by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The NRA is having another convention and crazy crazy people will show up and give grand speeches about liberty and the Constitution and the commie liberals.
Mediamatters does a splendid job demonstrating how the voices of the right including Hannity and Nugent and beckerhead and so many other nutjobs have been calling for out-right revolution over the last few years.
Talk about yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater?
Basically there is a call for the hunting down and murder of the liberal commies.
This development is just amazing to me.
The way I interpret some of their rantings, these people are calling for the violent overthrow of the United States Government. At the least they are calling for murder and mayhem.
And of course seriously mentally ill people are listening to this crap and grabbing fire arms and going out and killing people they consider to be commies; hell they even end up killing cops.
Sirota at Salon demonstrates that this ultra violent right wing media is having an affect on our citizenry:
Take a look at the cross-tabs on page 3 of the national survey. That’s right, you are reading it correctly: Almost half (44 percent) of all self-described Republican voters say they believe “an armed revolution might be necessary to protect our liberties.” Just as bad, more Republicans believe an armed revolution might be necessary than believe one isn’t necessary.
Just take a look at what killing machines are being made available to our tots:
The issues surrounding the arming of our children have been around forever.
I mean Davy Crockett was killing barrs when he was only three for chrissakes.
Though rather tame by modern standards, Dragnet—especially on the radio—handled controversial subjects such as sex crimes and drug addiction with unprecedented and even startling realism. In one such example, Dragnet broke one of the unspoken (and still rarely broached) taboos of popular entertainment in the episode ".22 Rifle for Christmas" which aired December 22, 1949 and was repeated at Christmastime for the next three years. The episode followed the search for two young boys, Stanley Johnstone and Stevie Morheim, only to discover Stevie had been accidentally killed while playing with a rifle that belonged to Stanley—who'd be receiving it as a Christmas present but opened the box early; Stanley finally told Friday that Stevie was running while holding the rifle when he tripped and fell, causing the gun to discharge, fatally wounding Morheim. NBC received thousands of complaint letters, including a formal protest by the National Rifle Association. Webb forwarded many of the letters to police chief Parker who promised "ten more shows illustrating the folly of giving rifles to children".
The shooting of the two year-old by the five year old is discussed in our Dagblog news section.
In this case, the rifle was made by a company that sells guns specifically for children – "My first rifle" is the slogan – in colors ranging from plain brown to hot pink to orange to royal blue to multi-color swirls.
"It's a normal way of life, and it's not just rural Kentucky, it's rural America – hunting and shooting and sport fishing. It starts at an early age," said Cumberland County Judge Executive John Phelps. "There's probably not a household in this county that doesn't have a gun."...
"It's a little rifle for a kid. ... The little boy's used to shooting the little gun," White said....
"It's like, oh, my God," she said, "we're having a big national debate whether we want to check somebody's background, but we're going to offer a 4-year-old a gun and expect something good from that?"
And if you are going to arm your children you might as well provide them with some added protection.
The Denver company that supplied Jaliyah’s rucksack, Elite Sterling Security, has sold over 300 in the last two months and received inquiries from some 2,000 families across the US. It is also in discussion with more than a dozen schools in Colorado about equipping them with ballistic safety vests, a scaled-down version of military uniforms designed to hang in classroom cupboards for children to wear in an emergency.
Tomasky at Salon thinks there is Hope.
But we seem to have a history going back 400 years; gun 'mishaps' are nothing new to this country.
I don't know!
It is too easy to make guns, it is far too easy to sell guns, it is far far too easy to make a profit on guns!
Lawrence did a great job on this story last night on MSNBC as did Hayes.
“Because we think fastball pitching is too dangerous for five-year-olds,” he said. “If you are concerned with child safety, you don’t give children guns, you don’t give five-year-olds the keys to the car.”
Now we all know that if you purchase a BB Gun, you will shoot your eye out!
More dangerous weapons might cause much worse tragedies.
I just had no idea they were advertising pink rifles for little girls!
Now I hate the NRA even more than I did before.
Wiki notes that there are a series of laws on the books in several states labeled as CAP. This stands for Child Access Prevention.
You can review a discussion of these statutes here with links.
Perhaps instituting some aspects of CAP in our Federal Statutes (leaving enforcement to the states except in exceedingly repugnant circumstances) would be fruitful.
