by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
This item just amazed me!
This school kitchen lady was fired because a tot was crying that she had lost her lunch money!
In case I screwed up the link:
Wait till you read the school lunch program rules in Aurora.
Yeah Dick, this is horrible. But why does it amaze you? You're paying attention. This shit is all day, every day. We live in a lousy country overflowing with mean and stupid people.
by kyle flynn on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 11:36am
Damn. I wouldn't want anyone dealing with my kids that DIDN'T do what this woman did. For crying out loud, what IS the matter with people? This should be the way all the people who interact with young children behave; you show the children kindness and compassion and remember they are only kids and sometimes they mess up and lose their lunch money and then they panic because they aren't adults and have not yet learned how to handle stress and adversity, so they cry and go hungry ... . This isn't Dickens where you send the toddlers to the workhouse until they can pay for their bowl of gruel by working at hard labor ... or is it?
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 12:30pm
Republicans have a fantasy about letting poor children starve. Eloise Anderson, director of Family and Child Services in Wisconsin not wanting a government lunch, but one that was supplied by his parents. The story was a snippet in a book. There was no real child saying this. Paul Ryan pushed the story to media. Only after fact checking was it found that Eloise Anderson "misspoke"
Republicans hate the poor.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 3:41pm
Just to play devil's advocate, here's what I'm gathering from the story:
So, the question is, how do you deal with these parents/children who are so forgetful? I would think that after a lunch or two of this, the children will remember to remind their parents in the morning that they need lunch money. Also, as these are not poor families, one would imagine that the children are getting breakfast and dinner at home, so the sub-par lunch should be a rare and quite survivable thing.
by Verified Atheist on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 7:40pm
Look, if a child acts up he/she is sent to the principal's office and the parents are called down.
If there are lunch issues, the school must demand a week's worth of lunch tickets or a month's worth or whatever.
Then a list is given to the kitchen help and the tot gets a lunch.
Also for the poor, the local community should be lobbied for a lunch fund.
When I was a kid lunch was 35 cents, inflation I suppose could drive that up to 3 bucks!
I see momoe's point regarding shame and hurt and....
by Richard Day on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 8:26pm
I like this approach, and I applaud the lunch lady for standing her ground and making people aware of the issue.
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 7:21am
VA, the parents may not qualify because they have too many assets and are having financial troubles. Aurora, Co is really a nice area. Like I have said before there is a lot of food insecurity in the nice suburbs. It is all hidden away. They show up at the food pantries in nice cars and then worry if they have enough gas to get back home.
This is from PBS last week as one of their cover stories. Naples, Florida is very wealthy and a nice place to retire until you out live your savings. I know we are talking about kids but It shows how common this is even in the best areas. They have lovely condos and nice cloths so they are not used to this.
Or the mom just might be over whelmed.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 9:41pm
I like Dick's suggestion above. I sympathize with your position, but if the parents are that overwhelmed, I think that having a counseling session with them is a better solution than just giving the child a free meal (not that I'm against giving the child a free meal).
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 7:22am
I think it's interesting to see how many people leap to the assumption that the child doesn't not have their lunch money because the parents are unable to afford it. I tend to assume the explanation is usually more basic; the kid lost it, had it taken from them by bullies or, without thinking of the consequences, foolishly and impulsively, gave it away to pay for something they wanted. Why does the argument go to the unafford-ability issue and not the basic question of whether or not the child deserves to be treated with kindness, forgiveness and decency? Whatever the reason for it, feed the child first; not a penalty meal, a regular meal. Take care of the need, don't make excuses as to why not providing kindness is justified. The lesson taught through kindness and compassion will have a much more positive and lasting impact
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 7:48am
Right. I'm definitely not assuming that the parents couldn't afford it in this case. However, if the child doesn't have the money, whether it's because the parents can't afford it, the child is frequently losing his money, the child is frequently having it taken away from him/her by bullies, or they gave it away for something else, shouldn't we address the deeper issue?
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 7:52am
Most schools have a computerized school lunch payment system. Parents pay in advance and a balance is kept. Very few children take lunch money to school. In this area the child's ID that they wear around their neck is swiped into the computer at the register. If you get assisted lunch it will come up or if there is money in the child's account it will come up. You can go on line and pay it just like any other bill. Parents of children who bring their lunch are told to keep a small amount of money in an account in case the child ends up with out it. The suburban schools that don't make the kids wear their ID's keep them in a file and pull them to swipe into the system when the child is in line for lunch.
