The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Maiello's picture

    The Michelle Bachmann Dozens

    Michelle Bachmann is... flaky that when she showers with Head and Shoulders, she disappears. flaky that if she eats a Hershey's Kiss she becomes pan au chocolat. flaky that she snowed in her own cross country bus tour. flaky that when she goes to KFC, biscuits order her. flaky that she could sell herself in Japan as panko under the brand name Pannko.

    …is so flaky that she thought the first primary debate would be held on the Food Network.

    …is so flaky that the Gorton’s Fisherman chases her around.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Brazilians boiling, blaming Big Pharma for new FDA office in Brazil

    MINAS GERAIS — Brazilian officials are in Washington, D.C., today to speak with the Food and Drug and Administration to attempt to get them to change their minds about building an FDA office in Brasilia.

    In what Brazilian magazine Epoca is calling the first speed bump in President Dilma Rousseff’s dealings with the United States, the U.S. announced on April 26 it’s plans to build an FDA office in Brasilia – a move Brazilian officials are saying was never discussed with them.

    Ramona's picture

    Stop the Search, Diogenes. We found him. It's Bernie.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders, Independent from Vermont, held the senate floor for 90 minutes yesterday, talking directly to President Obama, pleading, cajoling, scolding--begging the president to take the lead on obvious things like lifting the poor and the downtrodden out of the depths, protecting them from any more grief, and demanding that the rich pay their fair share of U.S. taxes.

    In what's called "a letter to President Obama", Sen. Sanders, a man Diogenes would be proud to call an honest man, said this:

    Michael Maiello's picture

    What If Obama Loses?

    I'm pretty bad at the politics part of politics.  Sure, I can read opinion polls and guess at what messages will play well in communities I know well, but I don't have a great crystal ball for predicting how groups of people will react to major events.

    When I look over at the Republican ticket I see one threat (Mitt Romney) and a lot of nothing else.  I also think Romney is eminently beatable and that so long as the economy is improving, even if it's improving too slowly, Obama has to be the odds-on favorite to win in 2012.  But, hey, anything can happen, right?

    Donal's picture

    New Blood at Wimbledon

    Looks like Peter Bodo was right:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Thanks, Marcelo

    Note: Will Kohl over at Back2Stonewall asked me if I’d write him a guest post about some of my experiences in Brazil. Here is that post, originally posted at

    I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t Gay friendly. But it took coming to Brazil for me to become a full-fledged Gay ally. That change started almost immediately upon my arrival.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Last White Gangster

    The FBI has caught Whitey Bulger, after a mere sixteen years. The arrest made national news because of the FBI's well-earned embarrassment and because of the mythology around Bulger. As a crime boss, Bulger was not nationally significant. He was a formidable gang leader with firm control over one slice of Boston's organized crime, but it was only a slice.

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: Huntsman's debut dud, New Bank Heist Health Care Plan, Pop-up Pianos, and Barbie killed Bratz

    Rachel Maddow, dear-heart, I'm begging you--never, ever do beat poetry at the bongo drum AGAIN!  Gawd!  That was painful! I'm telling you, it was excruciating!  I love you truly but that was just gawdawful.  Really.

    Donal's picture

    Third Strategic Oil Release, Theory Update

    We are in US summer driving season, but Tom Whipple observes that both oil and gasoline stocks are unusually low :

    Donal's picture

    Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

    A vimeo about the badass code weapon for Hungry Beast on Australia's ABC1. 

    Another interesting vimeo by Patrick Clair is How Green is Your Internet?

