by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
This IS going to be wild; I listened to the first 10 minutes, it is VERY interesting as regards Dem party divisions.
He attacks her as a radical socialist very strongly, and attacks socialism, and from an otherwise Dem liberal perspective, including talking about diversity!
It very much implies he thinks she won because only the radicals came out to vote and now the majority of the city is now freaked out and scared of what she's going to do, scared about the future. That a real scary thing has happened, he does say people are "frightened" by her. He mentions that people already pay enough taxes. It's very clear he's running a campaign against her because he feels he has a duty to save the city from this radical mistake that happened. It almost sounds sort of like Lenin has staged a coup of Buffalo and it's going to go to ruin in short order unless he prevents her from taking office...
by artappraiser on Mon, 06/28/2021 - 8:33pm
by Orion on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 3:40am
yeah, the closed nature of the nature of the NYC Dem primaries is always going to hurt the more independent-thinking Yang types, it's not sour grapes, he's right to imply that there's a huge "machine" of people whose who life is bascially owed to the Dem party and they are going to dance with the types that brought them. Is why many people were so shocked to see AOC win, too, except in her case her opponent may have gotten too arrogant and forgotten how to dance as well, you have to take care of "my people".
by artappraiser on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 1:37pm
a reminder about what has happened in the past with mayor's races, tho -- in the general many more people show up and vote who don't like the candidate picked by the Dem party dancers in the primary and surprise, surprise, surprise : Mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg in a "Democratic" town.
by artappraiser on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 1:41pm
What I really found interesting about this race is that Eric Adams ran on a "law and order" pledge, was a former Republican and earned the praise of Tucker Carlson on his show. Andrew Yang also has a lot of fans on the right - I once watched a segment where Dave Rubin and Charlie Kirk sang his praises without him around.
Nevertheless, the Democratic machine is simply now too formidable and so Yang and Adams are on board it.
by Orion on Mon, 07/05/2021 - 2:37pm
this is an excellent detailed and knowledgeable article on understanding what's meant by a machine pol in NY and Eric Adams as one
. He only switched to Republican when it was of tactical benefit within NY state politics and everyone involved (i.e., public worker unions, big real estate money) gets that, gives it a mulligan. Doing the type of switching that Adams did in the state's politics is just seen as being very savvy, as in: a dangerous but savvy player of the machine. You really are dealing with a Tammany Hall type situation in NY state, it's not the same division of Dem vs. GOP as elsewhere in the country, it's not so much about ideology is the thing, it's more "pay to play" and fighting over financial constituencies, not ideological ones (heck even the Hasidic Jews basically do the "pay to play" thing, very cynical voting deliverance by the rebbes-i.e., you scratch our back, we'll scratch yours, what they end up getting: lots of welfare for big families! lots of mulligans for that, too.)
Things just aren't as ideological here, that never has played as well as many other places in the country. (This is why the media thought someone like Yang would do well, BTW). If you think back to the state's history, this goes all the way to before there was a country, this is practical Dutch capitalists starting a sin-filled colony based on money making while all the others either got some religious issues with the English crown or wanting to be a farming gentleman just like they couldn't in the old country.
by artappraiser on Mon, 07/05/2021 - 3:07pm
by artappraiser on Tue, 07/06/2021 - 9:09pm