I mean, come on, it's time to get serious, folks. Obviously, Mr. Romney and President Obama are unacceptable options to a vast number of whiners ... err, bloggers ... err... voters. But, now, Instead of wetting our beds, err, writing derisive inflammatory blogs about the heinous qualities of both major party candidates, ... errr, NOT voting ... there is, finally, a viable, sane alternative candidate. (Sorry Ron Paul.)
With a cold eye for detail, (and a colorful scarf), this candidate knows how to freeze spending. Some even say that he won the Cold War (No, not THAT Cold War.) He is the fusion candidate for President, and trust me, for him, Global Warming is personal. He has traveled not only around the country but around the world. In 2008, just before he went to Iraq, it snowed in Baghdad for the first time in 50 years. Coincidence? He is currently on his way home from a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan. Has Mitt Romney been to both Iraq and Afghanistan? I don't think so ...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the long-time mascot of the town of Spondyville*, the current goodwill ambassador for the Global Ankylosing Spondylitis Project (GASP), and 2012 fusion candidate for President, Stiffy the Snowspondy!
(* Spondyville is known as "The little town that Time forgot, but Spondylitis remembered." Although some people claim it is a fictional place, it is quite real and is located West of Springfield, East of Twin Peaks, South of Lake Woebegon, North of Dogpatch and across the ocean from Brigadoon. In Spondyville, all the women are stiff, the men are bent over and the children are on anti-inflammatories. )
"Stiffy" The Snowspondy, whose nickname refers to his stiffness caused by the arthritis condition that he suffers from, "Frostylitis", (the Snow-person form of Spondylitis), first ran for President in 2008 with the "Queen of Spondyville Society", Marie Strumpell as his running mate. This time around, however, Mrs Strumpell begged off, citing personal reasons. So, Stiffy has looked closer to home and tapped his own twin brother, Spiffy the Snowspondy, the mascot of Spondyville's baseball team, the Fusers, to be his running mate.
Stiffy-Spiffy 2012 has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
In 2008, Stiffy's campaign slogan was: "It takes a Stiff man to do a hard job!" This time the campaign slogan for Team Snowspondy is: "If you hate 'em both, Vote Snow!"
Remember folks, if you can write, you can write them in!
Here are some of the current Stiffy the Snowspondy campaign posters.

You can see a lot more of Stiffy's campaign posters and learn more about his candidacy by going to his campaign website.
In 2012, take a page out of the Currier and Ives playbook, and "Vote Snow!"
Yeah, I know this is silly stuff, but it's a slow day here at Dagblog, with Genghis getting married, et al, so I thought I'd have some fun when no-one was looking. ;-)
I'm voting for Snow! Woot!
by tmccarthy0 on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 1:19pm
Stiffy has run a very positive campaign so far ...

But did have to make an apology for the confusion caused by this poster:

Which was not actually referring to Mr. Romney, but rather to most Snowspondys having an irrational fear of wool.
by MrSmith1 on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 1:55pm