jollyroger's picture

    Repugnants demand that Price Anderson must die!

    Fooled ya, suckah! You're thinking that some dude named Price has leaked state secrets. Nope. It's the program without which the beloved free market would instantly render commercial nukes economically unfeasible as they are uninsurable

    Despite the invisible hand of the market giving the finger to the nuclear power industry, you will hear only crickets if you listen for signs from the pugs of intellectual honesty It's all "tough love" for the individual poor, but subsidized insurance for an industry that could not stand on its own for five seconds, let alone compete with clean, non lethal renewable power. And yet will they cry, Solyndra! Solyndra!

    Of course, our Solomonic nuclear regulators are way sharper than those feckless Japanese ...Ain't they?


    Please don't leap to point out that Messrs Price and Anderson were Dems. We already know that Prez is in the tank for the nuclear power industry-it's the hypocrisy that burns .

    Humans-too corrupt, too careless, too venal for nuclear power. (one ring....)

    Why not smaller units? Aircraft carriers and nuclear subs have smaller units.

    Instead of massive multi-city/State capabilities. 

    Wouldn't that be a less catastrophic?

    Nope. That just raises the odds the some spent fuel pool will be in the way of the trainwreck/earthquake /plane crash, whathaveyou. you need elite military discipline, superb cost is no object engineering (NASA), but the civilian industry has ....(wait for it) Homer Simpson (d'oh) Even the Germans lack the quotidian level of attention to detail to run a nuclear power industry, and THEY KNOW IT!

    Didn't George W. Bush pioneer this technology as an alternative to cramming cherry bombs up frog's asses when he ran out of bombs but still had leftover sadism? No wait, that was thermal, not photovoltaic ...

    W. pioneered the nuculur industry.

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