The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Registration form trasher could have mailed them in. Seriously.

Well folks, this story, if it's a story, has taken a strange turn.

Colin Small, an employee of a Republican firm, was hired to register voters, with an emphasis on registering potential Republican voters. Early in the afternoon of the last day of voter registration in Virginia, he was spotted throwing eight registration forms in a recycling dumpster near James Madison University, a dumpster which is thought to be just a five-minute drive from the Registrar's office where the forms were to be filed.

Never mind the binders of women; look for the binders of voter registrations.

I am already tired of the binders of women story--more important than what Mitt said is the fact that he seems to have made himself the hero of the story in complete disregard of the facts at hand.

But speaking of disregarding facts (and law!) a more interesting story is developing over at (dare I mention the initials?) TPM and on local blogs in Harrisonburg VA. A young guy named Colin Small was seen throwing out completed voter registration forms and got arrested for it. Turns out he was employed by the oft-renamed firm sometimes and formerly known as Strategic Allied Consultants, sometimes and formerly run by disgraced consultant Nathan Sproul.

Worried, sleepless nights for Romney supporters will win the election

I think here is where his 47% comments will hurt him the most, where Obama's team defining Romney as the Bain CEO who wants to ship your jobs overseas in order to pad his Cayman Island bank accounts....

I am my own 501(c)(3) religious institution: why Christians and rich people are OK even if they don't pay taxes

In my last post, I noted that the grating thing about Mitt Romney is that he seems to be like the person in one's office who believes he's the only guy doing any real work.

This makes me wonder (in this post) why Mitt thinks he's so special, and why his supporters don't believe they're part of the "bad 47%,"  EVEN IF THEY DON'T PAY INCOME TAX THEMSELVES! The special-ness applies to them, too. Why?

"Move That Chair!" Take the slogan before Eastwood gets it.

I have a whole long explanation about why "Move That Chair" should become the slogan that replaces "Yes We Can!" and "Four More Years," but I thought I should put the commercial first because it makes me laugh.


[Intro: "Fistful of Dollars" theme plays.]

Fade up on deserted street in Western Town. A tumbleweed blows around the corner, followed by Eastwood/Romney character.

 [Three note whistle theme from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” plays.]

Cookies for Communism


If you support my 6-year-old daughter's radical lifestyle, please let me know and I'll hook you up with some Girl Scout Cookies! We've got all the good flavors:

--Secular Hu-Mints
--Tree-Hugger Shortbread
--Shout "Out of the Closet!" Shortbread
--Peanut Butter Prides
--Peanut Butter Parenthood Planners
--Radical Samoas (also known as Islamist De-Lites)

Black Ribbon Campaign against Susan G. Komen Foundation

Well, I did it--I updated my Facebook status with the following: 

Black Ribbon Campaign in Honor (?) of the Komen Foundation

I am thinking of doing a FB status update to start this off. I think it might have broad appeal. Thoughts?



Please update your status and/or wear a black ribbon if you agree....

Dear Komen Foundation,

Breast cancer doesn't care about a woman's religious or political beliefs, and neither should you. Hopping into the political arena by pulling money for cancer screening from Planned Parenthood goes way beyond your mission. Plus, it sends a message that it doesn't matter to you if SOME women get breast cancer or not. That is just low.



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