The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    A totally off-topic note about blue dogs.

    I've noticed Blue Dog Democrats are viewed with roughly the same level of disdain as Joe Lieberman and head lice.Up here in Idaho, we worked our butts off to unseat one of the worst examples of GOP idiocy ever to...
    Barth's picture

    Associations worth Considering, and Others, Not

    Stop reading this for a minute and go read Bill Ayers' column in today's NY Times because it reminds us how empty our political campaigns are which, in turn, explains how the country has been led into the hole into...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    NEWzFLASH: Pyramid Scheme to Save Economy!

    SleepinJeezus Dissociated Press December 5, 2008   (Cairo, Egypt) The Khan Al-Khalili Bazaar has been abuzz recently with reports about the construction of a massive new Pyramid at Giza. Tourists returning from visits to the burial place of the Pharaohs...

    New York's Next Senator

    There were <a href="">rumors</a> floating around earlier today that Caroline Kennedy might be selected to replace Hillary Clinton as New York's next Senator.  I am among the many who have a really high opinion of Caroline Kennedy and would be delighted...

    What About The Government "Bailout" Of Foreign Automakers?

    FDL's Jane Hamsher has an article on Huffington Post (with this title) presenting an angle to the automotive issue I'd never seen before.  Apparently foreign automakers are already incentivized with tax dollars to compete with our own corporations.[in Alabama] We...
    oleeb's picture

    The fastest stimulus and the best long term stimulus: pass em now!

    While the media and our elected officials obsess about how to make sure the rich stay rich, the ordinary American family is being heaped with the debts they are generating to do this.  Problem is, throwing money at the perptrators...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Greenspan Introduces "Krewl Grewl"

    SleepinJeezus Dissociated Press December 2, 2008   (Detroit, MI) Citing "opportunities that exist in this new economy," Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan announced today that he is coming out of retirement to embark on a new career as an entrepreneur....
    stillidealistic's picture


    Okay, here's the deal...I was writing a rather lengthy comment, got pulled away, so I hit preview, then had to leave so I shut everything down, thinking the text was in here somewhere. Now I am back and can't find the...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Bush Nearly "Comes Clean" in Legacy Remarks

    FROM TPM: In an interview with Charlie Gibson airing today, Bush says he was "unprepared for war," that his "biggest regret" is the "intelligence failure" in Iraq, and that he wishes "the intelligence had been different, I guess." At last,...
    quinn esq's picture

    Rockin' In The Free World

    Imagine you lived in California, and voted 62%-38% in favor of Obama, and even though he won... as a result of some split amongst your elected officials in the Electoral College, you ended up with a government run by... Dick...
    dijamo's picture

    Breaking News!!!!

    This just in!!!!  Breaking news!!!!  The US has been in a recession since December 2007. Shocking, I know.  But somehow the idea that we've been in a recession since December 2007 being breaking news seems a tad bit oxymoronic.  Or...
    Barth's picture


    Josh did us all yet another service by linking to Gabler's LAT piece since this revisionist Goldwater to Reagan to Bush II story of modern conservatism is just so much bunk.  In the million and half books and essays about...
    quinn esq's picture

    Leapfroggers vs. Leapfliers.

    Leapfrog. We've all heard it applied to Developing World countries, right? As in, these countries don't need to repeat every single step we took on our path to development. And we'd all tend to agree that it'd be good...
    Barth's picture

    The Road Ahead

    A debate has broken out on Daily Kos between two of my favorite "columnists": Teacherken and GrannyDoc. And other posts, such as this one appearing, as they do, on a progressive web site present yet another illustration of how bad...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Expecting Change? You're Already Too Late!

    We've witnessed alot of hand-wringing among the progressive left liberals worried that the upcoming Obama Administration will not truly represent change from our past. Most particularly, the seemingly self-serving arguments heard recently from the GOP that we are in fact a...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Bush Aspires to Rare Heights & Exclusive Company

    "I would like to be a person remembered as a person who, first and foremost, did not sell his soul in order to accommodate the political process," - George Bush, in an interview with NPR (Broadcast on Thanksgiving, 2008) ---------------------------------...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "Thank You Very Much, But I'll Take My Constitution With Me!"

    The full-scale partisan assault on President Clinton that began almost before his Inauguration was puzzling in that it always seemed to be a pre-ordained Impeachment looking for an impeachable offense. Whitewater? Yeah, let's try that. That didn't work? Ok,...
    Barth's picture

    Being Thankful While Anxious

    I love Thanksgiving. It is a holiday, with little or no religious significance for most of us, spent, ideally, with family or friends. Only the Fourth of July is better, in my opinion.It celebrates our thanks for so many things,...
    quinn esq's picture

    There Is No Wealth But Life.

    When we were kids, we got one present each year. Pick something faddish, or breakable, or only useful during a limited season, and you were out of luck. Worse, luck might actively turn against you. Like the year I chose skates,...
    jollyroger's picture

    Why doesn't the UAW buy GM (market cap:$4B) with a loan from the pension fund (assets $104B)? Somebody, please help me....

    Upon the temporary cessation of the vertigo induced by contemplating a world in which the whole damn company (factories, inventories, etc), is worth less than Avon Cosmetics, I wrestle with the following conundrum: Why doesn’t the UAW loan itself some...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed 2nd Chance - Well Not Really...

    This 2nd chance post was a great tool when the boards were nuts and the archives weren't working, but now that there's a major lull and the archives are back functioning, it seems to have outlived its usefulness.Thank you all...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Unimpeachable Justice: "What's Good for the Goose..."

    Unfortunately, the opportunity to Impeach President GW Bush along with his criminal associates has passed us by. Over these last eight years, the Bush Administration has exercised its Executive authority in numerous ways (i.e. warrantless wiretaps; torture; renditions; etc.)...
    oleeb's picture

    What if the crew saved itself first and let the passengers drown?

    As I observe all the absurdities and shenanigans going on in Washington to save the very people and organizations that created the financial catastrophe we are now in it seems to me as though we have a situation analgous to...


    Bloomberg is not happy.  They've added up the numbers, really big numbers, and want to know what the US is getting in return.  The Treasury and the Fed have not been forthcoming, Bernanke thinks it would be 'counterproductive' so Bloomberg has filed a...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sun/Mon 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...
