The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Women’s Suffrage Under Attack

Ok. So suffrage isn’t really under attack. But twice this year I’ve read accounts of writers who think it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to deny women the right to vote. It makes me wonder if the Republican party, having just this year burned major bridges with minorities and gays, is going for the trifecta.


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Death Panels: Republicans Find Yet Another Way to Disrespect Americans

For me, this summer started with my mother's death. It's ending with daily reminders of just how far some will go to prevent benefit to the many at the expense of profit to the few.

For months, Republicans have been saying anything they think will elicit fear, a powerful agent against change. Creating fear and confusion is the swiftest way to get people to act against their own interests. But, as usual, the fear and confusion they seek to sow is dishonest, disingenuous, and disrespectful.

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Your (Canadian) Tax Dollars at Work or When Zombies Attack

If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation (sic) unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.

This according to an article at the BBC Web site that reports on a scientific paper written by researchers in Canada. It’s almost as if Bob and Doug MacKenzie were unleashed on an unsuspecting university math department.

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If Only Democrats Had the Courage of Their Convictions

A long time ago, I worked on a statewide political campaign for fifteen months. It’s hard work for very little pay and it requires an intense level of commitment.

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GOP Announces First Annual Prevaricator of the Year Award

In Washington on Tuesday, Republican Minority Whip Eric Cantor announced that the GOP would hold a banquet in September to honor outstanding Americans for their contribution to public debate.

Said Cantor, “The President gets to hand out the Presidential Medal of Freedom to whoever he wants. Just this week, President Obama handed out the medal to two dead guys. Our award will have much stricter eligibility requirements.”

Inaugural award nominees include:

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Stuff I Want to Learn: Climate Change - Congressional Travel Edition

When I want to learn about something, I generally start with my good friend, the Google. Depending on how much I want to know, it can stop there, or lead me to the local public library. Sometimes, when I want to know a lot about one particular thing, I even head for one of the university libraries in town.

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Congressman Mark Souder (R-IN) Supports Single Payer

Will wonders never cease?

Last week, Congressman Mark Souder, a conservative Republican from Indiana's 3rd district, voted--with 12 of his conservative Republican colleagues on the House Education and Labor Committee--for an amendment that would allow states to opt out of the federal health insurance reform plan as long as they set up a single payer system in their state. The amendment was sponsored by uber-liberal Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).

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Congressman Paul Ryan Can Shove His American Character Right Up His Ass

Yesterday, Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly pointed out that Paul Ryan had a piece at the American Spectator Web site. In it, Ryan writes:

The American character itself and the principles of free market democracy which protect and preserve it may be lost beyond recovery if Congress chooses the wrong path to health care reform

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Another Health Care Story

I didn't grow up in a family with a lot of money. In fact, we apparently started out poor. I didn't know this, because I was three and thought a walk shuffling through leaves was the best entertainment ever. But my mom and dad both worked really hard and my mom was a serious penny pincher. So, they saved.



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Personal Information

Orlando is a teacher and aspiring novelist, living a mysterious and reclusive life somewhere in Asia. She used to live a reclusive and mysterious life somewhere in Indiana until Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence became national figures, making it far too humiliating to continue residing there. In her spare time, she travels the world--or her small part of it--snapping pictures and writing down random thoughts to share with the dagblog crowd.


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