by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
More from Dr. Shellenberger including photo of a chart in the book and photos of other excerpts, a bonus clip of McWhorter on MSNBC and full segment
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 7:22am
Amazed: just looked up his book's Amazon rating: their #4 most sold nonfiction book for the week ending Oct. 31. After all, he's a linguistics professor, not Katie Couric (#1)
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 7:36am
One contrarian congratulating another MD are Sellenberger's initials, he is not an MD
If you read the book, McWhorter freely insults Christians
He compares the Woke to a grasshopper that has been infected by a species of worm that invades the brain and causes the grasshopper to jump in the water and drown.
McWhorter says this and complains about the Woke not being nice to him
He also complained about the Woke chasing Bari Weiss away from the NYT, yet has no problem writing a weekly column from the NYT.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 10:02am
Nope, not an MD, but good relationship to science, evaluating evidence and frameworks, balancing ideas and tempering the overreach of issue enthusiasts.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 11:53am
Facts not in evidence. Schellenberger is not a trained scientist.
A review of his latest book on environmental science done by a Carl Sagan Award winner finds a ton of flaws
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 12:23pm
Seems like a good & valid takedown review.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 12:50pm
Thanks for that
Shellenberger may be a good journalist, but he is not a scientist. McWhorter may be an expert linguist, but in "Woke Racism", he comes across as a spoiled teenager. The Woke are a new religion that has to be crushed, according to McWhorter. The Woke are a religion because he says so. If you disagree with him, you are in league with the Woke. It is very clear that he is an atheist who feels he can say the most awful things about Christians. He then whines when he is attacked.
Ta Nehisi Coates made an off the cuff remark about McWhorter that upset the linguist. Coates apologized. McWhorter still finds a way to bring it into the discussion Watch his vidcasts with Glenn Loury, you actually see McWhorter pout like a spoiled teen when he laments that not enough people listen to him.
I have no problem reading McWhorter, Loury, Chatterton Williams, and even Candace Owens, I just wish that they had something useful to say. Telling law-abiding people that it their responsibility to change the behavior of criminals is not a rational strategy.
The Woke, along with the threat of Sharia law,and now Critical Race Theory, are examples of red meat thrown out to a gullible public The strategy works because states write laws banning Shiria law and Critical Race Theory.
The public will do what the public will do. I will object to any attempt to tell me that police reform and access to the ballot have to be tabled because dark-skinned criminals are committing crime.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 2:22pm
I am reminded now that I saw that before, that those were his initials but I forgot BECAUSE WTF does that have to do with what he has tweeted about McWhorter's book?
Especially the MSNBC clips of McWhorter interviews and page photos?
In this particular case, it's just honest enthusiasm to share McWhorter's book and ideas. It's about: McWhorter, not Shellenberger
Following McWhorter's twitter feed for quite some time, I don't think he's misrepresenting anything about McWhorter here! It's quite the astounding fallacy to attack Shellenberger in this case as if doing that hurts or helps McWhorter. Especially when the book is rising on the charts. To me, he's just a guy who wants to recommend the book
Actually, makes me realize that when someone is an M.D. I tend to be a little more prejudiced about them on things other than medicine, because I know how specialized their education is and that it leaves little time for studying anything else.
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 2:41pm
Shellenberger is not an MD nor a scientist.
His credentials are important
You repeated provide links to random people like Shellenberger and James Lindsay
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 5:27pm
Conor also doing one one of McWhorter's main topics:
McWhorter basically saying the same thing in a column for his relatively new gig as a twice-weekly columnist at The New York Times
BTW, he has also been using that column for linguistics topics...
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 5:22pm
Yeah, I always take Ross Douthat as Gospel.
McWhorter's major focus is on "What Blacks are doing wrong."