But this NRA convention bothers me most.
So many speaking to this convention are calling for murder, mayhem and open rebellion AND EVERYBODY THERE HAVE GUNS AND MORE GUNS AND MORE GUNS!
And they are arming our children.
And they are proud of this fact.
I think the whole concept of giving 4 year old children a rifle is sick, perverted and completely insane. But what bothers me the most about the hard-liners is their constant drumbeat that we (them) need rifles to make sure that we have them when we need to rise up against tyranny. The problem, of course, is that due to the extremists ramping up the political rhetoric, tyranny has now been re-defined to mean any opinion that does not strictly adhere to mine (theirs) in every way. If everything that does not 100% agree with me (them) is tyranny, then how can these clowns ever participate in a democracy? All they can do is incite rebellion, which, given the fact that 4 year olds will now be armed, is both scary and incredibly sad.
by MrSmith1 on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 3:35pm
That is exactly it Smith!
We have the right wing just exploding with their expletives and their rage and their call to arms.
And then we are raising a significant portion of tots with nothing but hate for the good ole US of A!
Why is this so different from the Taliban?
by Richard Day on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 3:56pm
The act of governing by duly elected officials with whom you happen to disagree is rarely Tyranny, it is, most often, simply Democracy. And, thanks to our Constitution, fixable at the next election (at least theoretically). It's funny, but on the rare occasions when things could legitimately be described as tyranny, as in the craziness currently going on in Michigan, where duly elected officials are being replaced by "emergency managers" appointed by the governor, the gun-toters are notably silent. To me, that puts the kibosh on that line of reasoning as to why guns are needed.
by MrSmith1 on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 4:19pm
CNN's 'I'm a Mom with a Gun' says you start 'em off at 4 yrs. old with:
"a toy rubber band gun, which she can only play with under our supervision. She is very proficient and smart about her safety. If you ask her what she can and can't shoot she will tell you: “I can't shoot people, pets, or TVs...."
Can't shoot people. Learns it, at 4, honest cross my heart. You can bet your life on it.
At six they progress to a pellet gun, and then graduate to pistol packin' like Mom & Grandma:
As a girl, my mother always told my two sisters and me stories about growing up in the Arizona desert. A sidearm was just as important to her as her boots to protect herself from snakes and other unwelcome critters.
All those critters out there and you gotta be quick on the draw or they'll kill you. See.
That's why we need guns in National Parks cuz they got critters too. Big ones.
And hey, shootin snakes or lizards is fun, lessin the bullet ricochets off a rock and hits you or Grandma. Of course, once you see a snake or a critter you could just walk away, but it's OK to shoot them. But you can't shoot people. pets or TV's.
Mom with her Young Gun.
by NCD on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 4:48pm
This comment may not really on point but the problem with guns is the psychological tendency for split second decisions!
Maybe your wife can throw oatmeal on your head and you will not become too 'heady'.
Maybe your business is doing poorly and there is the solution in your desk!
Maybe the fellow knocking on your door looks 'funny'.
Maybe that sombitch in the lane to the right of you over-reacted and SOMETHING MUST BE DONE and you have a colt in the glove compartment!
The solution is there.
The final solution is right at your fingertips.
I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it any longer. (As Trope quoted recently!)
Well, go ahead and smoke the snakes and protect yourself from wild cats and kill those human-eating bears. But when you are down, when things do not look that good...
Now suicides have surpassed car accidents as far as statistics concerning death!
A third of those suicides involve guns.
Oh that is enough...hahahah
by Richard Day on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 5:02pm
Here we are actually talking about armed revolt; of course on July 4, 2013:
by Richard Day on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 5:31pm
Just the optics of seeing these crazies standing in VA with their loaded AR15's will hurt the GOP. We in this country don't like threats and bullies. Most people turn on their TV on the 4th to see the DC Mall and the activities. And what will they see not the intertainment but a group of insane men milling around on the VA side with weapons as the MSM fall over each other to show it over and over again. I saw a nice red pick up truck the other day with a National Rifle Association sticker on it and some one keyed the crap out of the side and back of the bed above the bumper with the sticker. I wonder if the truck owner got the message. I know I did.
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 5:19am
If you think Wayne LaPierre is nuts, the ne NRA President makes La Pierre look like a Liberal. The new NRA President, Jim Porter, calls the Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression", feels that Holder and Obama are letting the UN undermine the Second Amendment and says that Obama is a Socialist.
