by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The junior senator from New York proposes to increase food stamp spending even more than the current growth that we've seen, explaining, quote, food stamps are an extraordinary investment because every dollar that you put into the SNAP program, the food stamp program, you get out $1.71, close quote," Sessions said in a Senate floor speech.
He was referring to estimates touted by the Agriculture Department and Moody's economist Mark Zandi, who say that helping people feed themselves serves to stimulate a bad economy because the money goes to grocery stores, delivery companies and farmers, who in turn spend it back into the economy.But Sessions mocked the idea, arguing that it would lead only to more spending.
"Under this reasoning, we ought to increase the food stamp program 10 times," Sessions said with incredulity. "Why not? We're going to get more money back. Somehow it's going to create more stimulus, and it's going to bring in more money for the treasury and make the economy grow. Why don't we just pay for your clothes, pay for your shoes, pay for your housing?"
He then suggested it would be immoral to follow that line of logic.
I wish to discuss this matter on a personal basis.
I have always despised Jeff Sessions.
And I despised him when he was originally nominated for a seat on the U. S. Court of Appeals and duly dumped by the U. S. Senate.
I despised him when he said FU (in twitterdomese) and ran for the Senate in one of the least humane states in our current confederation.
And I have written many times about my hatred for this person.
But I am not the one with the rant here.
Curly Rand Paul, who is the single most dangerous man in Congress today proposed the following:
The Senate has turned back an effort by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul to drastically cut food stamp spending and replace the food aid program with block grants to the states.
The 65-33 vote to defeat the Paul amendment was part of debate on a five-year, half-trillion-dollar farm and food bill.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps, makes up about $80 billion of the $100 billion a year cost of the farm bill, providing aid to some 46 million people.
I am still plagued by shame but I must surmount that shame to discuss my personal experience as a resident of a liberal state (that sometimes votes the wrong way, as they say)
Anyway, I was stuck in this half-way house for felons who were court-ordered into the facility back in 2006.
I have never, ever been arrested for anything ever. And I certainly was never court ordered into this establishment. It doubled for a homeless shelter.
I can get into definitions here. I mean a traffic ticket is not an arrest under Minnesota Law.
But I ended up there just the same.
The year is 2006.
I had been going down hill since 1995, but I ended up with nothing in 2006.
Okay, so I am given a job at a local grocery collecting grocery carts in the parking lot and bagging groceries.
Three months later I am thrown out of this establishment and end up in a homeless shelter.
Oh and the half way shelter has me fired immediately from the grocer. And the couple running this Ponzi Scheme made over $100,000.00 a piece. ha
I discovered at a later time that the half way house received Federal food stamps and federal housing monies and state housing monies and many other monies from county and state and Federal sources and received all monies related to my employment.
Anyway I end up in a homeless shelter.
There is one sort of meal during the day provided but I receive $90.00 in food stamps.
So I proceed to purchase $30.00 of groceries under the terms of my new residence and of course a third of those groceries were stolen from me.
I did not care.
I just ended up, less than two months later in a subsidized housing situation.
I have resided at that local housing project ever since.
It took me two years to come up with the guts to file for SSI.
I had had three grand mal seizures whilst I resided at the half-way house and received free medical care with proper documentation.
Seizures in themselves do not qualify for disability, but I discovered later that the reports of a shrink would buttress the requirements.
So by 2008, I filed.
There is a point to this besides my faux request for sympathy.
During the years 2006 thru 2010, I lived on $200.00 in food stamps (really $138.00 increasing to $200) along with a cash allowance per Minnesota law of $200.00)
There are ironies here.
Of my $200.00 allotment I paid $68.00 in rent.
I had a kitchen and a living room and a bedroom and a bathroom.
Compare this situation with someone in Bangladesh. Everything is relative according to Einstein.
So I had $122.00 in 'discretionary spending.' By 2008 I had taken advantage of psych care and purchased an internet connect at $22.00/month. I mean this was a huge expense.
But the $200.00 in food stamps saved my life even though you could purchase no pop or toilet paper or dish soap or shampoo or bug spray or bedbug spray or.....
I mean $200.00 in food stamps meant food.
Of course I would be forced to learn how to shop for food.
This is not an easy endeavor.
Even for one with a 138 IQ.
When you are crazy, numbers do not add up.
I knew how to cook chili and hamburgers and (bad hamburgers) and sausage and eggs and....
So I went upon regimens and learned from food shows and such.
Mein Kampf means nothing.
I am only attempting to demonstrate what was going thru my head all this time.
June 11th was the last time I took advantage of food stamps. For some reason, even after I was granted SSI in 2010, I received $16.00 in food stamps every month.
I would receive $674.00 in SSI and there was some Minnesota extra allotment of $81.00 plus the food stamps.
My rent went up to $240.00/month.
But compared to what I had before July, 2010; I mean I was in heaven.
July 3, 2012 I simply get my age 62 Social Security.
I will receive no more food stamps for the rest of my life after June 10th, 2012.
My rent will go to $353.00/month (rental value is supposedly $500.00, figure that out) and I will have over $800.00 a month to survive. Which again, I mean everything is relative, means I am fine or even finer.
Really, try to live on $60.00 discretionary income for a month sometime.
And I can tell you that I have had it worse.
I have divulged bits and pieces of this shame before but this rant on Rand and Sessions really got to me this time.
What if you are a single mother with 2 kids?
Oh you should not have married the bastard; they say.
Oh, you should never had had sexual intercourse with a man; they say.
Oh, you should have prepared; they say.
Screw me!
I lived on $30.00/month for food during the entire year of 2003. I am positive that I shall write about his experience. But damn? Does Sessions or Curly Rand or 32 other Senators understand what is really means to be without?