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 5:33pm
Wonder if and how he is going to respond to this new discussion point going around with people that have been known to be simpatico with him ESPECIALLY SINCE after all, HE IS A LINGUIST:
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/09/2021 - 2:49am
They're calling Rachel Maddow a "Karen" - that's rich.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 11/09/2021 - 6:38am
Who is calling Rachel Maddow a Karen?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 8:51am
Nov 3
Rachel Maddow was keen “I want to hear from Eric Adams” But cut away when the bongo drums of “The champ is here” and Eric’s unique victory speech didn’t satisfy her Maddow is the true white Karen using Eric Adams as a prop
Dr. Armageddon@ DrArmageddon7
·Nov 6
Replying to @mtaibbi and @bambikino9
I thought it was funny when someone else said that Rachel Maddow is the Alex Jones for the Karens.
SCjeepGal Flag of United StatesPirate flag @SCjeepGal
Nov 3 Replying to @Cernovich
If Karen and Brandon had a baby it would be Rachel Maddow
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 6:18pm
I noticed a few requoting that line about "the Alex Jones for the Karens" meme. I got the impression that was mostly a reaction on how she handled the story you were arguing with Hal about? Not sure.
Anyhew, what I did notice more strongly, from clips people tweeted, that in recent days (weeks maybe, I wasn't paying attention then) she clearly took a pretty strong pro-Biden approach on the Congressional bills, and anti-Progressive caucus and anti-squad; i.e. support the Prez, it's wonderful, a miracle, what he's managed to do so far.
And when I think back to the past, she's pro-military tho not pro war, and all that entails, etc., and a NASA-type science geek,too, and was anti-jihadi, interested in past terrorism.
Everyone maybe was deluded by the constant conservative drumbeat for years that she's the epitome of an evil librul, when actually, she's more of a centrist in many ways? So I guess in actuality it's maybe not that much of a stretch to label her a Karen?
(She's like a Hillary and as we agreed in the past, Hillary's a Karen, hah!)
In any case, thinking along those lines, I went searching yesterday to see if I could find any far lefties/Bernie Bros/socialist types/Squad types denigrating Maddow for being so pro Biden, and I really
diddidn't find very much! Not many attacks from the left, at least not yet.edit in correction
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 7:42pm
We agreed on that? Kind of skipped my mind ;-)
Anyway, Maddow may have mellowed a bit, or she's just pragmatic or... that's who she is. I'm guessing she may count the audience as well.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 7:07pm
T.C.W. added this tweet today which got a lot of "likes"
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 4:33am
(I think that cultural decline point about miscommunication is an important one! not that it's the only reason that happens. I.E. Trump knows EXACTLY the words his fans want to hear. As do anarchist rabble rousers with graffitti and protest chants. But that's within a tribe. Adequate communication between tribes is the only way a multiculti society can work?!)
^ super point!
by artappraiser on Thu, 11/11/2021 - 3:28am
Michael Harriot at The Root has it all figured out, what's going on here. He's been hunting and cherry picking and now he's got the plot all worked out. Forget all that stuff and listen to him. In a short amount of time, he knows more about linguistics than all you groveling Uncle Tom supposed linguistics professors
Weaponizing 'Woke': A Brief History of White Definitions
History is filled with examples of how language is repurposed for the advancement of whiteness.
By Michael Harriot Yesterday 12:00PM
by artappraiser on Sat, 11/13/2021 - 2:09am
by artappraiser on Sat, 11/13/2021 - 4:27am
Princeton historian Sean Wilentz suggests we watch a live lecture on anti-racism's connections to the Lost Cause and the "Solid South" by political scientist Adolph Reed:
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/14/2021 - 11:16pm
It is intriguing that the lecture is titled "The Farce This Time". I looked him up - besides being a distinguished political science professor emeritus, Adolph Reed is a founding member of the U.S. Labor party.
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/14/2021 - 11:23pm
You put Adolph Reed on the table, I raise with Thomas Chatterton Williams on anti-CRT laws
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:06am
Reed's difference with other activists is that he believes a focus on race chases away whites.
The end goals are the same. The debate is about tactics. Reed was rejected as a speaker for not focusing on race. Hannah-Jones was denied tenure and a speaking slot for focusing on race.
BTW today is the glorious day that the 1619 Project book is released.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:34am
DOH. Are our elite classes really learnin'? I mean really learnin'. How many decades, how many advanced degrees do they need?
