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    Burn Before Reading

    As if this year didn't suck enough, Random House and Ann Coulter are leaving one last skid mark on our soiled 2008 Fruit of the Looms before the Waterford drops.

    Behold it in all of its glory. Yup, nothing rings in holiday cheer quite like the Coultergeist. I put it a notch below running down the stairs at Grammy's Christmas morning to find the severed head of 'Geoffrey the Giraffe' under the tree.

    And in keeping with the spirit of the holidays Random House is keeping the title of the comic book a secret -

    RH: "This book is so hot we can't tell you what it's about. Ann Coulter never disappoints."

    Ooh, I'm gnawing off my toenails in eager anticipation. It's like some big gift wrapped box of horrors presented to me by Joe Rogan.

    Well like most kids on the holidays I'm digging in early. So below are the working titles I'm betting are going to melt the faces off of the Barnes 'N Noble magazine rack come 12/30. Feel free to add your own.

    1. My Bologna Has a First Name: It's $2-7-.9-5!
    2. Treason: How the Liberals Rigged the Election in Indiana, Iowa, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Omaha
    3. Obama/Osama/Yosemite Sam'a. Notice a trend here?
    4. How to 'Rusty Trombone' a Liberal (If You Must)
    5. I Can See Lucifer From My House
    6. Secrets the Libs Don't Want You to Know: Obama's Black, His Middle Name Is Hussein And He Has An American Hating Priest
    7. Coming to Grips With My Daddy Issues (And My Other 101 New Year's Resolutions)
    8. Godless: How the Democrats Covertly Fire-Bombed Heaven
    9. How to Tell 66,067,024 People They've Just Killed Jesus
    10. The Housing Bubble and Other Things I've Blown


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    So Coulter is coming on 12/30/08?  What does she do for the rest of the year, just fantasize?

    (Am I allowed to say that?)

    I'm thinking foreplay with jellybeans and an ice pick

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