by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The money quotes to me:
How does that differ from a lot of activity that happens on sites like this all the time? Day after day after day after day arguments and mantras about "white working class vs. "blacks" or "the Afro American community" or various stereotypical statements about "GOP voters" or "GOP congress" as if all members of those groups all act and think alike?
The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, / But in ourselves.
In the end, how important it this? Russian trolls could not exploit something that's not already here. When something "goes viral", there's a virus that starts the spread. Some other kind of troll will do it in the future, whether by using Facebook or Twitter or, etc. Problem not going to be solved as long as people as smart as the ones participating on this website can't let go of being so tribal. Like I said: day after day after day repeating it over and over and over as if repetition will make it so. Not really so different from 19th century political sloganeering, or that damn advertising tune you can't get out of your head.
What I feel is that what the Russians have done is expose that those in the blogosphere who say what they are doing in repeating a political meme a gazillion times are not really doing "political activism." Political activism would be actually doing it, joining a political party and participating in where you wanted it to go. Not in constantly advocating where a party should go on a blog site. As if someone else is going to do that, listen to you. What the Russians show: not that much different from what is now called being a troll.
And that got me thinking: you know, in the business analysis, they keep saying with Amazon shopping et. all, not only retail is over, but salesmanship, too. Nor are repetitive slogans are gonna cut it. You've got to have good well written reviews of products and services that sound honest (even if faked) by mentioning some of the flaws while raving about it overall. Something that sounds like: analysis. Rather than: activism, tribalism, separating into groups based on race or ethnic background or class or party, etc.
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/11/2017 - 5:01pm
Credit where due for setting me off on this tangent, especially as I don't often agree with him. Hal said in a comment earlier today elsewhere:
The parties are not the same and in any event, in the United States, we vote for individuals not parties.
Said simply and well and I agree 100%. That's the near future as well. May even impact 2018. All these arguments about party, they are not going to mean shit to most millenials as I see it. And especially faithful party stalwarts over 60, fuggedabout them, they are never going to get the millenial vote. On everything else Hal is arguing about with others: too much emphasis on past political paradigms and candidates. It's over! Millenials rapidly taking over, boomers rapidly not just retiring but dying. Robots coming soon. Etc. Now I know the owner of the site is interested in history, but, but, but...does everyone arguing the demographics of the last presidential election understand that that really is: history!?
After this 70-something president is done, however he gets done, that's over. Back to soemthing like what we boomers used to say: don't trust anybody over 30. Need i say: why not just let go of Hillary and Bernie because: THEY ARE TOO OLD. Obama and Bill: ancient history, and not only that, the former a disappointment to many youngins who were excitedly expecting something far different and are now cynics.
Wanna talk twenty-something racially mixed working class? Be there or be square!
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/11/2017 - 5:16pm
A funny thing happened on the way to that future - those dinosaurs didn't die off as fast as predicted, and sometimes a wounded dinosaur is more dangerous than a placated one.
It's possible a new compassion or something can rise up, but it's a pretty imperfect generation for implementing - not sure all the details will be looked at, more the minimal viable product version, and that's not quite enough for full production.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 12/11/2017 - 6:58pm