The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Ramona's picture

The Lunatic Fringe is No Longer Amusing. Let's get Serious.

We have to stop pretending that what is happening in our country is a cyclical blip in our journey toward glory. We're being destroyed from the inside by our own citizens, and our real enemies couldn't be happier. They don't have to lift a finger. All it takes for them is patience.
Ramona's picture

The Battle for Public Schools - Kids? What kids?

These days we're looking, talking and acting more and more like some comic's version of a third world country, but so far we've kept the mercenaries at bay when it comes to our most sacrosanct obligation--basic education for all. The Right Wing in our country have been beating their gums for eons now about the need to turn public schools over to private interests, but so far we've been able to brush them off like the nasty little gnats they are.
Ramona's picture

It's Official - Goldman Sachs harbors and nurtures Creeps and Crooks. But we love the rich, so lay off.

The financial crisis has unveiled a new set of public villains--corrupt corporate capitalists who leveraged their connections in government for their own personal profit. During the Clinton and Bush administrations, many of these schemers were worshiped as geniuses, heroes or...
Ramona's picture

Ernie Harwell - In Remembrance of You

Baseball is the President tossing out the first ball of the season and a scrubby schoolboy playing catch with his dad on a Mississippi farm. A tall, thin old man waving a scorecard from the corner of his dugout....
Ramona's picture

May Day: Workers of the World, Hang in There

In a proclamation printed just before May 1, 1886, one publisher appealed to working people with this plea:•Workingmen to Arms!•War to the Palace, Peace to the Cottage, and Death to LUXURIOUS IDLENESS.•The wage system is the only cause of the...
Ramona's picture

Don't take your guns to town, boys. There's nobody out to get you and you're just going to look silly

So what's the natural progression, considering that the New World Order in all its blackness is honest-to-God almost almost here. Well, if you've got any brains at all, you strap on your guns and saddle up and then you go to wherever the President of the United States happens to be, or at least to wherever a prominent Democrat happens to be, because. . . . Because you have guns and you know how to show them.
Ramona's picture

A Day to Celebrate the Earth. Tomorrow: Business as Usual?

Enough had finally become enough, and under Lyndon Johnson and a congress that could see clearly now (even though the rest of us were still lost in a choking, eye-watering, salmon-colored, man-made smog), we saw a Clean Air Act, a Clean Water act, a National Wilderness Preservation System, a Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, a National Trails System Act, and, for what it was worth, a National Environmental Policy.
Ramona's picture

Could we just have the Damn Tax Day without the Rollicking Tea Party?

So when I wasn't filling out forms I was snickering at those faux-Yahoos mugging their faces off for the TV cameras, pretending that they're mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. Who are they trying to kid? They're mad as hell that Obama is president and then the other thing is that they're mad as hell that Obama is president.
Ramona's picture

Giving Legitimacy to Hate

Memo to WaPo Front Page editor: You missed the big news. The big news is that American health care just took a baby step toward actual reform. You might be bored with it, it's been going on for so long, but trust me, the millions without adequate health care can't get enough of it.
Ramona's picture

Fear and Loathing - The New American Vision

The rabid crazies are being fed their favorite dish--publicity--and, gluttons that they are, they're eating it up and going after more. They understand how it works--in order to get more they have to give more, which means that each time they're out there in front of the cameras they have to step up the action. More hate! More fear! Louder! Louder!


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryWhat is a contract if it's not a contract, Part 2 Ramona112 years 5 months ago
Blog entryGood Grief Donal912 years 5 months ago
Blog entryA Happening in East Liverpool Ramona3012 years 5 months ago
CreativeAnne Frank as Literature PeraclesPlease1312 years 5 months ago
Reader blogI'm retroactively retiring to a decade ago. Oxy Mora1112 years 5 months ago
Blog entryThe Newsroom: A stupid, poorly acted show with an extra serving of sexism William K. Wolfrum1312 years 5 months ago
Blog entryThe Test of a Great Teacher (This is not a test.) Ramona612 years 5 months ago
LinkWhat’s eating Appalachia? artappraiser2212 years 5 months ago
Blog entryIt is time to discuss racism and gender issues - provided Black people & women stay out of it William K. Wolfrum1012 years 5 months ago
Blog entryObamacare Ruled Not a Four-Letter-Word. Damn! Ramona1312 years 5 months ago
Reader blogWe Need the Stinking Mandate tmccarthy05512 years 5 months ago
Blog entryWe Don't Need No Stinking Mandates Michael Maiello3112 years 5 months ago
Reader blogJustice for Treyvon and White Privilege tmccarthy04612 years 6 months ago
Reader blogFOOD STAMPS: SESSIONS AND RAND Richard Day1412 years 6 months ago
Blog entryWhat is a Contract if it's not a Contract? Or Even if it Is? Ramona012 years 6 months ago
Reader blogMy Rant About The Elephant / Gorilla In The Room ... MrSmith12512 years 6 months ago
Blog entryStop Making Sense (Left and Right Edition) Michael Maiello1212 years 6 months ago
Blog entryThe Vagina Comicals Ramona1912 years 6 months ago
Blog entryAsk your doctor if Wolf Blitzer is right for you William K. Wolfrum1512 years 6 months ago
Blog entryWhen the War Began Michael Wolraich3812 years 6 months ago
Blog entryWisconsin, Don't Despair. It's not You, it's Them Ramona712 years 6 months ago
Blog entryHelp! Michigan has Fallen and it Can't Get Up! Ramona2112 years 6 months ago
Reader blogMemorial Day in America Elusive Trope1012 years 6 months ago
Reader blogAN OBSCENE RANT AGAINST SEAN HANNITY! Richard Day2712 years 7 months ago
Blog entryI love Joe Biden. I mean it. I LOVE Joe Biden Ramona812 years 7 months ago
