The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Beckerhead and rush and savage and a number of other folks discovered that if they keep on the side of entertainment and skip real political analysis (without the need of fact checking) that they would be rewarded.

    And rewarded they were, by the big bucks.

    As early as High School and later in college, students are given the opportunity to 'debate'.

    I ended up in Law School and they took that 'debate' theory' through all kinds of chaos.

    I mean as a lawyer, you argue what you can on behalf of your client.

    Hell, the client pays you so...what the hell!

    Now we come to the stages of hell that include cheney and feith and rummy and yoo and a number of other satans!

    As far as I know, there is only one time that I have seen cheney apologize for anything!

    And that was when he was interviewed by Russert!

    So if rush is told he has gone too far....hell, I am just an entertainer.

    So if beckerhead goes too far....hell, I am just an entertainer.

    So if savage goes too far....well there just aint too far for a savage!

    Now, an attorney can argue just about anything; even if there are no 'teeth' in the argument.

    Just ask Orly Taitz!

    But, as I have argued several times over the last four years; Michele Bachmann is a different animal, as it were.

    I have also written several times over the years that we must always confront the obvious:

    How in the hell do we know what we know?

    How in the hell are we sure about what we 'know'.


    And lastly, how does one 'prove' anything?


    I just wish to review Bachmann's history for a second.

    Bachmann claims that she was on a bus somewhere reading one of my favorite 'historical novels'.

    The novel was entitled 'BURR' and the novelist was one Gore Vidal.

    She claims that half way through the book she decided to throw it away as anti-American propaganda and that she would pursue another avenue toward 'Americanism'.

    Michele did come to a point as an adult where she was going to go for the almighty dollar.

    And where are those dollars located?

    Those dollars exist in the Govment as it were.

    And so she and her strange hubby entered into a Foster Care Program whereby they received salaries and food stamps and health care and rent monies and all sorts of goodies coming from the Feds as well as the State of Minnesota.

    Ms. Bachmann ended up going to some 'Christian Law School' (on a Federal Grant/Loan Program, of course) and found a job with the IRS.

    Michele then went on to receive a position in the Minnesota State Senate whilst she and her hubby were still receiving State and Federal Funds for their Foster-Care Program.

    So basically, Michele has never ever been off of the Federal teet as they say.

    She and her almost-gay partner have subsisted on Government Funds all of their adult life.

    Now of course, she claims that she and her partner run their own 'business'.

    But forget that idiocy for a minute.

    Michele makes $170,000 at the public trough as a Congresswoman.

    But she looks around and understands that she was able per her 'message' to collect thirty million bucks every two years into her campaign trough.

    Okay, so now you have the Feds breathing down your neck (including the FBI) for bribery and extortion and violations of a hundred laws related to campaign financing.

    And you discover what Palin discovered years ago; hell, just give me the money!

    And you discover that for the first time in your goddamnable life, you will no longer be on the Public Teet!

    Does anyone have any idea what rover makes as he collects 300 mill during one year as a campaign fund CEO?

    Karl is a millionaire many times over.

    Palin knows this.

    And Michele knows this.

    Karl and Palin and a host of others dictate some nonsensical tome on a recording Machine and end up with millions in their respective pockets.

    And Michele is looking at these folks and thinking: WTF?

    Now lets go back to the Sophists for a second.

    Recall that the old law school 'approach' to would be attorneys was called the 'Socratic Method'

    There is no truth

    We can only argue 'the facts'

    And freedom of speech tells us, supposedly, that the TRUTH will somehow win out if 'all sides' can be heard, heard by the masses I suppose.

    Okay, that is enough of that.

    Just suffice it to say that the cheneys and the feiths and the yoos and the rummys gave up on the idea of 'truth' a long long time ago.

    I think that these icons from the right pretend to believe in the 'Greater Truth' but that 'Greater Truth' becomes hazy over a period of time until these folks all end up nihilists.

    The only truth is that we must always do whatever we can do in order to achieve power and collect money.

    Now the truth be told, Michele was always looking after her own ass. I mean how else could someone who has been on the public teet her entire adult life run on some 'ideology' that attacks all those on the public teet?

    So yes, Bachmann is a hypocrite!

    Michele knows damn well that she has received all of her monies from the government and wishes to cut off funds from the poor and the sick and the sore and the disabled pretending that her wishes involve some ideology!

    She knows this!

    But now, she can make the big bucks.

