by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I do not even know why I must write this drivel at the end of this strange year.
I live in this governmental Eden
I was so lucky after eventually failing at everything I ever attempted.
I have a kitchen and a bathroom and a living room and a bedroom.
I never eat out, I do not have to eat out, I eat in, I go to the grocery store four times a month and get all I need. And I learn all these recipes from cable and on line sites.
In Minnesota, you are never left out alone.
That is a fact.
In Mississippi I would have probably been eaten by an alligator. Hahahah
Anyway, there is this rule here.
You see, I pay 30% of my income for rent.
So now I pay $364 for rent on an apartment that should let at $520? But we get cable in that rental payment that I think amounts to $16.00? Maybe $18.00 now.
And, there are these really crippled folks here. Now we have three different buildings in this Northern Minnesota site. I am residing in the least crippled setting and then as you go north, you will find the more hospitable residence for the crippled folks and then you will find the least able folks who are wards of the state.
There still are folks in my building who will receive meals on wheels daily.
I really post this blog in order to underline the importance of pets.
Now if you wish to have a dog as a pet, Minnesota requires that you have a physician to go on record that a pet will help your well being. hahahah
Otherwise you have to pay a $500.00 fee?
Anyway, there are so many folks who reside here and have these wonderful dogs.
These folks love their dogs.
And the dogs make sure that the inmates get outside
It is wonderful!
All these inmates have 'bags' and pick up the poo and no matter what, they have to go out at least twice a day into the frozen tundra.
My son wanted to get me a another dog
And he tried his best.
And I think he is still mad at me. Hahhaahahha
I think about all of the dogs I have had in my life.
I laugh at my son because he always ended up with cats. Hahahahahha
It makes me laugh because it makes no sense but damn, he is now surrounded by women which is not logical at all. Hahahahah
So far, these old felines are afraid of his eldest daughter, cause she terrorizes the felines. Hahhahah
Although, the cats now are thoroughly captivated by this young girl. Hahhaahh
Like I do all the time over the years, there is no point to what I have elucidated. Hahah
There is one lady who was in love with her parrot.
And then she appeared with no parrot.
I was sad.
But I will tell you this, the inmates here just treasure their pets.
It keeps them keepin on and that is not to say that there are no other enterprises that keep them keepin on.
I am not judging these wonderful folks as idiots.
I am not.
Hell, I am the idiot.
I was just looking out my window and saw some lost soul following his doggy.
And it hit me.
A dog (unlike a cat) makes you go outside at least twice a day; the dog will remind you when it is time to go outside; and you will have no justifiable objection.
We have all these discussions about mental health and old age and guns.
Get a dog for chrissakes! Forget the gun.
The end
Although, i still am not sure why I posted this.
Too much cough syrup?
This Christmas card comes way too early. You'll have to do another one next week.
Hey, get some crampons to walk in that ice and snow.
by Oxy Mora on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 8:03pm
Okay this is the third attempt. I have these tech issues that have nothing to do with Dagblog.
I ended up with crampons when I purchased this mess with Target a month ago or so.
How am I supposed to walk on cement and carpet in this building?
I thought I was purchasing shoes.
My son will show up in the next five days or so.
I have to pick up a turkey tomorrow so I can defrost since he wishes me to cook a real dinner besides hamburger?
So before the FIRST, I will have some other nonsense.
I have this chance to present purchased items on my cable and he is excited about the new Ape movie.
Life is goooood.
What the hell was the question?
by Richard Day on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 12:56am
You are lucky to have a nice place to stay in.
You are right down here in Alligator Ally you would have died in the swamp. Maybe someday I will have the courage to explain my financial world. I was just thinking tonight about the mind field in the swamp that I ran through this year.
Well no dogs. I do have a house full of kids, 2 birds and 2 cats. Does that count?
The Tom cats actually work for a living. They keep the citrus rats and possums away. In the spring I used to trap around a dozen rats and you haven't lived until you faced an angry possum in your living room. Once they cleaned the rats out the snakes left. Not your normal kitty cats
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 7:35am
I am so damn lucky Momoe.
You point out another thing about being in the Great White North.
We get gnats and flies and other pests, but only for a couple months.
I took a walk today in the snow, but unlike last year it was not twenty below. hahahah
It is one or two days till WINTER arrives.
I am happy. I know where my next meal is coming from, my son will appear in five days or so and my pains have dissolved into aches.I like that.
Oh and Merry Christmas to you and yours
It looks like BILLO has saved our holidays, once again. hahaha
by Richard Day on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 5:33pm
Thanks and I hope you have a good one.
It does seem gloomy this year. I can always put on some cheer and make merry no matter what is going on but this year I am having trouble getting into the mood.
There isn't many lights out in the area and it reminds me of the Christmas when Nixon asked the country to conserve our energy consumption. Christmas turned out to be a dark and gloomy one that year. There was no sparkle in the decorations that year in the stores. The stores are not sparkly this year either. I walk into Walmart and the first thing I see is stacks and stacks of cereal boxes and the only place they have a Christmas tree is in the garden section. The other Walmart greets you with tourist nic knacks of beach items. Other stores also have a minimum amount of decorating.
The commercials on TV aren't very Christmasie. I was looking forward to them after such a nasty election season. Oh...just to here the Jolly Green Giant's HO ho ho o o or see the Dough Boy pop out of cookie dough would be nice. But what we get is boner pills, car commercials and cancer treatment clinics to cheer us up. There is one cute commercial with Barbi and GI Joe.
It is just plain gloomy around here.
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 8:38pm
by Richard Day on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 5:37pm
Many of your neighbors have dogs? Oh. My. God. Be afraid. Be very afraid. The dogs are starting to take revenge. And they are so damn clever about it, pretending it's an accident and giving that I'm so sorry look. Its so cute! How could I ever doubt you sweetums? You love me don't you. That's a good doggy.
by ocean-kat on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 2:52pm
Well you have a point.
A lot of them are just plain bastards.
The rest are bitches.
by Richard Day on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 5:02pm
Oh speaking of bookends...
I looked out my window and there was this couple; arm in arm on a bench.
It was so cute.
Sitting as they faced the abyss with all these winter clothings.
Pictures can be so sweet, so damn sweet.
Most of us live alone.
These folks found each other.
And it was such a sweet picture.
by Richard Day on Sun, 12/21/2014 - 3:12am
I woke up with achy knee and couldn't go back to sleep. I enjoy the BBC News Mag on line because they always have interesting light stories to read. Low and behold there was this story that I just have to share here.
It is about refugees coming to Minnesota and learning about how to live with winter. They are given lessons on how to dress and walk on ice.
There is a very cute picture showing them on the ice. Also there is a video showing some working in a poultry factory.
It is a nice story and read for Christmas. I am to gloomy to read about NYCPD and killings.
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 12/21/2014 - 4:48am