by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have a whole long explanation about why "Move That Chair" should become the slogan that replaces "Yes We Can!" and "Four More Years," but I thought I should put the commercial first because it makes me laugh.
[Intro: "Fistful of Dollars" theme plays.]
Fade up on deserted street in Western Town. A tumbleweed blows around the corner, followed by Eastwood/Romney character.
[Three note whistle theme from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” plays.]
Eastwood/Romney is wearing the Fistful of Dollars blanket outfit, except with a button-down shirt showing prominently under his poncho. Instead of a gun, he has a chair (identical to the one used at the convention) strapped to his side. Makes a big deal of setting it down in front of himself & stands behind it, gunslinger-style.
Camera dollies back to reveal Barack Obama walking into shot from opposite direction. Obama stops a few paces away. (Note: we see Obama only from side/back but he is readily identifiable as Obama.)
Close-up on Eastwood/Romney.
Eastwood/Romney: Make my Day.
Close-up on Obama. (Eyes only, unless we can get the real Obama.) He looks puzzled at first, then speaks.
Obama: Uh...Move your Chair.
There’s a pause. Obama sighs, rolls eyes, moves chair out of the way himself, walks on, past the Eastwood/Romney type.
[We hear a cell phone ring.]
From behind, we see Obama take a cell phone out of his pocket.]
Obama: Yeah, I’ll be there in a few minutes—I just had to move some guy’s chair out of the way.
We watch Obama from behind as he walks, puts cell phone in his jacket front pocket. From the same pocket he magically produces a cowboy hat and places it on his head.
["Blazing Saddles" theme begins to play and fades up through the following action.]
A horse appears, fully saddled. Obama hops on and cues the horse into a trot, then a canter. Zoom out as Obama disappears into the distance. Eastwood type has turned around and watches Obama ride away as “Blazing Saddles” theme plays up through the fade.
Good one, Erica.
I see Mitt as a small Edgar Bergen sitting on the chair with his puppet, Paul Ryan, as Charlie McCarthy. Or maybe the other way around.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 2:11pm
Very clever, now where do we get the actors to portray them and start production? 'Cuz this would definitely be a you tube viral hit and oh, what a message. (Um, you sure about the blazing saddle theme? Whenever I recall that movie, the first thing I think of is the farting around the campfire scene.)
by Aunt Sam on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 2:27pm
I had thought about sending it to a Super Pac, but I hadn't thought about producing it for YouTube. That is a good idea. Maybe it could even be done as an animation.
I'm pretty sure about the Blazing Saddles theme. We were watching that movie a few weeks ago and killing ourselves laughing about the way the townspeople react upon finding out they have a black sheriff. In the context of Obama, it's amazing satire. And the young Cleavon Little kind of reminds me of Obama. (Or vice versa.)
(Gotta admit, I'm not a fan of the campfire farting scene either, but Mel Brooks loved that full range from sublime to ridiculous.)
by erica20 on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 2:44pm
Of course, now that you reiterated the context, you chose wisely and well. Perfect.
How can we get this done?
by Aunt Sam on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 2:46pm
Oh I love this stuff!
You know that!
I refused to watch Eastwood since he endorsed Nixon...until about 1983.
Then I watched the man with no name while watching his Italian cowboy films on TV--VHS or whatever.
And I went nuts.
John Wayne was shot right in the back. hahahahahahahah
All those lies perpetrated since Stage Coach and here was some truth at last.
I refuse to watch anything with Senise, and a number of other idiots like Frazier or scores of other fascist pricks; but I will not stop watching Eastwood!
It was kind of fun seeing a Hollywood star and a man who actually participated in the Administration give his speech at our convention. It was good! And he spoke to the empty chair in direct contradiction to the man with no name!
Dialogue can be tough.
I love your dialogue.
Keep it up.
by Richard Day on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 7:02pm
Ha! Dialogue is difficult.
That's why I kept it short.
by erica20 on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 8:42pm