The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

McCain's Cape Was at the Dry Cleaners

Time elapsed between the moment George W. Bush was advised at 9:07 a.m. of a second plane hitting the Twin Towers during his reading of "The Pet Goat" at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, until he arrived...

Debates? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Debates!

Topping a day of rapid-fire surprises, John McCain announced he has signed for dual roles in the sequel to Mel Brooks' classic film comedy, "Blazing Saddles." McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is also slated for a cameo in the new...

Debates? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Debates!

Topping a day of rapid-fire surprises, John McCain announced he has signed for dual roles in the sequel to Mel Brooks' classic film comedy, "Blazing Saddles." McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is also slated for a cameo in the new...

Truce, clearthinker?

clearthinker, I propose you stay off my posts and I stay off yours. I further propose to never insert your name in my posts or make any reference to you whatsoever if you do the same. Seems fair to me....

Top 10 Reading Assignments for clearthinker

10. "The Press and America," by Edwin Emery, et al.8. "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran.7. "The Lessons of History" by Will and Ariel Durant.6. "The Causes of War" by Geoffrey Blainey.5.  "The Art of Loving" by Erich Fromm.4. "How...

MUST READ: A Guide to the Eye of the Storm

At the heart of the financial meltdown starting to occur is a financial instrument called a credit default swap. If you want to understand how this whole thing began, who's involved and how it's spiraling out of control, you MUST...

Right Into the Microphone, Mr. President

What's missing from the discussion of a $700 billion government bailout of financial markets can be summed up in three words: George W. Bush. Where is the presidential address that lays out the scope of the crisis and the reasons...

Fuck Them, Fuck Me, Fuck You

I'm talking about the notion that we should let the financial system collapse. Right. It looks like most bloggers here have become proponents of McKeynsian economics: Bitch first, study the problem later if ever. If you're too dumb to understand...

Wake Up, The Credit Crisis Is No Hoax

As I have said before in other posts, I do not endorse any specific government response to the credit crisis. I do, however, believe there is one.Those who advise doing nothing but spin conspiracy theories of a massive hoax do...

My Third Bailout Email to My Senator

I have already sent two emails in the past couple days to Sens. McCaskill and Obama, seeking better terms and a more thoughtful approach to the credit crisis. Here is my third, sent today:Dear Senator McCaskill,First, please do NOT allow...



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