The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    stillidealistic's picture

    Wed/Thurs Aggregate Post

    Please use this post to link posts that either flew by too fast, or didn't get the attention they deserved. When add ing a link, please say a few words about what it contains and why it deserves a 2nd...

    Would Obama Dare Vote "No" on the Senate bailout bill tonight?

    McCain's already on record as supporting the bill the Senate is scheduled to take up tonight.  (If Obama has also said he's voting yes, please feel free to disregard the rest of this post.  I haven't heard news to that effect.)  Suppose...

    Dear Senator Webb...(what I am asking him to do re the bailout bill vote scheduled for today)

    (text of email sent this AM to one of my senators.  I left a voice message for him and for Majority Leader Reid to the same effect, as succinct as I could make it.) Senator: I am a strong supporter who...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed Aggregate Post

    This is Raider99's aggregate post. Please use this space to add links to posts that may have flown by so faet that we didn't get to see them, or didn't get noticed and deserve a 2nd look.Anyone can post here....
    stillidealistic's picture

    Mon/Tues Aggregate Post

    This is Raider99's aggregate post. Please use this space to add links to posts that may have flown by so faet that we didn't get to see them, or didn't get noticed and deserve a 2nd look.Anyone can post here....

    Should Congress Rule Out Reconvening Before Thursday?

    Of course, we know that tomorrow and Wednesday, with the Congress out of session because of the Jewish holiday, the markets will calm down.  So the thought of Congress taking another vote on today's or a revised proposal before Thursday...
    acanuck's picture

    Here's how Obama seals the deal: Tell 'em just how hard it's going to get

    I've avoided, up till now, all temptation to join the blogger chorus telling Axelrod, Plouffe and Co. how to run a winning campaign. But at the peak of the Palin bounce, before the current financial unpleasantness began, I did get an...


    I wish I could say it's been fun lately, but it hasn't been.Many of the gentler, more insightful people here have departed for the Gray Havens.What's left are a few good people (yeah, you know who you are) and a...

    Dow Jones Has Worst Drop in History

    The Dow dropped more today than any day in history, 778 points according to MSNBC.It has been reacting negatively to the current crisis for weeks now. But what the hell does your grandpa and grandma's retirement fund know? Or that...


    Q. What does an idiot say just before the economy collapses?A. To hell with Wall Street. Three cheers for the House GOP caucus!...

    Wall Street is Voting—With YOUR Money

    Dow Jones has dropped 618 and still dropping as the House lines up against the bailout. Thanks a shitload, Bailout Balkers....

    You, Too, Can Become an Expert on the Bailout in 15 Minutes of Less!

    If you still aren't sure why a bailout is necessary, how our current financial crisis came to be and why it isn't just the fault of greedy Wall Street investment houses, you owe it to yourself to read this entire...
    oleeb's picture

    Bush to Congress: Tie Obama's Hands NOW!

    The tyrant gave his "dire" warning to the Congress today that if they don't pass the finance industry's burglary of the treasury the sky will fall.  But one of the more important motives of the tyrant at 1600 Penn. Ave....
    oleeb's picture

    Why not ationalize the banks?

    As Dean Baker points out in a post today, when you consider the situation, it makes more sense for we the patsies (I mean taxpayers), to natonalize the banks than it does to attempt to rescue them with tons and tons of...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Dance Together

    Someplace on this sight, someone posted this, saying it's how the thought of an Obama presidency makes him/her feel...I've been watching it over and over and is really captures the essence of what a world led by an Obama Presidency...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Breaking! Bill Clinton Officially Campaigning for McCain!!!

    Did anyone see the Meet the Press interview with Bill Clinton?  These are a few highlights:1.  An old quote from Bill about how McCain is a great man.  Could he say the same about Obama?  Short answer -- NO.  Long answer: ...
    quinn esq's picture

    Cake or Pie? Choose or Die. (19th Nervous Breakdown.)

    1st. It's that simple. Cake is Republican. But Democrats? They're Pie People. Cake is dry, crumbly, all the focus on the top layer. The Icing. Icing matters, for cake people. But pie's 'nuther story altogether. Pie's all about the filling....

    Mutinyon the Bounty: Captain's Log (with moral of the story)

    Jan 20, 2009Today I became Commander and Chief of the Bounty amid some fanfare. As I well understand the burden of my duties from my years as prisoner of war in the Orient, I took up my office with not...

    Captain's Log: Mutiny on the Bounty

    Jan 20, 2009Today I became Commander and Chief of the Bounty amid some fanfare. As I well understand the burden of my duties from my years as prisoner of war in the Orient, I took up my office with not...
    oleeb's picture

    Obama continues to pull partisan punches and launch mild attacks on McCain

    The pundits--even on MSNBC were giving this debate to McCain tonight.  I agree with them.Now most liberals/Democrats, etc... will scoff and say that Obama clearly bested McCain up and down the line throughout the debate.  All well and good I...
    MrSmith1's picture

    The McCain Disdain

    Just as the Bush administration has insisted for 8 years that either you agree with them or you're a traitor, tonight in the debate McCain kept stridently insisting over and over that if Obama didn't agree with his assessment of things, then Obama didn't understand the...
    oleeb's picture

    The Biggest of the Big Lies Debunked

    Throughout my entire life I have had to endure the ceaseless bleating of the right regarding every inch of progress made in America since 1932 as though Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter and Clinton were all representatives of the...

    McCain Brings a Shiv to the Debates

    There is only one reason McCain went to Washington this week. He needed to pick up the shiv he'll stick in Obama's back at Ole Miss tonight.Now, as McCain announces he'll attend tonight's debate, the nature of that crude blade...
    MrSmith1's picture

    What will be McCain's opening words tonight?

    Now that he's decided to attend, what will be McCain's opening words at the debate?   1) My Friends, we ought to suspend the topic at tonights debate and instead, talk about the economy.   2) This is the kind of...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs/Fri Aggregate Post

    This is our daily post for housing links to posts that flew by too fast to reach reader rec, or didn't get the notice they deserved.ANYONE can post here. If you do add a link, please put a description of...
