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    It's all about the beard

    These are sad times. The world is a confused, chaotic mess. War is now considered diplomacy. Freedom is but a catch phrase with no literal meaning. Life is getting more perilous and frightening for more and more people.

    And my beard’s a mess. And that really saddens me.

    Luckily, in times like this, times when I feel blatantly un-beardworthy, I know I have somewhere to turn. A place where I can be inspired. A place where I know I’ll be amongst friends. A place that’s all about beards.

    Yes, All About Beards – the longest running beard Web site on the planet – is a place for bearded brothers to go get the support they need during tough times. Immediately upon entering the site, you’re greeted with a quote that will make your follicles frolic.

    “… the male beard communicates an heroic image of the independent, sturdy, and resourceful pioneer, ready, willing and able to do manly things.”


    But there’s much, much more to All About Beards than just positive facial hair reinforcement. Because as they say “Why grow a beard? Logically, the question ought to be: Why NOT grow a beard?”

    All About Beards has sections on how to grow a beard (#2: Stop shaving and start growing). It also offers beard grooming techniques, beard success stories, beard styles, and even beard videos.

    And to show that the bearded keep up with culture norms, there’s even a beard blog, where recent entries let the bearded know about beard contests, and a new beard poem.

    If that’s not enough, they even have a section dedicated to men talking about why you should grow a beard:

    “Beards are beautiful and a natural part of a man’s face. I cannot fathom fighting a daily battle against something my own body does naturally,” says one reader.

    So visit All About Beards. It’s a place that truly has something for everyone (with beards). And it’s just the place to give me the jolt I need to be my old smirky bearded self again.

    And if you’re a man considering growing a beard, be brave and go for it! Because as they say at All About Beards:

    “Most importantly, the decision to grow, and subsequently keep, your beard is yours. The only opinion that really matters is yours. So, go for it! If you like it, keep it. If not, then shave it off. At the very least you will have given it a try and you’ll know what it was like to grow your beard.”











    Originally posted Oct. 2007 at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles


    Although the top of my head is (more or less) completely follicled, I suffer from male-patterned baldness of the beard (not to be confused with female-patterned balness of the beard). When my beard grows, it looks like I have mange.

    So, screw you and your beard.

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