by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
In the year that was primed to be either the Revolution or the Year of the Woman (aka Breaking the Glass Ceiling Part 2), we'd deviated into the Year of the Pussy - and lots of it - grabbing, bragging, bleeding, breeding - especially with the Republican candidates misadventures in misogyny coming up along with the expected parade of Bill's women brought to bear.
And just when it seemed like both Michelle Obama and the alliance of Nasty Woman would reclaim the word, claim the higher ground, we get our delayed October Non-Surprise - once again, as promised, or "same as it always is", meet the Dicks.
Where do I begin? Donald, of course - from telling us too much about his anatomy on national TV via his short short fingers (yeah yeah, jr. high, maybe elementary), to his bragging, leching, leering, peeping tomism and gropism, well, if he were running for Dick #1, he'd clinch in a heartbeat. Even Melania's wearing of a supportive Gucci "Pussy Bow" was a dick move, and then there's making fun of disabled, dead soldier's parents, Mexicans, Muslims, and whoever.
But as an insurgent contender there's been Anthony "I love my dick so much, let me scan and send it to you" Weiner. Born with a porn star's name, Weiner's managed to blow a dream political career, then a fairy tale marriage to a beautiful and accomplished Washington insider, to now a rather large thorn in the rear of the aspiring Democratic nominee. Did I mention sexting with his kid in the background? Yep, a dick. Big time.
Then there's James Comey. Going full frontal back in July, he managed to both put the email investigation to rest and botch all the details and conclusions publicly, so as to piss off both sides, which is rather remarkable considering how desperate the Republicans are to cling to wilted straws/glass half full conjectures. What surprised everyone from the man once famous for refusing to make a hospitalized pol sign off on a hit letter to approve illegal wiretaps then went solo not once but twice in defying normal FBI tradition and practices to put yet another stink bomb under the Clinton tree (to go with those dildo ornaments and drinking her own urine), with only 11 days to go before election. For an aspiring dick, strong showing.
Julian Assange - did I mention him? Stuffed away in an embassy, still smoldering over some rape accusations that came out of when he was once one hot piece of admirable internationally-known dick - both literally and figuratively with his making diplomats every cover their asses - he's now been reduced to dripping out unfact-checked innuendo laden with unrelated people's private parts - phone numbers, emails, sexual affinity, et al - in either a bid to stay relevant, keep from boredom, or exact revenge. Perhaps all 3. Would have been prime dick of the year until he got his internet connection cut for election year dickishness, especially for supporting Dick #4....
Vladimir Putin - evil dick worthy of Mike Myers. To be continued (updated here)....
So many dicks, so little time.
Women won't be distracted, nor will they be dissuaded from voting in a strong f-you mass against Dick A l'Orange.
The fact that Dick HotDog has once again embarrassed his wife and screwed with her career via screwing with her boss will only remind many of the female persuasion of having been in the same (ish, close enough) boat at one best forgotten time or the other.
As for Dick Full-Blown-Idiot, he's an extremely familiar phallic symbol of what happens when a man decides he's just tall enough to bend over and lick his own balls. Nobody's happy but him.
Assange has been trying so hard to aspire to Dickhood that he's emasculated himself.
Putin? Please.
by barefooted on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 7:48pm
Rudy Giuliani earns a Big Dick award - the guy who told his wife they were getting divorced in a press conference defending the morals of another big mouth, womanizing New Yorker? But add on consistent lying, saying Hillary didn't show up in New York after 9/11 despite photos of *the 2 of them together*, as well as the "Bill Clinton did it too" excuse and the claim that Hillary didn't allow uniformed police at the convention despite a uniformed Pittsburgh police chief *speaking at the convention* and uniformed police of course being all over the arena.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 5:27am
Ailes' Dickishness not to be underestimated - how he harassed and kept a Fox employee for years as basically sex toy, but also perversely advising Trump on his sexploits, and throwing Megan Kelley under the bus to keep up his Trump ratings. And of course his awful legacy distorting news at Fox. He's gone now, but not forgotten - this is the story of Roger Rabbit, aka Johnny Rotten.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 10:51am
Sometimes I think the better known writers at better known websites are lurking in the shadows of Dagblog for story ideas - here's an example.
by barefooted on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 11:38am
One can only hope.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 3:16pm