Pat Toomey, a staunch Conservative, admits that the background check bill did not get Republican votes simply because the President supported the bill. With the new President of the NRA and the rigidity of Republican legislators, we can expect most Republicans to vote against any background check bill.
The NRA will consider opposition to guns manufactured for children insane as an opening for an assault on parental rights by the government. The NRA will place blame in the toddler shooting solely on irresponsible parents, not on the child abuse represented by giving a child a loaded gun.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 7:18pm
There will be a March on Washington with loaded guns on the Fourth of July.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 7:29pm
I saw the 7/4/13 March on Washington!
they have seen the enemy and it is US!
by Richard Day on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 9:07pm
they have seen the enemy and it is US!
They have the mistaken belief that US (United States citizens) would view them as saviors rather than a group of nuts that represent a threat.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 12:29am
That is why gun reform regulations is not dead. Groups that pose a threat always lose the argument with the US voter.
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 5:25am
A friend of mine is in Houston covering the NRA convention. She emailed me this fun fact: Number of non whites spotted after nine hours at NRA conference: 9. Number of non-whites who were not cleaners, shoe polishers etc: 0
by Michael Wolraich on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 11:13am
Would not you think that these sombitches would at the least wish some appearance of propriety?
Where are the PR people in all of this?
by Richard Day on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 11:47am
That is because the glue that holds them together is racist kind. The 29% of the population that thinks there is going to be a revolution in the next 2 years is expressing their racist feelings.
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 6:14pm
Lotsa irony (and lots to think about as regards racism and guns) in this history about the "true pioneers of the modern pro-gun movement." This part from page two veers into funny, hopefully it will tempt all to click:
Governor Reagan told reporters that afternoon that he saw “no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.” He called guns a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.” In a later press conference, Reagan said he didn’t “know of any sportsman who leaves his home with a gun to go out into the field to hunt or for target shooting who carries that gun loaded.”
by artappraiser on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 6:33pm
On a lazy Sunday where I'm watching video of an old western "Legend of the Golden Gun", the image of armed vigilantes appears. The story is about a man avenging his murdered family. The family was killed by Quantrill's Raiders a Confederacy sympathizing guerilla group that attacked border towns in Missouri and Kansas in an effort to remove those who did not want slavery in the new territories.
The avenger's companion was a well-spoken, book reading fugitive slave. The savagery of the attacks was mostly off-screen, but the danger of random groups of people with guns seeking to settle grievances with the government remained intact.
Interestingly, one of Quantrill's most trusted scouts was an African-American, John Noland. Noland attended reunions of Confederate soldier's after the war. We shouldn't be surprised if some African-Americans continue to support the NRA despite the increasing nuttiness of the organization. They, like John Noland do not represent majority Black opinion, but will be used to cover the racism.
The NRA solution of good guys with guns runs the large danger of vigilante groups answerable to no one. Quantrill did not always follow orders from Confederate leaders even after the group was mustered into the Confederacy.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 5:41pm
There was some show in the 60's called the Vigilantes.
I cannot find it right now.
Clint Eastwood did a few films on this subject.
Quantrill was a goddamnable Confederate as was Jesse James and a hundred other terrorists!
It is all in the perspective or propaganda as they say.
We lost.
No we did not!
That is what the KKK contended for years.
Now we have this NRA speaker telling us that the Civil War was a War of Northern Aggression even though the damned Confederates fired first. Lincoln made sure of that!
These people are revisionists who would turn the tide as it were.
Screw em!
It is like the teabaggers who dress up like Colonialists.
It is all crap.
Oh I get so damn mad!
All the revisionists wish to do is to sell more guns.
One of these bastards contended that we should store our ARMS in our children's closets.
I have not figured out how to respond to this crap.
that's all I got.
by Richard Day on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 4:06am
I do think the image of peaceful US citizens surrounded by a bunch of nuts with guns in the wake of recent shootings will not play well for the NRA.The NRA is going crazy because they are being pressed by gun groups that are even more hardiness.Until rational gun owners speak up, the wingnut voices will carry the day.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 1:21pm
Hi Arthur!
Keep well
Big hug
by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 4:14pm
Give me a link or something or something will ya?
I miss ya.
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 4:50pm