The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected--even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.


    Gordy aint a bad speaker actually; not a bad speaker at all.

    A brilliant man or at the least a brilliant speaker actually:

    The Swedish Prime Minister was coming to visit the US in the eighties.

    Isn't he a communist? inquired Reagan of his chief adviser.

    Actually he is an anti-communist

    I don't care what kind of communist he is, I will not deal with him!

    When Ronnie finally met the Prime Minister he asked:

    Is your primary purpose to abolish the rich?

    No Mr. President, my purpose is to abolish poverty!

    Gordon Brown (on Teds ep 2, Power Shift)

    Salecia Johnson is six years old. On April 13, her teachers say she had a temper tantrum in class -- but instead of putting her in time-out, the school called the police

    Salecia was handcuffed, charged with battery, and kept in police custody for an hour before her parents found out what was going on. Though all charges have been dropped, Salecia -- a 6-year-old --  now has an arrest record.

    ( ITEM in my email today)

    SHELBYVILLE, Ind. — A 6-year-old boy is facing criminal charges after being arrested for allegedly kicking his principal.

    The child is charged with battery. Police say he threatened to harm his principal and another staff member last Wednesday.

    “In the big picture, I have to look at, you know, learning environment, have to look at school safety and have to look at student safety,” Hendricks Elementary School Principal Pat Lumbley said.

    The Shelbyville Police Department’s report states that a young boy said the devil told him to do it.

    “This was kind of a culmination of a lot of other things,” Lumbley added.

    Police say this same student had recently come back to school after having been suspended for hitting and biting a teacher.

    Following the most recent incident, the young boy was taken to the police department, where his parents picked him up. He was not handcuffed, but was charged with battery.

    When a six-year-old boy kicked his school principal last week, the school called in police, not parents.

    The student had already been suspended for kicking and biting another official, when he allegedly threatened a teacher and kicked Principal Pat Lumbley. This time, the child was placed in police custody and charged with battery and intimidation.

    Read more: School's battery charges against 6-year-old

    "In the big picture ... I have to look at school safety and have to look at student safety," Lumbley, an Indiana elementary school administrator, told a local Fox affiliate. The county's police lieutenant defended the decision, adding "putting him into the system can open up avenues perhaps the parents don't have."

    But can the penal system really help a troubled kindergartner?

    Increasingly, precincts have become de facto detention centers. In Albuquerque alone 90,000 students, were arrested between 2009-2010. In Texas, an estimated 300,000 kids were give misdemeanors in 2010. That number includes children as young as 6.

    Police arrested an estimated 858,408 persons for cannabis violations in 2009. Of those charged with cannabis violations, approximately 89 percent were charged with possession only. An American is arrested for violating cannabis laws every 30 seconds.

    Source: Uniform Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation

    2,300,000 children arrested in the USA in 2003.

    I am sure of nothing.

    But these figures do not seem right!

    As I read the rise of Autism in the United States, I recall my first encounter of the disease.

    My parents were both incompetent.

    And surely two of my brothers (one especially) suffered from severe mental issues. (Oh yea? Well my mental issues were bad enough?)

    But my first encounter with autism was with the son of a friend of mine. He had only returned from the Army in 1971 after three years plus reading, translating and decoding the Rusky's communications during the Viet Nam War!

    The boy was five years old and as I dined with my friend and his wife, the boy just screamed constantly.

    And I swear that I met that boy on dozens of occasions and he never stopped. Not once.

    A decade later the lad was working for McDonalds and appeared to me to be severely mentally impaired—what we used to call mental retardation.

    But as a child in public school in the old days, the public schools would intentionally take the mentally impaired and spread these poor victims throughout the classrooms.

    And I assure you that Willie Coward (not his real name) never reacted like the son of my friend. And Willie remained in my class until the tenth grade.

    (We moved into the high school and Willie was thrown out of school for playing with himself in the schools one phone booth upon seeing older girls walking the halls!)

    And witnessing the antics of my friend's child was the first time that I had ever heard of the diagnosis of autism.

    The following pdf file attests to the mysteries of the disease and the increase in the diagnoses of this disease amongst our baby/tot population.

    Is this diagnosis related to environmental variables?

    Well a well reasoned article at the NYT demonstrates that there are environmental concerns.

    Is the diagnosis related to the use of mood altering substances by Mom?

    Hi Hope, I had really healthy pregnancies and have 2 kids very affected by autism. a neighbour down the road smoked tobacco and marijuana and her daughter is just fine. A friend of mine from years smoked, used to be a really heavy dope user and it affected his memory and made him quite paranoid( but he was a really heaver user). I dont see how it would alter your DNA which is what it would take for it to affect future pregnancies if you no longer use. Please don't be hard on your self. You were young and you experimented. Like a lot of us. Hugs Liz

    OOps, what I wanted to add also was I see a lot of autistic traits in my brothers and nephews and neices but not to the point that it is a disabillity like with my own 2 children.One brother I am convinced is aspergers/borderline. My father was exposed to radioactivity with his work in the airforce when they did nuclear testing at Woomera and Maralinga, as well as agent orange in Vietnam. I wonder if any of they has affected our family. I saw a documentary recently about vietnam and the terrible birth defects that have occured from villagers being sprayed during the vietnam war. I guess we are always going to wonder what caused this. Hugs LizI know we have talked about different forms of Autism. I remember in Karyn Seroussi's GFCF book when she worried about taking mushrooms in college.

    This issue is discussed by Orion today.

    Is autism related to genetic factors?

    A recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that one in 88 American children has an autism spectrum disorder, up from a previous estimate of one in 110. Scientists, teachers, parents and psychologists are anxious to learn more about these disorders and what treatments are effective in managing ASD. Laura Schreibman, PhD, has the position of distinguished professor of psychology at the University of California, San Diego, where she has been on the faculty since 1983. She directs the UCSD Autism Intervention Research Program, a federally funded research program focusing on the experimental analysis and treatment of autism. She is the author of three books and more than 140 research articles and book chapters. The Science and Fiction of Autism, published in 2005 by Harvard University Press, is her most recent book.

    Well that is all fine and dandy but what environmental variables related to pollution or parental drug use are involved here?

    I am not attempting to get into issues of global warming or fracking or coal plant emissions.

    I just cannot figure out why Texas is all of a sudden arresting 300,000 kids or why six year olds are beyond our control?

    How many ten year olds have shot their NAZI Dads dead with Daddy's own gun—one of many guns I might add?

    I am not intimating that autism is the factor in all these juvenile arrests! But reading of 6 year-olds biting the leg of an elementary school principal leads me to believe that something is awry!

    Maybe the teachers in the 50's just treated the youngest minors differently!

    Surely a sixteen year old in those days might hold up a bank or a 7/11 or drive a car into a neighbors house.

    But in those days, a minor was treated as a minor, at least in these here parts and the biggest punishment available to the judge would be to send the child to some Juvenile Hall until he reached the age of 21.

    The sheer numbers relating to 'minors' being arrested in this country along with the Columbine tragedy and along with the outsourcing of juvenile institutions really bothers me.

    Are the sins of the father being visited upon his children?



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