The GOP will definitely win this 2022 thing if more don't smarten up fast. With the help of more working class and small business non-white voters, who can't take their elite white woke-i-fied overlords much longer (Ok, I'll give that some minority woke have a little power, like Kendi. But the co-option of woke by big corporate America using it in ubiquitous advertising could be the straw that breaks the back. "They" know who those ads are trying to "get", and it isn't them.)
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 6:29am
More--the winning political formula: America is not a villain
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 6:35am
At the Constitutional Convention 1787, they reached a compromise of 20 years to shut down the import of slaves, which the US met (end of 1807), while Brazil and Cuba continued slave shipping into the 1860s.
Had the improved cotton gin not been invented in 1793 to make cotton processing economic, the heavy expansion of slavery into the new southern territories/states likely wouldn't have happened, so the southern economy wouldn't have been so reliant on the continuation of slavery - still much more from 1820-30 on after expansion south/southwest than the first 50 years, belying the idea that the American Revolution was to bolster slaveholding.
Good animated maps/timelines:
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:55am
Nathaniel Gordon (February 6, 1826 – February 21, 1862) was the only slave trader in the U.S. to be tried, convicted, and executed for having "engaged in the slave trade," under the Piracy Law of 1820.[2]
The slave trade was so profitable that fortunes were made in it up until the Civil War.
NYT Editorial, Feb. 22, 1862 .. on the execution of the above, Mr. Gordon .. Note 1862
( ...the nation finally 'woke' enough to act against the slave trade):
by NCD on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 10:32am
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 6:51pm
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 3:28pm
I don't understand - in the modern era it's largely something that happened to black folks. Sure, you can compare it with serfdom and Chinese servitude, but it's not really the same thing. Though it might be useful to teach that 90% of slavery went on outside the US. So we're up to 1, maybe 2 classes. Now onto the Industrial Revolution...
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 4:55pm
If the class is United States history, the sources used will be about slavery in the USA.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 7:16pm
Is it a good comprehensive education to only teach US history? I remember studying about the Roman empire in 7th grade and don't recall a single word about slavery there. Nor do I recall a single word about slavery in South America, especially Brazil, where slavery was more common and brutal than in the US. If all we teach is slavery in America doesn't that give a very lopsided and incorrect view of America as uniquely evil in regards to the issue of slavery?
by ocean-kat on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 5:01pm
Yes, it is useful to know that only 1/10th of New World slavery was in the colonies/US, that the Caribbean and Brazil were much bigger, and that the US put a 20-year deadline on slave imports that ended them at end of 1807, that while the UK also ended their import business around 1810, Brazil and Cuba were still importing in 1866, etc. Yes the North made much money off Southern cotton, though I'm still not sure what made the North willing to end that boondoggle, since it was huge up to 1861 (and I'm not sure how far human morals go vs upholding rich people's interests -especially since we didn't seem very humanitarian in How the West Was Won - which aside from a couple gold rushes was mostly scratching a living out of dirt vs huge textile factories back east)
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 5:57pm
I like the parent's point even more - he's thinking that if all they learn about is the slave trade of Africans in the U.S. rather than as a wider phenomenon, it gives Afro-American kids an impression that being enslaved losers is genetic or something and that whites must be smarter. That it's bad for their own confidence unless they learn it in the context that it happened to other people in other ways.
by artappraiser on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 6:00pm
AA adores existence in the right wing echo chamber. "What we need to do with Blacks."
At least Thomas Sowell had many cogent points, McWhorter is just ----
by NCD on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 6:02pm
that wasn't McWhorter and has nothing to do with him, that was
his blog header:
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 8:49pm
It's a damn shame that your fine brain has been so delusion-arily warped by the lowest common denominator of pro-sports type brains of political partisanship. that they have reduced you to the point of calling John McWhorter, a liberal, an uncle tom. If you ever went to college, it's obvious you threw your diploma away in preference for bottom of the barrel pea-brained ("yur either with us or agin us") partisan warfare. You're like the poster boy for Andrew Yang's arguments about what two parties have done to the potential of this country, dragged it down to Hatfield's vs. McCoy's level. The icing on the cake, you're doing it with your identity protected under a pseudonym on a site that few people read, indicating you have a need and desire to act this stupid no matter what, that it's not something you just do for show in the real world. No wonder you understood the Trump persona so well, it all becomes clear!
