by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The source of the single funniest line of 2014 (so far!) is beyond my grasp, except I am sure it came from a pundit panelist on MSNBC or CNN!
The panelist was speaking about this Bundy feller down in Texas and he posited that:
If I could go down there and ask this fellow one question it would be:
Besides your opinions on Negroes, do you have any comments or opinions concerning THE Jews?
Brooklyn Taxi is truly one of the strangest TV series I have ever viewed.
Starring Rachel Maddow as a police detective and some Black guy with a Jamaican brogue this cop drama expands any idea of reality; but then again so does cable news.
And then again, I keep seeing Kornacki doing Rachel's show, so it must mean that she has other things to do.
Anyway there appears in this drama, a wonderful woman who co-starred in Blue Bloods not so long ago. This delightful woman got really sick and fell into some epileptic fit during some scene and was fired from the program for being sick.
This woman (one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen on screen) ends up in this new drama as a detective or something (it is never really clear what she does) and she is still far more beautiful than her Wiki pic!
Anyway Maddow ends up as a detective on the police force who only wishes to find the felon who killed her father and so she pursues other criminals as a raison de etre? (Never understood how to Frechify my typing)
And Maddow cannot drive efficiently; I mean she destroys cars like some women destroy life-partners.
(At least that has been my life experience.)
If you think that that aside is sexist, try reading Geraldo?
So our star ends up depending upon the Jamaican taxi driver for transportation, which really makes no sense but then again Castle as a drama, depends upon some novelist who aids a police officer in her search for criminals and FBI fellows help normal police officers in their quest to solve crimes in many many dramas like Closer and....oh who cares?
Anyway, Maddow hooks up with this taxi driver and solves all the major crimes in whatever city the drama covers. And again, who cares?
The only twist on this new drama is that Rachel likes men, but pretends otherwise.
I assume 'they' are attempting to appeal to the masses, as it were.
I sincerely think that this new sitcom/police drama is one of the funniest new shows I have viewed in a long time. So watch the damn thing and prove me wrong.
I wrote most of this drudge two weeks ago but Soup decided to make fun of the show this weekend without my permission. Hahahahah
Oh, and by the way, we appear as Minnesotans to have discovered the perfect replacement for Michele Bachmann!
The Minnesota Republican who claims AIDS is caused by sperm eating your colon is, it turns out, just full of top-notch science:
[Bob Frey] alleged in a 2004 appearance before the Minnesota State Senate Education Committee that the fossil record proves that “dinosaurs have always lived with man,” and such “real science” should be taught in public schools. [...]
Bluestem Prairie also reports that Frey used to run a group called Creation Science Seminars, which claimed that teaching Creationism would reduce the rate of violence that the theory of evolution had apparently brought upon communities.
Praise the Lord!
Oh and speaking of THE LORD, check out this link:
That really is all I have today, since I just figured out how to work this new computer; or at least attempted to work this new computer.
Okay, now I at least have that off my chest!
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 10:58am
Actually it has to be the goddamn Belgiums who threaten our freedoms since 54% of all Belgiums are commies compared to 44% of the Franks.
I read these figures on some blog site!
by Richard Day on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 2:59pm
Rachel is a very talented lady.
NBC is smart to let her expand into other media.Glad you are back. The place is not the same with out your rants.
Edit: I just checked out the show. Chryler Leigh looks like Rachel. I don't get to watch much TV. It does look like a good show.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 3:00pm
by Richard Day on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 3:00pm
(Pssst ... actually, Dick knows Maddow isn't on the show. He's planning to pitch the idea to The Onion, using "... Rachel likes men but pretends otherwise" as the clincher.)
by barefooted on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 3:35pm
Hi Missy!
Actually, Momo figured out that I was full of crapola a long time ago. hahahahah
Otherwise she would never read me. hahahah
It is good to have friends again!
Oh, and I do so love Rachel.
by Richard Day on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 4:06pm
Another in a long line of high concept TV shows ... My Mother, the Car, Manimal, Sharknado ,,, Now Rachel Maddow in Brooklyn Taxi! The TV programming geniuses are at it again!!
Good to see you back posting. We've all missed you, DD.
by MrSmith1 on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 1:37pm
You know, as a kid I actually liked My Mother the Car. hahahaha
It was probably some Freudian thing since at the time, I kind of wished my mother were a car.
by Richard Day on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 3:01pm
Now, I don't want to take anything away from the fabulous Rachel Maddow, or her Doppelganger, but there's a new cop show coming out in the fall called Battle Creek set in Battle Creek, Michigan of all places.
I say of all places because Battle Creek is the home of Kellogg's and Post cereal companies for crying out loud and not really a great location for the high drama of a cop show unless, of course, they are going to be chasing cereal killers every week.
About the only criminal thing that goes on in Battle Creek is the thriving meth trade, which is interesting because the producer of the show also produced Breaking Bad, a show about a thriving meth trade. I'm sensing a pattern here.
Anyhoo, Taxi Brooklyn or Battle Creek -- a cop show is a cop show is a cop show -- it's the character development and the chemistry between characters that makes one show rise above another. Audiences love idiosyncrasies and the writers who know this have the more successful shows. I mean, Sherlock Holmes has been around for what seems like forever and the more idiosyncrasies Doyle wrote into him, the more people loved him, much to the annoyance of Doyle.
I'm actually looking forward to watching this fall, or "mid-season". whatever the hell that means.
by wabby on Wed, 07/30/2014 - 11:26am
Maybe they just saw the name "Battle Creek" and thought they could make something violent out of it. Maybe they've never been to Battle Creek and don't really care. But we care!
(BTW, caught that "cereal killer". Clever!)
by Ramona on Wed, 07/30/2014 - 12:08pm
That thought crossed my mind as well, Ramona. Battle Creek, hmmm, something interesting must have gone on there! But, they could have picked Bad Axe just as easily. Or Naughty Hatchet as an old local weatherman used to call it. Or Hell. Or Paradise. None of those places have a thriving meth business far as I know.
Yeah, about that cereal killer comment. I forgot the "badump dump" after it.
by wabby on Wed, 07/30/2014 - 8:20pm
We have a town named Middlesex. A newspaper headline once read, "Middlesex Man Shot". My friend looked at me, puzzled, and said, "What the hell is a middlesex man?".
by barefooted on Wed, 07/30/2014 - 8:55pm
Well, intersex is probably somewhat similar in concept…
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 07/31/2014 - 10:24am
Yeah, I'm with Ramona, I hereby render unto Flower the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog site, given to all of her from all of me.
A brand new take on torture and killings.
by Richard Day on Wed, 07/30/2014 - 5:36pm
I proudly accept the Dayly Line of the Day Award.
I definitely have to watch this show just to see if they use a comment like it somewhere in their scripts. I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of it.
by wabby on Wed, 07/30/2014 - 8:26pm