The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    mageduley's picture

    VIDEO: Obama's Firey Sermon

    Obama blasts Pat Roberson, Jerry Falwell, Dobson, Sharpton, popular megachurches, "Jesus Christ would not vote for Barack Obama" and more - in this passionate sermon given in 2006.Check it out:
    oleeb's picture

    The Spitzer Sex Sting: A few More Questions

    Scott Horton at Harper's has been covering the political crucifixion of former Alabama Governor Don Siegleman for some time.  In a brief comment at Harpers he has this to say about the situation concerning the once up and coming Governor...
    mageduley's picture

    Countdown "Special Comments" ON HILLARY

    Set your recording devices now. I just heard Keith Olbermann say he is doing a Special Comment on Hillary tomorrow night. MSNBC @8pm/7central.He usually saves these segments for GWB himself. Judging from his previous blistering Special Comments, this one could...
    Barth's picture

    Spitzer's money laundering

    An STR reporting that the governor of a large state is laundering tens of thousands of dollars, even if a small amount for a drug operation or one of the typical reasons for doing so, must raise the eyebrow of...

    Experiencing Fatigue on the Campaign Brain?

    Here's something that might help you think about something else--Amy Sullivan's welcome new book The Party Faithful.I found it a fascinating look deep inside a world which the mainstream media for the most part seems afraid to touch or simply does not...
    mageduley's picture

    Hillary is no Einstein

    I found this quote too good to pass up and while I did use it in a few comments, I felt it needed its own post. Hillary and McCain have both dismissed the power of well thought out words. They push...
    oleeb's picture

    Obama: What Blacks and Progressives Have Bought Into

    Here is a commentary I think ought to be of interest to TPM visitors written by Glen Ford who is Ex. Editor at a blog called:  His is a perspective little seen or heard at the more heavily visited...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Did We See The Same 60 Minutes?

    Did I see the same 60 minutes as everyone else here?  If Hillary's inability to give a direct answer in support of her rival's religious affiliation gets everyone in a twitter, I think you missed the BIG story. Maybe you...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Next President

    Experience?  Toughness?  Patriotism?  Christian?  These simplistic (and one of which is illegal) requirements, considering our previous presidents; successful and not, make me want to take another look.  What does it take to be a competent President in the Twentyfirst Century?I'll start with...
    mageduley's picture

    Testing Cartoon (wish we had a preview)

      prev cartoonpng.jpg next Thumbnails...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Talking Points Memo -- Suggestions and Complaints

    We've had some time to  work with the bugs (like the one that remains, where my log-on password is not accepted when I post), but those are irritants, which will eventually disappear --  hopefully.  There are some other features of...

    Snippets From the Front Lines, AKA Peoples' Homes

    Snippets from the front lines, aka peoples' homes: A report from Pennsylvania, a suburb west of Philly.  My brother-in-law is a diehard Fox-washed Bush supporter who has been contributing to McCain, calling him a "Democrat" who he nonetheless sees has...

    Paging Dr. Krugman...

    I've just finished The Conscience of a Liberal.  Thank you--it was fantastic.  I recommend it, along with Jacob Hacker's The Great Risk Shift, tpmcafe's Jared Bernstein's All Together Now, and tpmcafe's Elizabeth Warren The Two Income Trap, as the best books I've...
    mageduley's picture

    We are not as divided as our MSM suggests

    It is interesting to note the MSM insists on slicing and dicing us into racial groups. While our constitution says everyone is equal, it seems the boomer generation's reporting keeps pushing the racial/gender meme. I don't mean they are degrading...

    Question: Your Thoughts on Cultural Change in the US?

    What do you see as the biggest cultural change(s) in the US over the past 15-20 years that might have a substantial impact on our politics going forward?If you know of an interesting article on this topic please feel free...

    Georgia Young Republicans say talk radio divisive

    Yesterday Georgia's Young Republicans passed a formal resolution denouncing leading right-wing talking heads for spreading disunity in the ranks.  Maybe some sanity is returning to the country.  One can only hop. Therefore, be it resolved, this 5th Day of February,...

    Iraq and the Election: What Am I Missing?

    Ok.  We have a presidential election year.  We have what has been a deeply unpopular war going on in Iraq.  We have money going out from the Bush Administration to people who in different circumstances might be referred to as--take your pick--thugs,...

    An Edwards Supporter's Reaction as He Bows Out

    (would screw up the open thread Andrew set up on account of length, so I post here instead) I wondered all along if deep down he really wanted the nomination, given Elizabeth's health issues, or was in more to try...

    Between Soapboxes

    An open thread to which I invite you to share what you are reading, thinking, viewing but don't feel like writing a dissertation about.  ...

    Florida Angst

    A friend of mine, active in Democratic politics in the Tampa area, is royally PO'd about Florida not having a say in who the Democratic nominee is. A Hillary supporter, he is blaming Howard Dean for what is another file...

    Letter from MLK III to Senator John Edwards

    Completely overlooked in all the hoopla over the Clinton-Obama spat in the South Carolina debate, was this letter to Sen. Edwards from the slain civil rights leader's son, written on the day set aside to honor his father's memory:Dear Senator...
    jollyroger's picture

    QUERY: Who was the genius behind Fred Thompson's kamikaze run? McCain?

    His mission accomplished, the man who, famously, "campaigned as if he really didn't want to be president" (hint: he didn't), gratefully returns to private life. Assuming (as we may without excessive cynicism) that the sole purpose of his run was...

    CNN's undemocratic polling

    This morning, I downloaded the pdf of the January 12 CNN poll results that's available at TPM Election Central (you can download the pdf yourself here) and I was astounded - CNN has excluded John Edwards from their polling! Edwards...

    Campaign Non-Discussables

    Is it a) legitimate b) advisable to factor into one's decision on how to vote in the presidential primaries any of the following: Edwards Elizabeth's long-term prognosis. Is it legitimate to have qualms about voting for John Edwards based on...

    Crypto-evangelical code?!?

    WTF?  is an uncharacteristically shrill post by Josh over at TPM.WTF, indeed.If Huckabee communicating in the traditional idioms and current themes from his culture is crypto-evangelical code, is Yiddish cryto-Judaic code?  Meshuge.And enough already with the deliberately derogatory dog-whistle analogy.  How would you...