I am finally thru with food stamps but Jesus H. Christ!
Fuck me! That is fine. I should have died a long time ago.
But how can anyone possibly tell a child that he/she should have prepared for their fate?
How can anyone possibly attack abortion as an option for a pregnant woman, and then deny her food stamps?
Oh, the states will know what to do.
The states will do the right thing.
Well let me just proffer this reality.
I can go on and on and I am not going to document the statistics in the matter.
I dare you to show any statistics that demonstrate that these states do not represent the the poorest states in the union; I know statistics vary, but we know that all these states end up in the bottom ten every frickin time; WHEN IT COMES TO FOOD OR HOUSING OR WHATEVER!
And is Sessions abashed at these stats? Is Sessions ashamed at his non-accomplishments in this area?
Does Curly Rand have any shame whatsoever?
I am ashamed at how I ended up.
I fully confess to a number of sins.
But folks like Sessions and Rand and a number of repubs will never confess to any infractions.
It's like Issa confessing to a multitude of felonies whereby he funded his own businesses in Cal with Federal Legislation.
When you look at the percentage of the Budget dedicated to food for poor folks; how in the FUCK can Sessions maintain that there is a moral factor involved that should defeat any opportunity in feeding the hungry?
The end
by jollyroger on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 5:21am
Is this info on the web? I'd be interested.
by Resistance on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 9:55am
by jollyroger on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 3:50pm
I thought DD was proposing Fudd stamps.
by Donal on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 8:10am
Well Fudd stamps work like this:
1. If you are moral and follow Fudd's rules, you get all the Spam, rice and beans you can carry home; once a week.
2. You have to urinate in a cup in front of three testers prior to entering the distribution center; waiting three hours prior to gaining access to the Spam center.
3. You have to sign a loyalty oath and verify that you own no TV's; phones; IPODS; radios; pc's or 'extra' shoes.
There are 50 other rules relating to pornography and Bibles, but I really do not have the time.
by Richard Day on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 11:56am
Coincidentally, Mitt Romney is also unemployed! And he needs your vote!
Republicans figure if they get rid of food stamps, maybe British philanthropists will come to the rescue for hungry Americans, as they sure as hell won't. Providing not only free medical dental care to the GOP base, but also meals.
Stan Brock, formerly of Wild Kingdom, and his Remote Area Medical team in Tennessee, providing free dental to the 'we don't take no charity, don't need no guvment, Randian' Base:
by NCD on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 10:59am
Looks like a reality show for dentists!
by Richard Day on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 11:57am
DickDay I know your prose is measurably therapeutic for you mental and emotional state and allows you to express - and therefore extricate - the demons within .
However constantly bringing up such monumental pricks and douche bags as Rand and Sessions does tend to make some of us a more than bit depressed.
by cmaukonen on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 2:07pm
Well Chris, that's what Medicaid is for. You get to talk to a shrink so that you can be fooled into thinking that you have worth! hahhaahahahahaha
Just as an aside; I think that folks like Fudd keep my heart beating and my soul alive!
God Bless Them, one and all.
by Richard Day on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 2:36pm
by cmaukonen on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 4:39pm
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 4:22am
Richard Day, have I told you lately that I love you? Truly. For reasons that I shall keep to myself, but also for reasons that you publicly acknowledge. You may be the bravest man I know.
But enough about you. I hate Jeff Sessions, too, and everyone like him. The trouble is, there are too many like him now. We've fought these battles and won. Now we're having to fight them again, and the unfairness of it all is staggering.
We are a nation who used to pride ourselves on giving a hand to the needy and to helping the poor. There are some arguments that we overstepped and helped out so much there was no need for the helpees to do much else but take from us. That is so much hogwash when you look at the big picture. And it's a special kind of hogwash when you look at it from down in the trenches in 2012.
The government created our problems and they can damn well fix them. We haven't done a good job of convincing the electorate (or the electeds) that our problems are massive and are not easily fixable, but we as a country are worth the effort.
We'll keep working together, we'll keep getting discouraged, we'll keep climbing that wall, but we'll have to do it in a hurry because we're both on SS and our days are numbered.
by Ramona on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 3:07pm
This is a week late but I will respond anyway. hahahahaha
I am fine. I mean I will get credit for 35 years of contributing to SS even though I had been working since I was ten. haaha
I will get a check for 1157 a month and pay a cut rate rent? And I do not know why.
But I will be beholden to no one. I mean if I make a thousand dollars a month as an employee somewhere, I lose 1/3 of my wages.
I really do not think I will be around that much longer--no symptoms just a feeling.
I will have no health insurance but doctors did nothing for me the last thirty years.
What bothers me is that I have a floor; I have a place to live without prison guards; I have access to the greatest source of info ever invented by man; I have an opportunity to keep reading and keep on keepin on. -30 below with wind chill and I have a warm place to crash!
I am not even going into the possibilities of Goodwill or other freebee shops.
What I am wondering about, as you well know, is where this country is headed.
The propaganda power of the magnificent rich is unrestrained.
People buy whatever is advertised with monies available to pursue their deepest unconscious predispositions.
So folks buy whatever is sent to them via our electronic devices.
I really do not know who spooky or sooky or crooky is. And I do not care.
But millions do for some reason.
I will have a couple hundred bucks a month beginning in July to purchase a printer and a phone (my children have been paying for my phone for the last four years) and extra underwear...
I would be embarrassed but I lost most of my shame along the tao.
The majority of the American People seem to come to a conclusion.
The conclusion seems to be:
Well I made it and so can you!
How does one argue with this?
There comes to a point in time where one is looking for the package.
by Richard Day on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 6:52pm
Its the law, so keep moving,
"A body in rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion, unless the body is compelled to change its state."
by Resistance on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 6:24am