The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    amike's picture

    WHAT THE "H'' IS GOING ON??? 21/25ths spam at 9:12 e.d.t.

    The headline says it all...except for this.  The masthead at the cafe now lists only Josh Marshall.  So is the chief minding the store by himself, or is nobody minding the store.  For all the fixes proposed, things seem to...

    My tech recommendation for TPM.

    Josh:I know the cafe isn't a huge money maker and your business model doesn't warrant a full time employee for the site. I also am lacking in some basic information about your system and capacities so I'm sort of going...

    The mechanics of individual mandates.

    Individual Responsibility. It sounds so practical. Who wouldn't be in favor of that? And the Patriot Act is just so ... patriotic. As you likely know, this is the code word for individual mandates in the various versions of the...
    Ramona's picture

    Who Loves Ya, Labor?

    On Tuesday two emails appeared in my box, one after the other, both asking me for help in doing something about the sorry state of labor in this country.  One was from John Sweeney, the outgoing AFL-CIO president.  This is...

    Public Radio in the Private Interest

    Just today, the nexus of public radio and private profits gave us NPR's national political corespondent and "Fox News Sunday" pundit Mara Liasson Liarsson defending Obama's critics like Joe Wilson as no more caustic or irrational than George Bush's critics....
    Richard Day's picture


    ( Editors Note: 74% of all white voters in South Carolina voted against Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election.) Tea Party" leader Mark Williams appeared on a CNN panel on "Anderson Cooper 360" last night and promptly set...

    A Quick DEBUNKING of the GOP's "Obama Started It" Meme re: Joe Wilson

    In grasping for some rationalization for standing by their man who shouted "You Lie!", the Republicans have ONCE AGAIN chosen bald-faced lies.*  "Obama started it" just doesn't fly, and here's (one of several reasons) why: Rep. Steve King's (R-IA) remark...
    oleeb's picture

    The Insurance Industry Profit Protection And Enhancement Act

    According to Sen. Bernie Sanders, 18,000 Americans die annually because they do not have access to our medical system.  A million people declare bankruptcy annually due to their inability to pay medical bills.  Medical expenses are now the number one cause of bankruptcy in...
    jollyroger's picture

    Hey, Prez! Pissing on The Magna Carta makes the Baby Jesus cry. (updated, h/t RMcC&DD)

    My neices used to call me “The Pharmacist” out of appreciation for my varied knowledge of psychotropics, but even I cannot find in my inventory the pill to cure the cognitive dissonance (pace Sal).that is making my head explode. Glenn...
    Richard Day's picture


    Whenever you advise a ruler in the way of the Tao, Counsel him not to use force to conquer the universe. For this would only cause resistance. Thorn bushes spring up wherever the army has passed. Lean years follow...
    amike's picture

    You Heard it here Second. Coonsey caught it first. The Majority of Doctors Support Public Health Option.

    A RWJF survey summarized in the September 14, 2009 edition of the New England Journal of Medicineshows that 62.9 percent of physicians nationwide support proposals to expand health care coverage that include both public and private insurance options--where people under the...

    Patrick Swayze Gives Up Ghost

    Actor and dancer Patrick Swayze died at the age of 57 today after a long, brave battle with pancreatic cancer, which is almost always fatal. Not that I was a big fan, but I did like him in "Roadhouse" and...

    Kay Bailey Hutchison Joins the Hypocrisy Parade; Urged Bush To Create A "Czar"

    Hutchison's column in the Wash. Post about "czars" ticked me off.  Not only is it not true that Pres. Obama hasn't appointed an "unprecedented" number - Bush appointed more, and not only does she not use a uniform definiton of "czar,...

    Last Chance to Influence Health Care Bill

    Note: This is a repost of an item that got pushed off the board by spam and long posts almost as soon as it appeared earlier today. I'd hate for you to miss the point: You may not even have...
    stillidealistic's picture

    This Is What Is going On in Countless Households Across The Country. Really. You Can't Make This Stuff Up...

    It is happening in homes all over the and friends at odds over the current situation. I would think we all know someone like this. It comes under the heading of truth being stranger than fiction. You just can't...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Now, I know they're just messing with us ...

    But  ... On "Meet the Press" yesterday, Sen John Cornyn (R-TX), said, "Our goal ought to be, let's give the American people the same kind of choices that members of congress have ..."    Am I crazy?   Wasn't that one of...

    Use the Extended Tab, Please

    To Deep Brain Diarist, dickday and others who tend to write long, please use the extended tab so that more recent posts stay on the aggregate blog's front page longer. I wrote one about half an hour ago. It's already...
    Richard Day's picture


      Look it cannot be seen--it is beyond form. Listen, it cannot be heard--it is beyond sound. Grasp, it cannot be held--it is intangible. These three are indefinable; Therefore they are joined in one.   From above it is...
    we are stardust's picture

    We Are Essentially 'Virtual People' Online

    Not really virtual, but it's as close as I could come to coining a conceptual term for it. A new Café friend recently emailed me and asked a question about how she might convey a message of gratitude to another...
    Richard Day's picture


    Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub; It is the center hole that makes it useful. Shape clay into a vessel; It is the space within that makes it useful. Cut doors and windows for a room; It is the...
    Barth's picture

    Questions about health care and then some

    Before we get too wrapped up in the shame of it all, or whether the President was telling the truth or not when he was called a liar, may I just ask why a person who needs medical care should...
    amike's picture

    Addison Graves Wilson: You are NO Joe.

        Addison Graves Wilson should be shown the respect of calling him by his legal name. Forget that "Joe" stuff. His given name should be good enough for him and we owe him the respect of not diminishing him in...
    jollyroger's picture

    Rules of Henhouse Security: 1. Fire Foxes...(Cooked Books Still Rooking Schnooks, Liz Warren) (update)

    Yves Smith.brings us a devastating *roster of heavyweights uniformly riding Paul Revere’s horse, Like a horror flick sequel, Nightmare on Wall Street, Two (“This time they had no one to blame but themselves…”) is coming. Already on record, Liz Warren,...

    Health Care in Black & White: A Preview

    The following video is a teaser of what I have been working on in my spare time (of which I have lots) for the past two weeks. When finished, my short film should be about 15 minutes long. Of course,...
    Richard Day's picture


    The valley spirit never dies; It is the woman, primal mother. Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth It is like a veil barely seen Use it, it will never fail Tao Te Ching  (Ch-6)Get your facts...
