The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Joe the Plumber says Obama tap danced "almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr."

On CBS's webcast after TV debate coverage, Joe Wurzelbacher (the Plumber) told Katie Couris that he wanted to ask Obama tough questions, but "Unfortunately, that's all I got. A tap dance. Almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr." Is it...

There and Back Again

I said "Good-bye" but couldn't stay away long. The breather helped and the new tools are too tempting. Much better than the old "tools" (if you know what I mean).So cheers to everyone who wished me well and wished I'd...


I wish I could say it's been fun lately, but it hasn't been.Many of the gentler, more insightful people here have departed for the Gray Havens.What's left are a few good people (yeah, you know who you are) and a...

Dow Jones Has Worst Drop in History

The Dow dropped more today than any day in history, 778 points according to MSNBC.It has been reacting negatively to the current crisis for weeks now. But what the hell does your grandpa and grandma's retirement fund know? Or that...


Q. What does an idiot say just before the economy collapses?A. To hell with Wall Street. Three cheers for the House GOP caucus!...

Wall Street is Voting—With YOUR Money

Dow Jones has dropped 618 and still dropping as the House lines up against the bailout. Thanks a shitload, Bailout Balkers....

You, Too, Can Become an Expert on the Bailout in 15 Minutes of Less!

If you still aren't sure why a bailout is necessary, how our current financial crisis came to be and why it isn't just the fault of greedy Wall Street investment houses, you owe it to yourself to read this entire...

Mutinyon the Bounty: Captain's Log (with moral of the story)

Jan 20, 2009Today I became Commander and Chief of the Bounty amid some fanfare. As I well understand the burden of my duties from my years as prisoner of war in the Orient, I took up my office with not...

Captain's Log: Mutiny on the Bounty

Jan 20, 2009Today I became Commander and Chief of the Bounty amid some fanfare. As I well understand the burden of my duties from my years as prisoner of war in the Orient, I took up my office with not...

McCain Brings a Shiv to the Debates

There is only one reason McCain went to Washington this week. He needed to pick up the shiv he'll stick in Obama's back at Ole Miss tonight.Now, as McCain announces he'll attend tonight's debate, the nature of that crude blade...



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