The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Martin Bashir
    Martin Bashir

    Always do right, it will gratify some and just astonish the rest!

                                                                                              MARK TWAIN

    I just came upon this article discussing the rules for a better life at Huffpo.

    And where better than Huffpo to find the best kept secrets of the universe? Why go to the Dalai Lama for rules when you have Huffpo?

    It reminded me that most rules for leading a good life are complete and utter horse shite!

    Context is everything.

    This particular waste of a reader's time notes 11 rules for properly getting through life.

    Any astrology column pretends that there are twelve or thirteen different types of human beings on this planet and I have met at least 14.

    Anyway this Dear Abby type column gives one advice on eleven things you should not do or say. Hell I know hundreds of rules of behavior and as rules they are meaningless without proper context; but here are three of the rules discussed in mighty Huffpo:

    Never confuse movement with action. (I do not think this rule relates to one's bowels)

    Never dare to to judge till you have heard the other side. (Well hearing the other side and understanding the other side are two different things)

    Never ascribe to an opponent meaner motives than your own

    Right after I found the Huffpo secrets of the universe I came upon this article concerning a fellow who hosts his own show on MSNBC.

    Now, MSNBC is a gas for me anyway.

    I will start out my day with Jughead and his Morning Joe but I can only take about fifteen minutes of it; because this Mika idiot is there. I used to complain that she was high all the time but to tell you the truth she is worse when she is sober. I cannot take her voice anymore than I can stand Palin's trill.

    There is something missing in the lilt so to speak.

    About noon I will hit Andrea who weighs in at about 80 pounds; she feigns to be twenty years younger than she really is and she sleeps with a guy who died at least a decade ago.

    Andrea will do the normal even-minded interview and then flip out every couple of weeks or so.

    I watch her for about twenty minutes most days; hoping she does flip out of course.

    Some idiot will come onto the show and start talking about how they really did find WMD's in Iraq about 2004 and she will say:


    It is worth watching her for three weeks just to get to that moment when the truth is so defiled that she even goes nuts. Hahahahahah

    I love it when she loses it. Hahahahaha

    Now at night there is Chris Matthews who has left-turned since about 2006 when he finally came to the conclusion that dick cheney had been lying to him all along.

    Chris will pretend to believe in truth and justice and the American Way. Sometimes he comes across so damn stupid like when he feigned to be impressed by W. Bush's appearance on that goddamn aircraft carrier.

    I will never forget when Chris demurred to his partner Keith O's observation that what they were witnessing was shear and utter bullshite.

    By 2006, Dick Cheney had actually called up Matthews' boss requesting that Chris tone it down.

    Well that was the end of that. Hahahah Chris even published the threat on his show.

    Okay then you will come to O'Donnell and then Rachel and you find yourself in the land of pure liberals and it works as background music while I play scrabble or write this drivel. I like Ed Shultz too but he just kind of reacts like I do watching TV. And Stewart will throw-up all over Ed at least once a week attempting to show that old Ed is Rush on the left.

    That is untrue and unfair of course, but there is something missing in Ed's delivery.

    What I discovered recently was that I was missing this guy by the name of Martin Bashir who has his own hour show on MSNBC in the middle of the afternoon.

    And let me tell you something.

    This guy is more combative than Rachel and I love Rachel.

    We gotta see that this Bashir guy gets his own night show. I swear I have never seen anything like this guy. I did not even know he existed.

    He just started the last day of February this year. And Wiki has almost nothing on him.

    So I googled his name and found out he had been on Nightline for ABC. No wonder I never heard of him.

    Yahoo says he began with BBC which explains his wonderful English accent.

    Turns out Bashir received world-wide notoriety by interviewing important people.

    Like Michael Jackson. Hahahah

    This is not keen journalism of course.

    I mean, Michael is it really a good idea to dress up in jammies and sleep with eight year-old boys? Hahahahah

    But you see, Bashir will just ask the goddamn question.


    You will see in the bio that Bashir first came to prominence interviewing Lady Diana. Which is probably the reason I never heard of the guy. I mean I never ever ever witnessed one interview with Lady Diana—may she rest in piece for chrissakes.

    I missed the last British wedding watching reruns of Have Gun Will Travel anyway.

    Well, I caught Bashir interviewing some fascist recently and I could not stop laughing. The guy will not let a lie lie without interrupting and saying:



    I caught Martin Bashir again on Tuesday. And this was the most hilarious interview I have seen in years. He had Tancredo—remember we translate his name as I BELIEVE IN ANIMAL SKINS—on his show and it was better than SNL and Stewart combined.

    MSNBC host Martin Bashir stunned ex-GOP Congressman Tom Tancredo on Tuesday when he used one of Tancredo's columns to ask if he wanted President Obama killed.

    In July 2010, Tancredo wrote in The Washington Times, wrote, "Mr. Obama is a more serious threat to America than al Qaeda. We you know that Osama bin Laden and followers want to kill us but at least they are an outside force against whom we can offer our best defense."

    "Wasn't that a ludicrous thing to accuse the President of?" Bashir asked Tancredo on Tuesday. Tancredo said he "certainly" did not think it was ludicrous to make the analogy, and said that he was "very pleased" about bin Laden's killing. The two argued about whether or not President Bush would have been praised as much as Obama has been had bin Laden died during his administration. Then, Bashir asked, "to follow your logic, would you have preferred then the death of the President as opposed to bin Laden?"

    "No. Of course not," Tancredo said. "My God. And that is not a logical assumption anybody can make."

    "You said the president was a greater threat than Osama bin Laden," Bashir pointed out. Tancredo insisted that he didn't want any violence or harm to come to Obama, "except political harm."


    This was not a set-up. Tancredo certainly would rather have seen Obama dead than Osama for chrissakes--no matter what the sumbitch says.

    It is like Rush repeating his sentiment once again that his biggest hope in life is to see Obama fail no matter the pain and anguish felt by the American People! &

    Watch this Bashir guy because he is my favorite Basher, please!!!

    Tancredo is all memorization and always has his fascistic mental notes available.

    But this Bashir guy just cuts Tancredo's balls off!

    Well back to our rules. I would amend one of the silly rules I quoted earlier as follows:

    Sometimes one must ascribe to an opponent meaner motives than your own!

    And do not take a stick to a gun fight.

    Bashir teaches me this truer rubric of life.


    THE END.




    Basher can do alright. Sometimes I wish we could just import a few dozen from the BBC. Jeremy Paxman for starters. His takedown of the then #1 Conservative leader was priceless.

    Thanks for the link! There is something about the Brits. hahahaha

    I am sorry but I am going to be frightfully rude...

    Nobody can have meaner motives than I do.

    Now there ya go!! ha

    Suppose you wish to treat others in the manner you would like to be treated; except you are one of those medieval priests who puts the  lash to  himself every night!

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