The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Barney Frank: Soak the Filthy Rich Bastards

Rep. Barney Frank agreed today on "Face the Nation" with my post of yesterday: Frank said he would push for a "surtax" on people making over a million dollars a year. The Democrats are getting this right....

The Only Pertinent Question

I can't defend the bailout plan submitted by the Fed to Congress. It is loosely constructed, giving broad discretionary powers and a purse equal to a third of the 2008 budget to the Executive branch. And it will dump up...

The New Earl (apologies to Emma Lazarus)

Not like the Must-See TV trailer trash, With karmic limbs outstretched to right his wrong; Behind red ink-washed Wall Street firms stands strong A mighty banker with a plan, whose stash Is the taxpaying public's, and his cash Mother of...

Soak the Filthy Rich Bastards

As our government shifts $1 trillion in private debt from the shareholders of worthless investments to the taxpayers at large, John McCain is railing that Obama will bloat government and raise taxes.I think Obama has it just right. Having just...

HEY!! Have You Seen a Lot of Jets Flying?

A lot of fighters were in the air Wednesday. Why?I've sent this to Josh & Co., the NY Times and my local paper. So far, only a lame response from the Times about a NORAD exercise in D.C., which I...

Inner Sarah Palin Interview: My Parting VIDEO Gift

By and large, I won't be back for most of the fireworks here at TPM until just before the election. I have things to do. Like helping get Obama elected and attending to my much-neglected personal affairs. So here's my...

Category and Brand

Why is liberalism traditionally considered "bad" but conservatism is seen as "good"? Why are Democrats quickly tagged as "tax-and-spend wimps" but Republicans labeled "tax-cutting protectors"? All of the above description are unfair, but they hold sway in some quarters, particularly...

Why Palin IS Relevant (Temporarily)

With all due and considerable respect for those who urge us to forget about Sarah Palin and focus immediately and exclusively on John McCain, they're wrong. In the long run, yes, we must focus on McCain exclusively. That time is...

KiSLAW: Kick Sarah's Lying Ass Week

Let's try a coordinated approach that takes major Palin issues one at a time, devoting a day to the major problems with McCain's running mate. If we stay on message each day, maybe someone will notice. The week after this,...

The Dim Bulb of Foreign Policy — REPOST

The McCain campaign's support for Sarah Palin's false credentials seeks to elevate another oil-centric view of defense and foreign policy to the White House. Not what we need. Yet both McCain and Palin now put forward their new argument that...



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