The schools here do not have kitchens. Frozen dinners are delivered to the schools from a private food service and contract employees warm the meals up in portable warming ovens. The food is low quality and as the kids get older there isn't enough to eat. I live in Kochastand and they love sticking it to the poor kids on assisted lunch and let their brother-in-law make money from the program. They claim it is cost effective but I am sure it is not.
There are rules about sharing and trading. You cannot put a piece of candy in their lunches or canned soda. They don't want anything that will spill so little fruit cups that are not in jello is discouraged. They want you to use only juice packs that have straws or small bottled water. They will actually take it away from the child and send a note home.
I feed the kids breakfast before they leave the house even though they have free breakfast and lunch. If they want to eat at school again when they get there they can. I do this to make sure they have enough to eat to start the day. There are days that lunch is so bad that they beg to take lunch. I have never seen it this bad. My own children were in school when I moved to Florida. My oldest grand son who is an adult says they had better lunches then what is now being served and he was also on free lunch.
You cannot send in home made cookies or cupcakes for parties. We are told they have to come to school in sealed bakery boxes. I fake it. I go to Michaels' Crafts and buy bakery boxes. My cup cakes are just as pretty as bakery ones. I stick a white name tag on it to seal it and write a price with a magic marker on the box. It cost $24 dollars to buy the class room cup cakes. I do it for $6. This is a poor community so the kids don't see cup cakes often at school. This is a state law that JEB signed.
All this has trickled down from the ruling class of the John Birch Society.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 10:30am
Dear Lord ... How do the children learn responsibility and how to handle money if not through the lessons of carrying lunch money and paying for their lunches themselves? Putting it all on the parent's heads makes kids dependent and has created a generation of Lazy Lunchers. I think it's a safe bet to say that all Welfare Queens and Societal Slackers started out as Lazy Lunchers. .
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 1:03pm
Baltimore Maryland has just started offering free school lunches for everyone. That is the way it should be for all schools in this country. Good nutrition should be part of education. The school lunch program should not be used as a whipping post.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 3:29pm
Exactly. They're kids, just give them some food.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 3:42pm
I'll admit to my ignorance on the topic and appreciate the lesson. Things have changed quite a bit since I was a kid.
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 4:52pm
It just depends on the politics of the district and state. The GOP wants public schools to be failures so they can have charter schools to skim money off the top. So much of this don't make very good sense.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 5:52pm
I had a grand child this year get in trouble for sharing a lunch with another child that didn't have one. It was a lunch I sent to school from home not from the lunch program. I always pack extra water and cookies because it is Florida and they need to stay hydrated. The lunches are so bad that the kids have days that they like to take a lunch because what is on the menu.
Here they give them a peanut butter sandwich and milk which they have to eat in the school office. It is the shaming that I don't like and the punishment they go through. Little kids can be air heads and others just come from bad homes. This bunch around here are always forgetting things. I have to go down a check list before I let them out the door in the morning.
My kids know that they are not middle class and can't have all the things that they want. They also understand there are kids worse off then them. They know there are homeless people in our neighborhood. They have compassion and will share. They also knows the system sucks and it will be their job when they grow up to change it.
These kids also have to wear uniforms in public schools and have ID badges on. I have yet figured out the purpose of that in elementary schools.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 7:51pm
Having been a primary health care provider for infants and children, including in some of the poorest regions in the nation, I can guarantee Representative Jack Kingston no 1st grader is developing a philosophical/political ideology related to the implictions of 'the free lunch'.
All they know is they are hungry, or sick, or in pain, and they need help from an adult.
Particularly so if Republicans have denied them a school meal, kicked the family off CHIP or Medicaid, or denied transportation benefits to get them to a distant hospital, or the parents are in jail or are otherwise unable to be there for them.
by NCD on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 8:08pm
The child should not be punished, unless his gun goes off or something. hhaahah
Permitting a baby girl to cry in shame and receive dog food in place of a lunch is criminal.
by Richard Day on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 8:29pm
Are there no prisons? And the workhouses and Poor Laws are still in operation?
It is an anathema for Republicans that anyone who works for the government do anything at all good for the poor/working poor. That is why the woman was fired, very dangerous precedent.
Every safety net program we have was passed over their objections.
Favors, patronage and plenty go to rich campaign backers.
by NCD on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 9:25pm
Just one more point. These school administrators are chosen by politicians. Around here they only get 2 year contracts. I have seen some real loons in this county school system over the last 15 years. It has only been in the last 5 years that the elementary schools have started this policy of only allowing kids to have lunch three times with out money. I was surprised that the same policy is in Co. schools.
I bet if some one would dig around in ALEC dirty laundry they would find the source for this policy and when it was passed out to the local politicians.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 10:44pm