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    Want to Change Your Enemy; Lead By Example

    In recent days, I have noticed that there is a swell of ill-will not just against Cheney, Bush, Rove, Boehner, and Palin, but against the party they serve, the ideas they represent, and the ordinary people who believe in their agenda.  This comes not only from the media, but from those of us rank and file who volunteered and voted.  This ill-will is so bad that it is spilling over, to the man we put our hopes in, and to the people who are defending his recent decisions. 

    It is known I once was a Republican.  I am no longer one.  But I should point out that I didn't leave because the rank and file were evil, unethical, or dishonest. They had some horrible leaders then (and now) and a philosophy I constantly found myself at odds with, and a base that they allowed to be xenophobic, racist, and illogical.  I was not comfortable with that.

    I now sympathize with my fellow Democrats that torture has to be prosecuted on some level.  I believe in telling the truth, and the Bush white House didn't just deceive us--they lied to us.  The consequences of that will be felt in some families for the rest of their lives, for which there is no recompense.  I have my own laundry list of objections for the GOP of dislike and regret as well.   

    What to do with all this foolishness.....

    I shouldn't feel bad.  After all, to assert that there is no dealing with them is understandable when looking at Boehner, Rush, Cheney, Palin and their likes.

    But then there is my human side; the side that forgives my family members when they do something improper, my kids when they do something disrespectful, and my enemies, when they do something hateful.  What to do..

    To dismiss them all as either corrupt or soulless people--is just the kind of demonizing I am against.  Just because they did it for 8 years, and some still want to now shouldn't give me license to be prejudiced against them all now. I hope that their leadership changes, that they return to a day when a great leader with moral considerations and common sense like Lincoln or Eisenhower led their party, and I hope that the current leaders realize time has passed their mentality by.

    See, one thing that drew me back into the fold was that the Democrats seem to understand that all of the world is full of worthwhile people, not just the USA. It is that kind of openness, inclusion, and welcoming of debate that made me a Democrat. Just because we have means, motives and opportunities to send the Republican Party to the stone age, I don't believe we should be ad hominem about the people who believe in their cause just as strongly as we do ours. We would be foolish to dismiss the opportunity or goal as Republicans, or any other group of human beings, to have them as potential allies on different issues, and instead see the quality of friendship that lies beyond ideology.

    That is what I am for; Progress.  Change.  Hope. 

    If that idea seems naive, consider that these were our slogans when we elected the first African-American President last fall.  We did this.  Maybe it is as naive as those who condemn all Republicans as wastes of space. Only I believe the former heads us in a better direction as a society and as individuals.

    I won't say I always felt this way, but I am secure enough now as a human being, and as a man--to sit down at a table and openly and honestly discuss these hard issues, real life stuff, with someone who is diametrically opposed to those views. I feel secure saying what I truly feel, and saying what is behind those feelings, and I would welcome that from whomever totally disagreed. And I can do this, most importantly without taking it personally, not getting emotion in the way, not letting my issues build--but rather discuss those issues to get at the common understandings all men can have, even over party lines.

    When people can actually do that, they can overcome their prejudices, overcome their hate and fear, and actually learn from the unlikeliest people. And it works in both directions. And despite who their leaders are, what agenda their working for, or against--those hypothetical people can be friends. What a great example for the world, is to lead by example of how simple "being the change you wish to see" is.

    We can pummel them into eternity for their ill deeds.  Or, we can lead good lives, win elections, talk to them as friends or associates--and actually help them; teach them a better way. 

    That's what we would do as a friend, a parent, a co-worker, or a family member.

    Yes, I am preaching--but for a noble cause I believe. Some might say a lost cause, but I remember the Mr. Smith Goes to Washington line, "My father once said that the lost causes were the ones worth fighting for."

    What a great line to go into battle with.




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