy one get one free.."  Here the principle is unleashed to lessen the long term tax burden on the middle class at the same time as front loading the cash flow whilst the Repugnants try to blackmail us.

    This SCOTUS decision may be up your alley.  Lone dissenter Ginsburg asks:

    “How ‘secure’ do our homes remain if police, armed with no warrant, can pound on doors at will and, on hearing sounds indicative of things moving, forcibly enter and search for evidence of unlawful activity?” she asked.

    This is scary. Whats next;  After busting in, the police shoot and kill the tenant because the person appeared to be raising his voice and becoming threatening.

    Police: OOPS we thought we heard something going on, but it turned out to be only the Jiffy Pop on the stove and a noise was heard in the bedroom. When the person came out of the bedroom with a gun, to investigate the break-in, we had to shoot, we felt our lives were at risk.

    This Supreme Court makes me sick.    



    This Supreme Court

    Not the whole--after all, we'd expect Alito, Nino and Clarence to give the cops carte blanche--but Sotomayor? Kennedy? 8-1?

    8-1...Did Breyer retire while I was away?

    ...there are known "knowns." There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don't know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say well that's basically what we see as the situation, that is really only the known knowns and the known unknowns. And each year, we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns.  RUMMY-

    Now you come to a home as a law enforcement officer and what do you really know about what is going on in that home?

    I mean there is a report at the station that there is shrieking going on next door.

    So probable cause must go out the window because we don't know what we don't know.....

    Rummy was quoting James Madison of course...


    No shjit-it's just about how theyare going to call the close ones,. after the fact (at a suppression hearing), with almost infinite latitude to the officers who, not to put too fine a point on it, would be missing out on the 2 for 1 donut hour at Krispycreme if they call in for a warrant...

    I suppose from a practical viewpoint, a warrant may mean burning a snitch, so perhaps that's the real interest being vindicated here.  Otherwise, if it really is only a matter of minutes, why not make the cops pin themselves down as to their probable cause story?

    Add to it Obama's DoJ reversals on states that have approved medical marijuana.  Jaysus.  My state is one; this is messed up trined.

    And to whose advantage?  Who's pushing on the other side?

    Do you mean 'is some entity pushing Holder to federally prosecute employees,'?  Raw Story has more on the ''

    It's hard to "follow the money"  What was wrong with the benign neglect/tolerance that was originally promised?

    Well; there's the question.  It's a bad thing to take back for all concerned.  G' night.

    Forget inductive or deductive reasoning.

    I mean ontology is the answer.


    Ha! hahahahaha



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