by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Anti-vaxx public servants should get an education, a grip on reality, show some personal responsibility, get the shot, or get fired. Chicago Police Department Officer John Catanzara, President of the FOP Union:
Catanzara had expressed outrage over the new city COVID-19 vaccine mandate using language condemned by the Anti-Defamation League and others: “We’re in America, G-ddamn it. We don’t want to be forced to do anything. Period. This ain’t Nazi f---ing Germany, [where they say], ‘Step into the f---ing showers. The pills won’t hurt you.’ What the f—k?”
It's clear that the libertarian forces will keep fighting this until the Supremes rule
It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing when Public Health has to go there, and we've been selected by Coronavirus to be that lifetime.
Always to keep in mind: this is going on allover the world, the protests against government imposing vaccine requirements. We're not special with that. It's not just "Tuskegee", it's been the stuff of movie plots for decades that Public Health being given power in a pandemic can turn into totalitarianism.
Anyone thinking everyone was going to go along is just being unrealistic.
That said, the argument that if you take a public job, you need to go along with whatever Public Health commands is extremely strong. Libertarians can always quit and work at a private job. Goes even moreso for cops! They are supposed to be enforcing what Public Health says! Rule of law and all that, they are supposed to be the natural enemy of the libertarian ethos. (Boogaloos totally realize that. Honest that way, no beating around the bush -cops of all kinds are the enemy.)
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 3:26pm
I think this is an important point about NYPD anti-vaxxers. Most people think of the NYPD as still looking like that group. That is now an incorrect stereotype from days gone by. The NYPD is now majority minorities, not those types.
I don't know the ethnic makeup of the CPD. They have fewer immigrants there, and a much stronger ethnic Irish stranglehold in all kinds of government, so I wouldn't be surprised to find out it is less of a mixture. Though just from watching the crime news in Chicago, I can see for myself that they have lots of cops with dark skin color.
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 4:06pm
So cops can. be idiots, assholes and selfish crybabies black, white, or brown ..... is it the uniforms, the union, the lack of education, the power combined with self righteousness?
by NCD on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 4:33pm
Well that's quite possible but it's not the point at the link. His point was the anti-mandate protester contingent of the NYPD looked like the old guard whiteys from the burbs who are Trump fans, with very few of the new "majority" in the crowd. The latter are probably all vaccinated or just have gotten vaccinated to obey the mandate, capiche?
BTW, in NYC old guard cops are not the only ones!
I just heard on the local NPR that 1/3 of the Sanitation Dept. remains unvaccinated, today was the deadline, and they don't know what's going to happen with garbage pickup tomorrow. And that many have already noted there seems to be some kind of work slowdown going on with garbage collection.
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 9:07pm
Those who think I'm doing hearsay, here it is at NBC News:
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 9:11pm
And here's good old Clyde, now retired from doing the local news for the NYTimes, so free to strongly opine, doesn't leave out Sanitation:
by artappraiser on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 9:15pm
Don't know about Chicago, but I ran across this AP article with NYC stats and those stats say police are less of a problem than firefighters and EMS, and both are less of a problem that the whopping 33 % of unvaccinated Sanitation workers! And not only that, NYPD is working real hard on getting the recalcitrants vaccinated while the other two services seem to be shrugging and giving up!
Maybe be careful presuming your anger and disgust (and name calling--do you realize you did so above?) isn't based on erroneous stereotypes formed by reading a few loudmouths who are good at getting the media's attention?
Personally my own prejudice is I think any EMS worker who hasn't been vaccinated must be insane, I'm shocked, I can't believe they weren't all fired and I sure am glad I nor any friends had no need for their services. They probably helped kill plenty of people I don't know, tho.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 6:10am
Thanks for all the updates. Exemptions for sanitation workers likely OK by most of the public. Who hangs around when they are heaving stinkin garbage into a noisy dangerous truck? And the germs they are exposed to daily anyway?
by NCD on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 11:52am
Yeah there is that and that they don't have much interaction with the public, only each other and all kinds of germs.
But it was helpful for me to check that info., too. Made me think about how the one particular protest was being spun by media as by NYPD, when it actually was by all kinds of city employees! I suspect there is too much media spinning about cops being ultra-conservative Trump supporters, when perhaps that is not really accurate. We should all be aware of that. No doubt a lot of small departments in small towns are, but that well may be more of a urban vs. rural thing like the rest of the population and not necessarily cop culture overall anymore.
I looked at that recent report of how like 4 times the number of cops were killed by Covid as by on duty incidents, and I was actually shocked by how low the covid number was, I thought it was much higher. Which might suggest a higher vaccination rate overall that is not being revealed, as they were essential workers and on duty all through this nightmare.
Anyhow, I'm not a cop fan, really I'm not. My father taught me not to be as a kid, he disliked them and he negotiated with their union working for a midwestern city.
As a matter of fact, I am a little afraid of reverse discrimination by the multi-culti ones in my Bronx hood, thinking they might be looking at an older white lady as an entitled bitch, let's give her a ticket. And I am fully aware that the NYPD police union is still basically run by old crotchedy white guys who live on Long Island.
