The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

The Dim Bulb of Foreign Policy

The McCain campaign's support for Sarah Palin's false credentials seeks to elevate another oil-centric view of defense and foreign policy to the White House. Not what we need. Yet both McCain and Palin now put forward their new argument that...

Defend Your Joy

John McCain has declared war on us. His war on the American psyche started with his "Celebrity" series of ads and the insidious charge designed to destroy the very notion of support for Obama. He might as well have dropped...

REVISED: Drill, Baby, Drill! Oh God! Yes!

Only two weeks after the GOP convention concluded with shouts of "Drill, Baby, Drill," the Interior Department's own Inspector General released a two-year, $5.3 million report detailing graft, drug use and sex at the Denver office of the Minerals Management...

Drill, Baby, Drill! Oh God! Yes!

Only two weeks after the GOP convention concluded with shouts of "Drill, Baby, Drill," the Interior Department's own Inspector General released a two-year, $5.3 million report detailing graft, drug use and sex at the Denver office of the Minerals Management...

Relax! It's in the Bag!

Oh yeah, baby! Miller Time! Take it from someone who knows, we can count on Obama winning this election. It's a done deal just waiting for the paperwork to come back! Pesky panickers have whined about Obama's lackluster poll numbers,...

Relax! It's in the Bag!

Oh yeah, baby! It's Miller Time! Take it from someone who knows, we can count on Obama winning this election. It's a done deal just waiting for the paperwork to come back! Pesky panickers have whined about Obama's lackluster poll...

Is Obama's Gun Loaded?

It's time Obama pulled the gun he said he'd bring to this knife fight.I certainly understand the views of those who urge calm patience over rash analysis of polls and premature panic induced by the first readings of chicken bones....

Sung to the Tune of Barracuda

Per a post here yesterday (can't remember which), I entered a web site's Sarahcuda competition for the best rewrite of Heart's "Barracuda" lyrics. However, I seem to be the only entry there. So maybe this site will have more active...

If You Read One Post Today ...

Read this one. No, it's not mine....

How to Elect Obama: A 5-Point Manual

1. Every time the media picks up a negative McCain meme about the Democratic ticket and repeats it, make a donation to Obama's campaign.2. Realize that the Obama/Biden campaign needs your brawn as much as your awesome super-brain. While blogging...



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