by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Brazil fan Zé Aparecido was pensive during the first half of Brazil-North Korea World Cup match.
Obama on the Oil Spill: Taking to his biggest bully pulpit, President Barack Obama laid out steps the government has taken and will take in fighting British Petroleum’s oil disaster. The final step? Prayer. Lots and lots of prayer.
Ashburn Changes Course: Since being nabbed for a DUI coming from a Gay bar, California Sen. Roy Ashburn has seen the light. This Q&A showcases the new and improved Ashburn.
Prop. 8 Closing Arguments: The Federal Trial to judge whether California’s Proposition 8 is Constitutional is today. Here’s a handy guide to follow the action.
Wealth Inequality in U.S.: Not that facts should matter, but we are truly living in a second Gilded Age.
More: The first steps toward austerity in the U.S., the Truth of Bloody Sunday finally revealed, Arizona wants to toss American children out of the country, Westboro Baptist Church brainwashing children with hate.
Brazil Beats N. Korea: The North Koreans did all they could to slow down powerful Brazil, but an impossible-angle goal by Brazilian Maicon helped lead Brazil to the three points in its first 2010 World Cup match. In news from Brazil – the whole nation was up until 3 a.m. shooting fireworks after the game, my dogs are going to have a long World Cup.
Portugal-Ivory Coast Tie: Not a lot to say about this evenly matched game, except that when it comes to the top players in the world – Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo – I’ll take the humble and professional Messi over the vain and spoiled Ronaldo any time.
Bonus Portugal & Brazil Fact: You know how Polish jokes have long been a staple of American humor? Well, in Brazil they make those exact same jokes – but about the Portuguese. It’s a fact.
Lakers Force Game 7: When the Lakers are playing at their best, Boston has no chance. In Game 6, the Lakers left it all on the court, and forced a Game 7 with a remarkably efficient 89-67 victory.
Black Politics on the Web: The election of Barack Obama hasn’t translated into more Black political candidates.
David G. Simmons: Taking a look at Obama’s speech from the Oval Office.
DagBlog: The great Libertarian wonderland of New Hampshire is not quite all it’s cracked up to be.
“Remember when Ronald Reagan solved the Iranian Hostage Crisis thru power of Prayer (and selling arms to Iran)?”
Crossposted at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles
Up until 3 am? You call that dedication? The game didn't even END until 3:30 am here and I watched it. Seriously though, how the hell did Maicon manage that angle? I felt strangely conflicted. I always want Brazil to win (except against the USA and maybe England), but I am having a hard time rooting for anybody but the USA to win this time around. It's such a huge deal to be in the World Cup and I want them all to do well. They look so dejected when they don't.
by Orlando on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 10:36am