I'm really beginning to see this as an example of a new technique of governing... I've written a bit about my (limited) understanding of how Community Organizers work, and I've speculated that Obama might be trying to craft a new technique--working as an "outsider" from the "inside". A couple of weeks ago I got the e-mail from The President to which Vice President Biden refers. At the time, I thought of it with my "yeah, yeah, right!" brain. But here it comes--the book of stories collected by that effort, together with a request that I give this the widest distribution possible. So here it goes to you, for consideration to send it off to your mailing lists. It has already been passed on to mine.
Michael --
A few weeks ago,
President Obama asked you to share your personal story about how the health care
crisis has affected you and the ones you love. Hundreds of thousands of stories
poured in from every corner of the country. The President and I have read
through many of them ourselves -- and now I'm encouraging you to do so as
these powerful, personal stories from people in your area and around the
And after you do, please forward this note on to as
many people as you can.
For folks who don't yet understand why health
care reform is such an urgent priority, these stories make the case far better
than any statistics ever could.
For those who support health care reform
but haven't yet found the time to join our campaign, these stories provide more
motivation than any speech any politician could ever give.
So please read
these stories, pass this note on to everyone in your address book, and help us
show everyone in America why fixing our broken health care system is a necessity
that just can't wait:
Vice President Joe Biden