But I'm just interested in truth, not spin, about cops. I think forces like the NYPD are in a process of rapid change and are not what they once were, but are put in a difficult position of being "white supremacy enablers", which is not why they joined the force, many did so exactly for the opposite reason. Still, a certain kind of authoritarian personality is attracted to the job (which actually ironically conflicts with being a libertarian type!)
And another thing I was shocked by - like 93% of NYC teachers are vaccinated! Very few anti-vaxxers there, or if there are, they value their paycheck and/or job enough to go against their principles.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 2:40pm
Anti-mandate and anti-lockdown protests are everywhere:
....The gathering - a breach of level 3 rules - began at Auckland Domain...It was the third freedom protest at Auckland Domain in six weeks...
As you can see, they have a "delta outbreak" in New Zealand, are no longer a covid safe miracle, and have had to crack down. The difference there...A "number of individuals" will be prosecuted over today's anti-lockdown protest, police say....
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 11:59pm
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 3:05am
^ This is the thing, this is actually a big deal that the Supreme Court has ruled that these state laws are legal and must be obeyed, even overriding freedom of religion arguments.
It is especially the case if they are government employees. Because government employees can always quit their job and remain "free".
So it goes doubly for cops, precisely because their job is enforcing the law, whatever it is. Instead of protesting against vaxxing, they should be arresting other government employees who are protesting vaxxing and not getting vaxxed and not quitting their job. If you want to protest required vaxxing by local law, and you are a cop, you should quit or be fired in order to do so. Seems now that with this ruling, the only exemption that should be legal is a a medical one, that a doctor says vaxxing would threaten your life. Because the Supremes have ruled that even religious belief doesn't cut it; that's a big deal!
The really absurd thing is cops that are protesting are making such an extreme libertarian argument like NCD's quote! Because in doing so they are siding with official BLM anarchist theory! He mentions "what is this, Nazi Germany"? Well the Supreme Court has ruled that Nazi or not, it's the law. And police are supposed to enforce the law, so you should definitely be quitting your policing job unless you're like a revolutionary secretly working inside the government to overthrow it.
The severity of this hit me reading this
If you are a cop, you have no business making "sovereign citizen" arguments. That's absurd! You either are a sovereign citizen or you're a cop, you can't be both. Sovereign citizens shouldn't be partaking of any government services at all, much less being a cop.
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/31/2021 - 2:31pm
NYPD mandate is working:
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 4:05pm
You kiddin me? We’re in America, G-ddamn it. Is FOP Prez Catanzara also gonna be forced to do it, take the jab? Gonna step into the f---ing showers? ... What the f—k?
by NCD on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 5:07pm
FDNY apparently are the ones who have a quite a few more libertarian troublemakers, go figure:
they're the ones still organizing protests
I saw flyers for another one tomorrow, also a video of Sanitation protesters throwing garbage on Gracie Mansion lawn (quite a few p.o.c. in that one) and a story about a bunch just being suspended for going and harassing a State Senator at his house (doh, he has nothing to do with city government, ya pea brains)
I see some are taunting them now; strangely seems criticism is actually kind of a mix of libruls and conservatives--local Fox News is strongly against them ---
Realize now I do see something of a "band of brothers" ethos with them; after all, they cook, eat and sleep together, out here in the Bronx you see them at the grocery store together, so there's probably a lot more peer pressure if someone acts like a leader?
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 7:53pm
I see from this that it's the actual firehouse firefighters that are the problem, not the other kinds of FDNY employees:
there's also quite a few stories about them doing sick outs the last few days, contributing to the closures, and the Fire Commissioner did hold a press conference to bitch about that. That's a tactic that's hard to deal with, you can't easily prove they aren't sick.
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 8:03pm
more confirmation from a New Yorker journalist who went to Monday's big Brooklyn Bridge protest in NYC in person:
Firefighters made up the bulk of the assembly—many wore T-shirts identifying themselves by station house, ladder, and engine. Sanitation workers, in their bright-yellow jackets, were also easy to find.
he also noted
Not everyone was unvaccinated. “I’m vaccinated,” an emergency-medical-services worker told me, standing beneath some trees in the center of the plaza. “I just want it to be a choice.” The E.M.S. worker, who was masked, had brought her young daughter along.
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/31/2021 - 3:30pm
Jen Psaki just tested positive. More fuel for the absurd thinking of anti-vaxxers. To someone like me it just means we are stuck with masks indoors and social distancing and not hanging out indoors with a lot of people for quite a bit longer.
Luckily most people still wearing masks in the Bronx and southern Westchester, even outdoors. You really feel peer pressure, like an oddball, if you're not wearing one, though I've never seen any fights or disagreements when people don't. Mostly people just obey the signs on the doors!. It's kind of amazing actually, my area has a lot of immigrants, a real mix and lots of working class and in the daytime, obvious stay at home immigrant mom's on the street with their kids.. It's like they just got real used to wearing them, after all they are required on mass transit and they often don't have access to a car.
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/31/2021 - 9:00pm
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/31/2021 - 9:08pm
Bruce Willis?
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/01/2021 - 2:34am