Blog Posts

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Starting Over

A few weeks back, discussing torture and the memos which tried to explain why the government could employ particular methods of extracting information from those in its custody, it seemed important to remind readers of our national mood in the...
Barth's picture

Life Imitating Baseball

Leaving Fenway Park after game two of the 2004 World Series and crossing Kenmore Square to retrieve my car, it was hard to ignore the young man selling tee shirts on which was written that vulgar slogan about how bad...
Barth's picture

The Boston Globe

This is probably entitled to its own post instead of being welded onto something else, as much of what follows was when I threw this out a month ago. That was when The New York Times, its own financial distress...
Barth's picture

The Supreme Court

Almost everyone who practices law, and particularly those who spend a fair amount of time doing appellate work, flinches a bit when the first thing discussed when a vacancy arises on the Supreme Court is some perceived need for the...
Barth's picture

The End (of the GOP) is near

What follows below the fold is a slightly edited from a post last September, in which I tried to explain whatever Sen McCain's qualifications were to be president, they  were irrelevant given the party which nominated him.  It is worth...
Barth's picture

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

It is so easy for some people. A year or so ago, they supported Sen Edwards, so every other Democratic candidate was wrong about almost everything. Later, they supported the eventual winning candidate, so that his opponent became the devil...
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A reading assignment

Not to get too pompous about it, but this weekend's post will further the discussion of what to do about a country which is scared into abandoning its cherished values by the lowest rent political opportunists to come this way...
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Holding Responsible Those Who are Responsible

"And whose fault is that? Not really his. He didn't create this situation of fear; he merely exploited it -- and rather successfully. Cassius was right. 'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.'Edward R. Murrow,...
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An Emergency Post

Obligations elsewhere mean that a full post under this name can only appear generally once a week, usually on Saturdays. This week's was published yesterday.  But it is hard to ignore a growing noise that could well become dangerous. As...
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In this week, particularly, may God Bless the United States of America

In its vain, and vaguely sickening attempt to find some way to bring President Obama down to their level or to find something as base about him as the embarrassment who was identified as our president for the prior eight...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogSeptember 1 Barth2513 years 8 months ago
Reader blogFriends Barth2313 years 8 months ago
Reader blogNine, Eleven Barth613 years 8 months ago
Reader blogDays of Awe Barth413 years 8 months ago
Reader blogMonday morning quickie Barth113 years 8 months ago
Reader blogHineni Barth013 years 8 months ago
Reader blogMy third "new home" Barth613 years 8 months ago


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