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    An Early Door-Buster Black Friday Afternoon Sale at the Haikulodeon



    The Haikulodeon gets the jump on all those other haiku emporiums by opening it's doors early in order to beat the Thanksgiving Weekend poetry rush ...

    So ... here's this week's heap of haikus:

    And so, we gather
    to rejoice and to give thanks
    for we are so blessed.

    Let each turkey slice
    and wedge of mom’s pumpkin pie,
    demonstrate our thanks.

    Mash the potatoes,
    baste the turkey, eat some pie,
    then take a long nap.


    tanka haiku:

    My tenth great grand-dad
    was at that first thanksgiving ...
    I imagine him

    saying the turkey was fowl
    and the yams needed more salt.


    double haiku:

    In the barber's chairs,
    boys squirm and fidget ... meanwhile
    dad's reading Playboy.
    Sweeping up the hair,
    old men argue politics ...
    kids want lollipops.

    L. L. Bean, Best Buy,
    Mrs Field's Cookies, Macys ...
    Mall s assimilate.


    On a dock in Maine,
    he watched as the lobsters were
    removed from their traps.

    Deer in the headlights!
    Brakes slammed, tires squeal! Seat belt grabs!
    Adrenaline rush!

    Ever wonder why
    the stars shine in the sky? Two
    words: Surplus Twinkles.
    tanka haiku:
    I need your concern,
    your help, your solace, your strength,
    your love. I need you.
    No, I'm NOT needy! Are cars
    without gasoline, gassy?
    Hampered by the rain,
    we still managed to play a
    full set of tennis.

    tanka haiku:

    Do birds in the trees
    sing happier melodies
    than ones in a cage?

    Does freedom of movement trump
    the freedom from fear? Don't know.
    Finding peace-makers
    is never as easy as
    finding warriors.


    Thoughts, planted wisely,
    blossom in reluctant minds,
    when the time is right.

    What if we're all  cogs
    in a huge, complex machine,
    just trying to mesh?
    double haiku:

    Morning eased gently
    into my consciousness, like
    melting caramels ...
    gooey imagery?
    Perhaps, but still better than
    a kick in the shins.


    A crumpled fender,
    wrapped around a barber pole,
    could mean a close shave.


    At the sky’s edges,
    mountaintops still pierce the clouds,
    to peek at heaven.


    Do not weep all night
    then wonder why the world seems
    so full of teardrops.


    A haiku for writers ...

    haiku: The plot thickens when
    you're married to the ending
    but wake with a start.


    Through an iron fence,
    I watch autumn leaves fall on
    empty park benches.


    Pretending we'll meet,
    each time I turn a corner
    makes me walk faster.

    (A variation taken from one of my favorite Cy Coleman songs; "I Walk a Little Faster.")


    A yellow note was
    pasted on the scaffolding ...
    "Soft heads need hard hats."


    A tiny sparrow
    is chased by a feisty pup
    pulling a young girl.


    Reading comic books
    and playing travel bingo
    got them to Grandma's.

    Live a life of love,
    look to better angels, carve
    your own walking stick.

    tanka haiku:

    I have been too bad
    to be a saint; too good to
    be the anti-Christ.

    What does that leave me? Only
    a quite boring middle ground.
    In snowy woods, I
    follow tiny footprints, which
    suddenly vanish.

    It's not that I find
    you intriguing, it's just that
    in you, I see me.


    A glorious day
    seeps through my window shades, and
    withers all my fears.




    HAPPY THANKSGIVING - CHANUKAH!   Gobble, Gobble, Mazeltov!




    Well happy Thanksgiving Day to you Mr. Smith

    I like comic books

    Like Salon & Huffpo &

    The rest of the sites


    There are Supermen

    & Batmen & other fakes

    & the wantabes


    We gotta pretend

    That we are just someone else

    So we look at pix


    But today we pretend

    That we are a family

    Pass the green bean dish






    hahahahaha,   Happy Thanksgiving, DD.


    They used to say, "See:

    ya in the funny papers" ..

    Now, it's understood.

    We are ALL in the

    funny papers ... But the world's

    no longer funny..

    Here's a couple more I forgot to include:


    Of a sanguine mind,
    he always disagreed with
    the cynical blokes ...





    Don't become smitten
    with young maids you have bitten;
    there's too much at stake.






    Happy Thanksgiving.  No door buster shopping for me.  

    I sometimes ponder
    the wisdom of door busting ...
    How do you lock up?


    Happy (slightly belated) Thanksgiving, trkingmomoe.

    There are bucket lists.

    My fuck it list is bigger.

    What I will not do.

    LOL, moat!!   Thanks for the laugh this morning!  Hope you're enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend.


    My list now includes
    looking for my bucket list ...
    mobius strip search.



    Mobius strippers,

    without buttons or zippers,

    twist and join the ends.

    Hmm, perhaps Iron John's Sons (say it fast...) should become Moebius Strippers..

    Good to see you Jolly!  Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! 


    Iron John sons tried
    to Free Willy, but needed
    full metal jackets.


    xclnt in all regards, thanks.  Back at ya'

    More youth in Asia

    won't keep hands from moving parts;

    Hark, blind Venetians.



    This will float your boat;
    Naked Gondoliers is what
    makes Venetians blind.

    Good one, moat!

    The ecdysiast
    that men find teasiest, zips
    up the easiest.





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