The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Police Raid Activists Ahead of GOP Convention

Police armed with automatic weapons raided at least six buildings in Minneapolis and St. Paul used by activists and seized a bus carrying others in what one attorney for the National Lawyers Guild called "unwarranted" acts of "preventive detention" to...


John McCain's choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin begs a burning question: Is McCain too risky to ever be president?I would submit the answer is "Yes."Palin's biography has already circulated among the blogging community, so I will spare you the...

TO ALL BLOGGERS: Policy, NOT Misogyny

If you are using misogyny to advance your arguments against  John McCain's choice of running mates, you are giving disaffected women every reason to withhold their votes or use them for McCain/Palin.DON'T do it.Write about Sarah Palin's lack of foreign...

Sarah Barracuda — Expanded Repost

The most salient point for Democrats to consider about John McCain's new veep, Sarah Palin, is that her looks are deceiving. She is fiercely partisan, charming and politically ice-cold and calculating.Exuding what the Anchorage Daily News, in a 2006 profile,...

Palin Slogans Open Thread

Ready on Day 2,923Putting the C*nt in Country FirstAn American Who Understands Alaskan Foreign PolicyAll the Cheney Without the DickA Heartbeat Away From ImpeachmentPolitics Is a Beauty PageantMeeting the Challenge of Global Swimsuit CompetitionThe Credible Bitch...

Sarah Barracuda

The most salient point for Democrats to consider about John McCain's new veep, Sarah Palin, is that her looks are deceiving.Exuding what the Anchorage Daily News, in a 2006 article, called an "almost Clintonlike" warmth, former beauty queen Palin has...

McCain's REAL Short List

While John McCain's team was faking out the media suggesting that Mitt Romney, Joe Lieberman and Tim Pawlenty were under consideration for McCain's veep pick, the real short list was a closely guarded secret.Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won the day,...

Three Cheers for the Cavalry

To those who are kicking up the dust as they close the distance, ride hard. To those hastening to the reinforcement of our greater cause, ride hard. To those who served under another commander but recognize our flag is theirs,...

On Selective Hearing

John McCain tells Hillary diehards what they want to hear: "It's okay to hate Obama."But McCain does not like Hillary. His party hates Hillary and all Clintons. McCain and his party are using women in a cynical gambit to win...

Three Lessons

I can remember watching Bozo the Clown and Three Stooges shorts on the grainy black-and-white TV at the home of my babysitter, Mrs. Eisenbeiss. But I cannot recall any specific images that flickered on that set, except the flag-draped coffin...



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