This, sadly, was inevitable....

    Over here Richard Day points at it; but he posted before this and this.

    In a nutshell:

    Marine Scott Olsen is deployed twice; comes home injured; joins peace movement; participates in Occupy Oakland; gets shot in head by tear gas canister; currently in critical condition.

    Updates to follow.




    I just received this info on msnbc.

    The GOP: Oh we honor our veterens. ha

    Local police performed this 'service'. Not the GOP

    But the GOP is responsible.

    They have picked up the mantle. I mean only commies would peacefully join in protest! ha

    Here is a hero who will be vilified by FOX.

    But it will be a hard sell, I hope!

    American cops. Saw a marine down, saw people come to help him, then threw a flash-bang grenade into the middle of them.

    Screw the wounded. Use 'em as bait.

    American cops, gotta love 'em.

    More on this, from The Guardian, 3:34 Pacific time yesterday:

    Olsen upgraded to fair condition, according to a report with a dateline about 2 hours ago as I write.

    This just struck me!

    I get caught up in my own little world....nothing on cable that I heard!

    Yeah, how is the hero doing?

    Thank you!

    The UK Guardian has better coverage of the Marine who had his skull cracked in Oakland, and they ask 10 questions.

    I have a few more:

    (1) who was in command of, and responsible for the actions of,  the mob of cops on the street?

    (2) why they were shooting canisters of CS gas instead of using static fogging emitters, especially at the close range involved, which violates published instructions for use of the gas?  Aerial projectiles are well documented to cause a range of serious injuries.

    (3) Did the City of Oakland have medical personnel on the scene to treat the myriad of acute medical reactions to the gas, or to treat trauma? If so, where were they.

    (4) why did the cops flash grenade Scott Olsen when he was down?

    Go Oakland PD, you are the worst police department in the country.

    Answer to question #3 from McClatchy, not only did Oakland NOT have medical services available when Olsen had his skull fractured, THEY WERE UNDER COURT ORDER to have medical teams on the scene, dating from anti-war demonstrations in 2003:

    Friday, Oct. 28: ....But the heat kept rising Thursday on the Oakland Police Department.

    Civil rights attorney Jim Chanin, who has fought the department on many reform issues, said the department on Tuesday had violated its own crowd-control rules, which call for medical services to be available when tear gas and other control measures are used.

    Under court order, the department signed a policy requiring the safety precaution, stemming from a 2003 protest in which officers fired "less-than-lethal" munitions on a crowd at the Port of Oakland protesting the war in Iraq.....

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