by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Demonstrating the brilliance of direct democracy, the Swiss people declared their nation to be a minaret-free zone. One cannot help but admire the simplicity of Swiss thinking. They did not bother with definitions or rationales. There was no legal gobbledygook, no extended rationales, no conscience-driven caveats. They simply voted to amend their constitution with the inspirational words, "The building of minarets is prohibited."
True, it might have been more fitting to insert the words into Article 15: Freedom of Faith and Conscience rather than Article 72: Church and State, but that's a quibble. The important thing is that there will be no more dangerous minarets in Switzerland.
The amendment came not a moment too soon. Switzerland already has four minarets, and if the voters had not put a stop to it, Zurich and Geneva might soon resemble this chilling scene:
If you watch to the end, you will see monstrous golden minarets overwhelm a beautiful if somewhat colorless Swiss town, towering over the church towers and even the Alps. The minarets are manned by bearded Shriners in green and red who march around and hold out their arms as if to say, "Please don't shoot me!" These Shriners pose a constant threat of toppling off the unfenced platforms onto innocent Swiss citizens below.
In addition to the danger of falling Shriners, the phallic minarets also menace Swiss women. Swiss feminist Julia Onken explained, "Mosques are male houses, minarets are male power symbols." Muslims should invent a new architectural structure that resembles a vagina.
Swiss housewife Julia Werner feared the dreaded slippery slope of the minaret offensive: "If we give them a minaret, they'll have us all wearing burqas. Before you know it, we'll have sharia law and women being stoned to death in our streets. We won't be Swiss any more."
The concern for women's rights is deeply embedded in Swiss culture. Swiss women gained the right to vote as early as 1971, a year before Bangladesh and only 24 years after Pakistan.
While some foreigners have accused the Swiss of intolerance, the good Swiss people don't have anything against Muslims.
"We don't have anything against Muslims," said parliament member Oskar Freysinger of the Swiss People's Party (SVP), "But we don't want minarets. The minaret is a symbol of a political and aggressive Islam, it's a symbol of Islamic law. The minute you have minarets in Europe it means Islam will have taken over."
But the SVP does not extend its generosity to sheep. Some animals just do not belong in this famously tolerant alpine nation.
For those too lazy to Google, Sicherheit schaffen means "providing security" (or literally Security providing). Presumably, this security being provided is from miscegenation.
by Nebton on Mon, 11/30/2009 - 8:01pm
"Muslims should invent a new architectural structure that resembles a vagina."
Well, a mihrab, vaguely. And a dome is a boob.
by Chris (not verified) on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 1:52am
Good point. As far as I know, domes and mihrabs have not been banned yet.
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 12:11pm
Sure they'd better bomb the hell out of Muslims, shoot at them, torture them, keep them in middle age like settings, while sponsoring islamic terrorism, like US are doing. All this while saying "We love YOU, we are here in peace, we respect your religion"(well, may be it is true since all Muslims ultimate wish is to die for Allah). Swiss people aren't as evolved as people like you: they dislike schizophrenia and lies.
by Humorous (not verified) on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 5:35am
Oops, I forgot that the policies of my previous president, whom I despised, prohibit me from criticizing discrimination anywhere else in the world. I'll just shut up now and delete everything I've ever written. My apologies.
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 12:21pm
No need for apologies Ghengis: you can keep bombing them, but please just choose more terrorist like targets rather than "civilians", just for the form and cost.
Anyway, we clap our hands when Obama is playing the educated european chimp, but stop thinking Europeans, Chineses, Indians, South Americans, investors and so on, trust/respect him more than G.W. Bush. So far, all the decision taken by Obama are bad ones in practice, but we kind of like seing US imperialism destroying itself thanks to our beloved Obama.
by Humorous (not verified) on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 12:37pm
And this, really, is a great argument for a Bill of Rights and review by an indpendent judiciary.
Switzerland needs some unelected judges. Seriously.
by Doctor Cleveland on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 3:15pm
You can make light of this ban, but at the same time it is a real shame that Muslims in Switzerland still can's coexist. There has been real outrage, too:
by johnfranklin (not verified) on Fri, 12/04/2009 - 12:21pm
Welcome to dagblog! We often make light of things that are shameful and/or an outrage.
We're also capable of taking things seriously, so feel free to start a deeper discussion about it. The vast majority of us are in agreement, however, that this is a real shame.
by Nebton on Fri, 12/04/2009 - 12:26pm