by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I love it when the gloves come off.
First, Donald Chump Trump played the Cuban/Catholic/(Sp*c) card against Ted Cruz, musing, in his inimitable passive aggressive mode, that few evangelicals come out of Cuba, whereas, he, the Great White Hope of Protestant revanchism (Donald Trump-coming to an Orange Order Belfast march soon), was Presbyterian.
Of course, this ignorant prick doesn't realize that the magic denominational affiliation for evangelicals is Baptist, but, soit.
Anyway, when this bit of anti-Papist bigotry failed to blunt Ted's rise in Iowa, (perhaps because the only slightly swarthy Cruz had not, in fact, ever set foot in Cuba), Trump upped the ante to implicate the Canadian birth that may, in actual fact, torpedo Ted's eligibility under the "natural born citizen" clause of the Constitution.
Leading to the amusing practice of playing of Born in the USA to open the free association sessions that pass for political speeches in Trumpworld.
Well, now, having none of that, Cruz suggests that what Trump should REALLY play as his entrance music is New York, New York, because, you know, he's not actually a heartland American--he's from that city where the Jews run things the culture that corrupts America is conceived and perfected.
Pass the popcorn.
I do not know exactly why, but...
I hereby render unto Jolly the Dayly Line of the Day for this here Dagtblog Site, given to all of him from all of me for this gem:
donald chump
Why this is funny to me? Hell, what is funny is funny, at least to me. hahahahahah
by Richard Day on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 4:01pm
by jollyroger on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 4:14pm
Honesty, remember that?
by Richard Day on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 4:16pm
Just BTW, I tried tweeting this to Ted Cruz's twitter acct in the hopes that someone would pick up on it and in fact have the slip of the tongue moment about which I fantasized, but, alas, no haps.
by jollyroger on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 4:22pm
Hoo-Hah! Jennifer Rubin on Chuck Todd's show just characterized Cruz's "New York values" phrase as an ethnic slur....and what ethnicity did Ms Rubin have in mind, boys and girls?
by jollyroger on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 6:01pm
Swarthy Baptist. I like that.
And I think his favored religious audience cottons on to the idea of spanking people, as he suggested recently---in a bottom of the sewer swipe--should be being administered to Clinton.
I don't know who spanks the Cruz children. Maybe his wife, that Wall st. professional.
Brooks had a good article on my Senator from Texas.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 8:29pm
Disclaimer: I loathe and detest Brooks for the mealy mouthed, self involved twit that he is, but I did love his Cruz takedown.
As to the relish with which Ted fantasizes about spanking Hillary, I can only say
1. ewww
2. He probably is passing on to his daughters the pathological impact of what is, frankly, child abuse, that left him with that pronounced stammer that mars his attempts at smooth discourse.
I don't know why we continue to allow parents to brutalize their kids, and I am even more puzzled by their evident self congratulation for doing so.
The research on this is chillingly clear.
by jollyroger on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 9:27pm
A good thorough description of why Obama is a natural born citizen and why neither John McCain nor Ted Cruz (nor George Romney) are.
Why do Republicans keep foisting Trojan Horses upon us - first a vassal of Panama, then one of the socialist republic of Canada? Of course it will only lead to nationalizing health care and sympathy for either Latin American cocaine or Canadian dope smoking - America's youth are at risk.
More interesting is if Trump and Sanders compete, will they try to out-Jew one another? A bagel in every pot? Bar/Bat Mitzvah as part of "no child left behind"? Kosher-grown ethanol and genetically modified foods? No invasion of Mideast countries or extraordinary renditions on the (Saturday) Sabbath? Who needs TV when we've got
T.Rexthe first Yidelicious election?BTW, what's a "Crypto" Jew? 2-factor authentication? Uses https instead of http? SIngle-signon? Comes with uniquely signed certificates? Or full-on ident, authenticate, authorize? Utilizes secure tunnels? Help me understand...
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 6:28am
a crypto jew is unrepentant, but uncut.
by jollyroger on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 10:01am
Like uncircumcised? Didn't think that was possible.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 10:44am
that's the "crypto" part....he has a variant of the whizzanator
(I really don't like the direction in which this is going...)
by jollyroger on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 11:54am
Shaved his 'nads, then hee was a shee, said hey babe...
Cringe-worthy, eh?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 12:10pm
Also, the shlonging thing...
by jollyroger on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 10:39am
Cruz' New York slur was certainly stupid per se. And in addition he was either anti- semitic or , again, stupid in not . realizing that it was open to that interpretation.To be honest I think the second.
I think he lost the nomination last night.
by Flavius on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 8:24am
actually, I think it was the first. Many are having a field day with the "Jew York" meme. (Ron Kuby, for one.)
by jollyroger on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 9:21am
I got yer NY values right here.... (opencrotchgrab)
by jollyroger on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 9:39am
see below
by jollyroger on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 3:47am
(Cruz cites stroke booth on a street corner as exemplifying NY Values)
*accessible quote:
This is getting way outta hand...
by jollyroger on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 3:47am
to use a New York term, it’s the height of chutzpah.” Cruz, pausing for laughter after the phrase “New York term,” exaggerated the guttural “ch” to more laughter and applause.
If there was any residual doubt...
by jollyroger on Sat, 02/06/2016 - 2:33pm