by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
After attacking Japan today and "lamenting what he views as an unequal military alliance" Wednesday, claiming that if the US is attacked, Japan "doesn't have to help us at all" and "can watch it on the Sony television."
He then lit into Mexico and connected an 1848 Treaty to the crisis at the border.
Trump also asked why Mexico got paid millions for losing a war against the US in "the Treaty of Guadalupe"... "Mexico attacked us and we responded, then to settle the war they gave us Utah, Colorado and California which were already American anyway, and then they got paid a huge sum of blackmail money." He went on "Who names a Treaty after the woman who used to clean my resort residence in New Jersey?"
The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo called for the U.S. to pay $15 million to Mexico and to pay off the claims of American citizens against Mexico up to US$5 million Wikipedia
Trump tweeted later and expanded his complaints and connected them to the national emergency at the border, "The Wall will be much shorter and easier to build the further south it is, unfortunately whoever drew the line drew it in the wrong place."
The Treaty was signed under President Polk.
Trump went on to say it was the worst deal ever made and he was "thinking of withdrawing from the Treaty and moving the border straight across Mexico from the southern tip of Texas to the ocean."
"It makes no sense to have a too long border with a river that is drying up, but can still drown people. I'm going over the maps, we'll see what happens." The President added, "They say Polk was a Democrat, I am not surprised."
Leaks from the Department of Justice say Trump wants a question added on the 2020 census for the new American territories reading:
What are the names and dates of birth for household members born before the Treaty of Guadalupe?
A spokesmen for ICE said on White House orders, the Immigration Service has created a list of "millions" of names of Mexican persons who do not match any names from the 1840 US census, or Mexican records from that period.
White House sources say Trump advisor Stephen Miller has convinced Trump people in the new sovereign American territory should be deported if they have any criminal record, to the south of the new border. Those already living there with no criminal record would be given the opportunity to stay in their homes if they can prove they have lived there since 1848.
Trump Considering Pulling U.S. Out of Constitution
by jollyroger on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 3:44pm
heh, that's a pretty damn good Trumpmind imitation, almost NCD quality
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 3:46pm
Thanks AA.
It would be a big win for Trump to pull out of it.
Hadrian built a beautiful straight wall right across Britain (Miller discussing this w/Trump) why can Trump, across what sneaky Mexico tricked us out of?
by NCD on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 5:17pm
Absolutely. Hadrian is an example of somebody who's doing an amazing job and is being recognized more and more. Big impact!
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 7:05pm
Like half of this stuff, it's already done - we juat have to come to grips with the new normal.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 3:57pm
Trump: "I looked at the Constitution, somebody brought it up. It doesn't say my job is to make America great, put America first, that's what I'm doing and if somebody says thats unconstitutional, I say it's wrong and maybe we need a new one."
by NCD on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 5:35pm
I don't get why Trump gets so much support. Real men don't pull out until there's a glorious sensational conclusion.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 6:55pm
Ever since military school, Trump has been a big athletic supporter, so I suppose athletes, at least, support him back...
by jollyroger on Fri, 06/28/2019 - 2:20am
Judging from his department store encounters, I'd say a momentary fleeting warm sticky photo finish is as close to "glorious" as he'll ever conclude. Real men usually stick around to put it all the way in as well. We're just discussing whole different ball games.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 06/28/2019 - 8:02am
Is it really surprising that Trump would pull out early with the finish to come later? He made it clear when he said, "I alone can fix it."
by ocean-kat on Fri, 06/28/2019 - 2:40pm
"Later" is a bit exaggerated - seems to be a tight flow of events.
And he specifically said, "I alone will handle it", if I recall correct.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 06/29/2019 - 6:36am
Trump sees 1848 Treaty opening way for "real border DMZ with Mexico."
In Korea he admired the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, which is there due to the Korean War never ending. Trump yesterday:
Trump on the DMZ: "We’ll be at the area. We may go to the DMZ, or the border as they call it. That, by the way, when you talk about a wall when you talk about a border, that’s what they call a border. Nobody goes through that border. That’s called a real border."
Later Trump said, his idea to quit the 1848 Treaty with Mexico would be a "win." It would mean the war with Mexico wouldn't be over, although "it would be over, like Korea" he said, and a DMZ like Korea's could be set up on the new southern border. Secured by the military. Trump - "I like Kim's DMZ, it would be great to do it here."
by NCD on Sat, 06/29/2019 - 10:45pm
Ironically, John C Calhoun (surely Trump's soulmate) not only prevented the Trump Border Plan from being effectuated in the first place, he also, albeit unintentionally, warned us against Trump, viz:
"None but people advanced to a very high state of moral and intellectual improvement are capable, in a civilized state, of maintaining free government."
by jollyroger on Sun, 06/30/2019 - 1:38am
Anger @ Fox News tonight, wassup with that?
by artappraiser on Sun, 07/07/2019 - 7:56pm
Breaking news at the moment is Trump "wants the press to visit the detention centers" apparently including the notorious Clint Texas one the "failing fake news" NYT just did a big, front page investigation on. Maybe Fox News mentioned that investigation.
Fox News will likely throw Trump under the bus when 'developments' make bullshitting for him a losing propo$ition, (think how GWB was tossed overboard 'he is really a librul' after the economy went off the cliff).
WHO KNOWS? We'll see what happens, right?
by NCD on Sun, 07/07/2019 - 10:05pm