The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The Emperor's New Shock and Awe

    If you thought Sarah Palin's convention speech was aggressive, sarcastic and shrill, just wait. Sarah Barracuda goes for the jugular and swallows her enemies whole. If you thought the RNC convention was hateful, wait for the late-September barrage of swiftboating...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Cindy McCain - Sympathetic Figure?

    OK, It's hard to feel sorry for a multi-millionairess who dated a married man with children; and then married him herself.  But I was struck over these few days at how hard Cindy was working to be the loyal (read Stepford)...

    Inside Rove's Huddle

    Rove: John, we're going to you.  Remember, when you see the ball coming to you and you get nervous, just keep saying your special word over and over again...POW.  POW.  POW.  POW, and you'll be fine.Rove: Ok, now Jail Bait, you go over...

    One more time John, but slower this time.

    It was funny when John McCain had trouble remembering which Islamic sect was what and Lieberman had to whisper in his ear.  It was a gaffe, and great fun.  And then he made it again.  And again.  And now it...

    My Friends, I Am But a Humble Hero

    I came to love my country so much that in that dark cell in Hanoi, I cam to see that America deserved to be able to torture, too.I love my country so much that I invite all who disagree with...
    Barth's picture

    Fool Me Once and then fool me again over and over

    Cross-post from DailyKosThere must really be a playbook.  Just like any football team, the Karl Rove Republican Party, seems to always run the same plays.  And they often work.They work best when aimed at the men and women who report...

    Insert Buzz Word Here

    Sorry. I have nothing to say. I am a Democrat. No buzz words allowed. :-(...
    Barth's picture

    Fool Me Once and then fool me again over and over

    Cross-post from DailyKosThere must really be a playbook.  Just like any football team, the Karl Rove Republican Party, seems to always run the same plays.  And they often work.They work best when aimed at the men and women who report...

    $20M Challenge NOW: Spread The Word!

    Let's make this a $20 million night for Obama's campaign. Spread the word to every city and town and blog!CNN reports Obama has raked in $8 million so far since the Palin speech last night.Get on the web! Spread the...

    Morbid McCuriosity

    If you enjoy watching cars collide or skiers tumble downhill in slo-mo, then you'll love John McCain's acceptance speech tonight.I mentioned some of this in a previous several days ago, but here's what to watch for:1) Agents of Change: McCain...

    Who Does This Sound LIke?

    From blood, authority of personality, and a fighting spirit springs that value which alone entitles a people to look around with glad hope, and that alone is also the condition for the life which men then desire. And when that...
    stillidealistic's picture

    So Much for the Straight Talk Express

    I'm wondering why more Americans aren't more concerned about stuff like this: knew McCain was in bed w/ the big news there, but it was nice to see so much of it documented in one place.Yet another reason to...

    The Palin Monologue

    The Palin monologue was a pretty good routine. . . lots of snarky one liners competently delivered to a friendly crowd.  Did McCain borrow The Tonight Show writers?  Gov Palin has a promising future -- in standup comedy (da-da-drum).But wait,...

    Sarah Palin = Dick Cheney (with no experience)

    - Comes from a small state out in the middle of nowhere.- Unknown on the national stage (so they can invent narrative)- Not a chance of relating to someone not-white- Put on the ticket for red-meat GOP appealIt seems if...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Double Standard

    Ran across this amusing, but very true analysis of the double standard going on with the Republican Party in the Huffington Post.'m sure you clever people could come up with even more......

    First Impressions of Palin

    Wonder what others are thinking.I saw a sarcastic, mean-spirited woman who's capable of throwing low blows and slime like a true Republican. But just because she can read a teleprompter doesn't mean she's anything more than a vindictive, ladder-climbing ex-sportscaster....
    acanuck's picture

    Josh feels our pain

    You gotta love it. Or at least laugh out loud.Josh just double-posted on the main page.Ooh, Palin's coming up....

    Mob Rule

    The three-day hate.The RNC convention is turning out to be an incitement to riot. Not the protesters outside. The hate mongers inside.One after another, the speakers are appealing to the worst in their party faithful. Hatred of the left. The...
    Barth's picture

    It's the party, stupid

    cross post from DailyKosI have admired John McCain for many years.  When he went after the tobacco lobbyists in the 1990s, when he fought his own party on the need for campaign finance reform, when he attacked his own party...

    Reagan Redux

    Social super-conservatives. Crusading reformers against Washington politics. Economic idiots. Fear-peddling militarists. Personable liars.McCain and Palin are running as Reagan and are pivoting to sell the GOP ticket as CHANGE X 2, in hopes of besting Obama's message.The key for Democrats...
    acanuck's picture

    Palin: please fasten your seatbelts

    Some on the far right think Sarah Palin is a "game-changer." I think they are right. I doubt that in the long run she can win the election for McCain. And I doubt she was at all properly vetted, or...

    Will TPM Eliminate Duplicate Threads (like mine) From Archives?

    I certainly hope so - there's already more than enough to browse thru without 'em....

    W&Dick's&John's&Sarah's THIRD TERM, and Troopergate

    Let's see if we've got this right. So, she asks the Attorney General - who is A MATERIAL WITNESS because he made a phone call about the Gov's ex-bro-in-law - to refer the gov's complaint against herself to the State...

    Troopergate & Bush's Third Term

    Let's see if we've got this right. So, Gov. Palin asks the Attorney General - who is A MATERIAL WITNESS because he made a phone call about the Gov's ex-bro-in-law - to refer the gov's complaint against herself to the...

    Bread, Circuses, and Red Meat Top 10

    The McCain campaign is tossing goodies to the GOP convention and to the unwashed masses. A top 10 list:1. Try to remember that John McCain was a POW.2. The liberal media hates Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter, so it's okay to...
