The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    McCain and the golden parachute.

    In Phillidelphia today, McCain had this to say:"We can't have taxpayers footing the bill for bloated golden parachutes like we see in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy... My friends, the top executives are asking for $2-and-a-half billion in bonuses after they...

    Fuck Them, Fuck Me, Fuck You

    I'm talking about the notion that we should let the financial system collapse. Right. It looks like most bloggers here have become proponents of McKeynsian economics: Bitch first, study the problem later if ever. If you're too dumb to understand...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Democrats to blame for this mess??!!

    Isn't that analagous to a Democrat using a Zippo to light his friend's cigarette, and a Republican with a mouthful of gasoline comes up and spits the contents of his mouth through the flame of the lighter, and then immediately turns around and blames the Democrat with the Zippo for the ensuing...

    Wake Up, The Credit Crisis Is No Hoax

    As I have said before in other posts, I do not endorse any specific government response to the credit crisis. I do, however, believe there is one.Those who advise doing nothing but spin conspiracy theories of a massive hoax do...

    My Third Bailout Email to My Senator

    I have already sent two emails in the past couple days to Sens. McCaskill and Obama, seeking better terms and a more thoughtful approach to the credit crisis. Here is my third, sent today:Dear Senator McCaskill,First, please do NOT allow...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sun/Mon Aggregate Post

    Thanks, Guys...this seems to be working.Please post any link to posts that went onto the back page too fast, or are just so good they need to stay up longer.Make sure you do a short description and why you think...
    stillidealistic's picture

    More Connections

    Okay, I admit it. Palin, to me, is like going by a train wreck...I try so hard not to pay any attention, but being human, I just can't help it.Ran across a disturbing connection between Palin, Monegan's replacement and the...
    oleeb's picture

    Trillion Dollar Bailout? For Homeowners: YES For Rich Bankers? HELL NO!

    If the people who got hoodwinked and snookered into mortgages they couldn't pay, could just pay them, then we would have avoided this whole financial "crisis" righ?  Right.That being the case, it only stands to reason that the best means...
    CVille Dem's picture

    A Nation Divided -- Why Not Accept It?

    I just had a revelation.  After watching both national candidates for President, and also the Vice Presidential candidates, and just recently the debate between Mark Warner and Jim Gilmore in...
    oleeb's picture

    $700 Billion reward for gutting our financial system? I smell a rat!

    As discussions seem to speed along (Patrioti Act style) regarding the bailout of the rich, greedy and utterly irresponsible con-men of Wall Street, the President is asking Congress for $700 billion to do it with.  Now I'm no economist, nor...

    Barney Frank: Soak the Filthy Rich Bastards

    Rep. Barney Frank agreed today on "Face the Nation" with my post of yesterday: Frank said he would push for a "surtax" on people making over a million dollars a year. The Democrats are getting this right....
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sat/Sun Aggregate Post

    Here is tonight's aggregate post from Raider99 who is off lollygagging around somewhere!Use this space to post diaries that flew by too fast and are worthy of another look. Please write a short description along w/ the link.Anyone can add...

    The Only Pertinent Question

    I can't defend the bailout plan submitted by the Fed to Congress. It is loosely constructed, giving broad discretionary powers and a purse equal to a third of the 2008 budget to the Executive branch. And it will dump up...

    The New Earl (apologies to Emma Lazarus)

    Not like the Must-See TV trailer trash, With karmic limbs outstretched to right his wrong; Behind red ink-washed Wall Street firms stands strong A mighty banker with a plan, whose stash Is the taxpaying public's, and his cash Mother of...
    oleeb's picture

    Swindled Borrowers are "Irresponsible" and Uncle Sam can't help them, but Greedy, Irresponsible Bankers get Bailed out?

    As I understand it, the entire financial "crisis" we have been going through is as a result of the large number of mortgages that borrowers can no longer afford to pay.  These failed loans are a result of slickly marketed...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Fri.?Sat. Aggreagte Post

    Continuing Raider99's aggregate post.Please use this post to add links to posts that have flown by onto the back page if you think they are worthy of another read...In addition to the link, please give a quick description and why...

    Soak the Filthy Rich Bastards

    As our government shifts $1 trillion in private debt from the shareholders of worthless investments to the taxpayers at large, John McCain is railing that Obama will bloat government and raise taxes.I think Obama has it just right. Having just...

    ID 1st - Cook moves to Lean R

    A bit of heartwarming news for someone used to being represented by one of the stupidest people in congress(Bill Sali), it seems that the ID Congressional st has gone from Likely R to Leans R on the Cook Report site.Sali...

    HEY!! Have You Seen a Lot of Jets Flying?

    A lot of fighters were in the air Wednesday. Why?I've sent this to Josh & Co., the NY Times and my local paper. So far, only a lame response from the Times about a NORAD exercise in D.C., which I...

    WTF Is a "Compliance Fund"?

    Every time I see a McCain/Palin donation request web-ad, it is labeled "Comliance Fund".  This is also on his website.  What the heck is that?  I assume it's something to do with getting around public financing restrictions, but does anyone...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs./Fri. Aggregate Post

    Raider99 started this post as a way of keeping good posts alive, in light of the speed at which posts are falling off these days...He's away for a few days and I'm picking up the job for him...Post links to...

    Dear George Will

    Dear George:   For years I have regarded you as a true conservative in most respects.  In my view the most important and valuable personal quality of the true conservative is what I would describe as passionate sobriety.    This year, at...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Sarah Palin stars in new TV commercial

    Scene: Sarah Palin standing onstage at a town hall gathering waving to admirers. Palin: Now, I'd like to take some questions.(Sen. Chuck Hagel steps up to the mic.) Hagel:  You don't really have enough experience to be Vice-president, do you?Palin: No, but I did stay at a Holiday...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Today I saw Michelle Obama, Jill Biden and Lily Ledbetter!

    On a beautiful sunny day here in Charlottesville, Virginia, on the campus of UVA, they came!  I got there at 2:30 although the event was posted to start at 4:50, but I wanted a good seat.  Turns out I got...

    Inner Sarah Palin Interview: My Parting VIDEO Gift

    By and large, I won't be back for most of the fireworks here at TPM until just before the election. I have things to do. Like helping get Obama elected and attending to my much-neglected personal affairs. So here's my...
