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    Wounded by Articleman, a cut of the most unkindest sort, that being a true one.,

    In a glancing blow that I think should have been called a foul, but these corrupt refs can't see  past the home team jersey so what can you do, but anyway, driving for the hoop A man jammed me for  manifesting insufficient committment to ecumenicism.on account of a willingness to offend where a prilevege to be free of offense is asserted by my fellow world citizans.

    To which I reply that I am being offered a false choice--we do not tolerate in our own jurisdictions a  police force which shrugs at some calls for service because there's no dope to confiscate and sell in the garage.

     A true world government would be in Uganda (LRE) Sudan, Somilia, Ivory Coast,  Zimbwabe, in a heartbeat because that is their proper job, just like the cops will come if someone is breaking in your window and you let them know.

    So I would have my blue helmets in Mazar with my UN personnel, (now deceased).

    BTW, capital punishment is a clear violation of R2P and would not  survive even the slightest upward migration of sovereignty.


    Wow; I had meant to ask earlier if your title meant 'A Man', or 'A-man'.  Thanks for the clarification; now can you translate the rest for the uninitiated please?  Hate to always be the one who asks, but...there it is.

    The whole thing grew out of the prosecute Jones for the UN (+) deaths, whereI had manifested an unneighbourly willingness to cheer on the somewhat "inyourface" meme of letz all draw muhammed, how ya like me now...

    So A man,( carefully choosing his verb), gently drew my attention to the ecumenicism I was "touting", and the contradictory positions i was taking by endorsing the drawing of mohammed while arguing that a combination of :"depraved indifference" culpability and "common law intent "(that is, , one is presumed to intend the likely outcomes of his actions.) could, together, provide a foundation for criminal liability attaching to Jones' purely symbolic speech.

    Since Jones could hardly have claimed ignorance that riots and resultant deaths were probably outcomes,  there is a jurisprudential thread that imputes culpability, albeit it is normally reserved for the reasonable outcome of actions, not of speech and we have defined the koran burning as symbolic speech (quare: correctly?)

    So, anyway, I had raised depraved indifference as a possible heading under which prosecution might be possible (I never actually endorsed the idea of such a prosecution, and, on reflection, I dont...)

    That was prolix, but does it help?

     0h wait--there's the other stuff.  I was trying to insulate my world government push from the confusion i had unleashed by truely garbling my position on the criminal liability/nastiness in speech issue.  So I pointed out that taking as a starting point a world in which anarchy reigns ( unless the trouble spot is the location of desired resources) put me in an impossible conundrum if I wanted to vindicate the right of the UN workers to keep living and at the same time the right of all of us muhammed-drawers to have our little fun.

    A real world govt would enforce freedom of speech, in my opionion, and would also prevent such flagrant idiocy as imposing collective punishment on UN aid workers for Jones insults.

    Specially, where the potential victims are UN personnel, but I would extend the principle

    So i had to draw a distincition between peace keeping as it is now practiced, (ad hoc, by the United States) to how it would look in a real world government.

    Wow.  I'm going with 'the answer IS:

    You both need some Thorazine. 


     some Thorazine.

    !. I did mention "prolix"

    2. Thorazine is so 1900 & Late.

    Isn't there anything better for my condition now?

    Either Prozac or Acid. I understand they both have about the same effect.

    They gave me Prozac at one of the homes, but there was a nurses aide who used to let me watch her do things to herself If I gave her my prozac, so I never really got to try it...

    Imagine what would have happened if you gave her the Acid.

    O Maaan....I needed the acid for myself.

    All the "basketball stuff", btw, was pure obfuscation in the Ray Maiorrazi, Cartalk Puzzler Vein...But I was responding to Aman's "well played"

    I am reminded of that scene in Lawarence Of Arabia where LarryA elects himself executioner in a bit of sandy jurisprudence because he is an outsider and will not perpetuate the endless cycle of revenge that anybody else available at the time would have kick started by shooting the felon.

    Perhaps the world government you are rooting for should have special departments that create offensive material for all cultures everywhere. The more people complain about the output, the more gets made.

    Freedom of speech is getting more andf more expensive...but a converse policy leaves the state open to the complaints of the thin skinned--that's exactly hou the Danish cartoons took on life of their own as a cause, because in Denmark you can make a complaint about another's speech and urge clriminal liability.  Hence the state must vindicate your claim, and then what?  Only silence unreasonably nasty speech, but not garden variety Monty Python?

    Just think.

    If the US had a plan and stuck to it, we would have been out of Afghanistan years ago and this wouldn't be an issue.

    The only workable afghan conquest plan is  don't even think about it....,

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