    If Palin can do it, she can do it—and this why she ran for Prez in 2012!

    I have no doubt about this whatsoever.

    Now I made an argument that this woman is severely mentally ill.

    I do not think that rusho is mentally ill, or that cheney is mentally ill, or that feith or a or a number of fascist pricks are mentally ill. These types of neocons or modern fascists or whatever you wish to call these monsters are anything less but acting intentionally. Although I am sure that beckerhead is mentally ill but that is a subject for another day!

    These people simply wish to acquire power and eventually hit the big bucks.

    Now Michele never was going to acquire any real power.

    I mean, count the number of bills this idiot has co-sponsored over the years.

    She is an idiot.

    If there is one oxymoron that shall mark itself in our dictionaries over the next century it has to involved Bachmann as a member of the Intelligence Committee because she is a moron!

    But Michele was always looking for bucks.

    We have come into a new era.

    It is the era of the peasant.

    I watch alligator hunters who are incapable of speaking the English language.

    I can watch idiots in some LV pawn shop attempt to give me the history of King Arthur for chrissakes.

    I can watch 'chefs' continually throw salt and fat and butter and a hundred other murderous additions into their cooking pans and smile as the eaters attempt their ways to a certain death.

    There is a new movie out there about Liberace.

    Liberace was a goddamn liar.

    He actually won a libel suit in England when he sued a publisher for calling him a 'puff'.

    Liars have always been with us.

    I must concede that sometimes, sometimes Michele is lying to us.

    But as I have previously attempted to argue, Michele is severely mentally disabled.

    And if you do not believe this statement, tell me why her State Senate staff abandoned her.

    Tell me why her U.S. Congressional staff abandoned her.

    And finally, tell me why her Presidential Campaign staff abandoned her.

    And now these lost members of her several staffs are informing on her to the FBI along with other investigatory agencies.

    Michele really believes (IMHO) that God speaks directly to her.

    Dick Cheney never once, that I can find, even pretended to have heard the voice of God!

    W Bush claims that somehow he receives God's Messages.

    Rove never has believed in anything of course.

    But Michele, in her mentally ill state, really believes that at times, the Good Lord speaks to her.

    Here are some links, that were printed today on the web discussing the misstatement of facts coming out of the mouth of this Oracle:

    Oh and to add some more substantive opinions on the subject. hahahah


    To sum up; as if we can ever sum up anything!

    Michele Bachmann is out of her goddamn mind!

    Michele is a money grubber.

    Michele is seeking fame in order to grab more monies.

    Michele will sell books that have no content that reasonable people will ever use in real life.

    Michele will continue to sell a philosophy that would only be pertinent in a parallel universe.

    Michele is an idiot in that she cannot process info like the 'rest of us?'

    Thank the good Lord, we will not have to see this moron any longer in our Congress although she will regularly appear on FOX and the NYT best seller list!


    Remember what the Doormouse said:

    It's in your head!

    It's in your head!


    Yes she is chasing White Rabbits.  I guess she is in Russia with a couple of Republicans to investigate the Boston Marathon Bombing.  She was just getting off the plain in Russia when the announcement was posted on you tube. Like the FBI can't handle this themselves, we have to send the keystone cops from the House.  Maybe she is will run against Franken for Senate if the ethics charges don't catch up with her?She hasn't a pray of a chance at that.

    Oh Momoe! You make me laugh.

    You are the only person who read this. hahahahahahah

    I will tell you this; something you already know. I would actually pay money that I do not have to see Michele, my belle run against Franken.


    We have two great Senators again representing us in the US Senate.

    And Amy and Al are the best pair we have had in years, and I mean years!

    Bachmann would be crushed. hahahahahah

    Again, I may not have been mentally healthy for the last couple of decades, but Bachmann is NUTS and Minnesotans, on the whole, really, really understand this fact.



    Oh and I wish to add Momoe.

    Senator Klobuchar is one of my heroes.

    I was reading her daddy's columns when I was ten!

    And I would really love to see her run as a Presidential Candidate.

    If Hillary cannot make it, Amy can!

    We need a female President, in my humble opinion.

    I agree with you about a Lady President.  Amy has many fans.  Bachmann hears voices so there is no telling why she made that announcement.  She could be in serious trouble with ethics and is trying to head off the worst of it.  We will have to see if she is walking on the sane side or is off in la la land. I am glad to see her go.  Out side of her district she is toast.

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