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 9:04pm
You attack NCD in a fashion identical to the slurs McWhorter uses against the "Woke" in his new book.
McWhorter makes it very clear that he considers the battle the Hatfields vs. the McCoys.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 9:40pm
Who's got a need and desire? Puts up 98% of posts here? Monopolizing the site?
Goes ballistic like clockwork when different views expressed?
Ignores facts that contradict vapid twitter reposts, while self righteously claiming to be 'presenting analysis.'
by NCD on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 11:35pm
During Black History Month, rmrd put up 200 items. Was that "monopolizing the site"? Hal used to pop into any and every discussion to push the Convo towards his particular brand of class liberalism - was that "monopolizing the site"? No one's writing long heartfelt missives anymore, including me - Trump largely flattened our ability to back up and write about the wide view - Danny was the last to try though he had his own agenda - it all became reacting to the 5 daily outrages. Orion's prolly the best right now in giving his own personal taste, though still a lot of cut and paste. AA took special interest in the continuing Crime epidemic after the defund nonsense and BLM failures//vandalism. I've set up my own long threads on Trump scandals and COVID issues. If you want to post something useful rather than just showing up to hold hands with rmrd, do it.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 4:39pm
Not to mention: this is MY BLOG THREAD, MINE to collect articles and tweets that interest me and to work out my thoughts
And I'm letting you guys criticize them and me as if I am trying to persuade someone politically and as if I agree with everything I'm posting. As if this is DKos or something with a huge politically active audience, THAT'S ABSURD., PARTISAN FERVOR HERE STRIKES ABSURD.
Then you hijack it with arguments about Ivermectin and other shit. Do I complain? No! I'm pretty flexible actually. If the discussion is not totally stupid and not the same thing over and over and over, I don't mind.
Still, I'd love grownup input on the actual items on the thread. That's what I appreciate.
But because there is not a huge audience, that's why I'm here. I'm actually doing this precisely because there is not a huge audience here, so I don't have to contend with lowest common denominator dopey mass market partisanship of the type bedeviling our country right now.
I'm using an site abandoned and maintained by the owner, to post collated news, with the owner's knowledge and approval, and hopefully have some participation with a few other GROWNUP minds to analyze it. And then I collect my bigger thoughts and articles on blog entries.
IF YOU WANT TO PLAY PRETEND PARTISAN ADVOCACY to influence a mythical audience GO AHEAD BUT JUST FUCKING START YOUR OWN BLOG. This thread is not about that. It's collecting articles and tweets from the anti-woke movement in our culture coming from intellectual elites. Because I think that's interesting! Not because I am under the impression that I am going to influence the vote, OK? I don't know why anyone is crazy enough to think like they can influence the vote by arguing with someone on dagblog, but if you do, have at it on your own blog.
I especially don't get why one would think smearing me as if I am a right winger is going to accomplish anything. No one is listening! They either already have their own opinion of me, or they are not there. Who exactly does NCD think he is warning with his role play smear? There's no there there.
by artappraiser on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 6:47pm
by artappraiser on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 1:08am
Valdary says, that in her opinion, the US in general practices "racecraft"
She has no solution to the problem other than corporations purchasing her $700 program to address diversity.
From a practical standpoint, she says diversity programs offered by DiAngelo and Kendi are flawed.
Buy her perfect program instead.
Edit to add:
The man complaining about the pushback he gets for expressing his views should take a look at the abuse handed out to Hannah-Jones and Kendi.
Valdary has no problem criticizing Blow.
Perhaps the gentleman should grow up
Again, I urge you to read "Woke Racism" and see how easily McWhorter atttacks the intellect of those he puts in the "Woke" category.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 8:32am
I don't know - someone thought the Ted Talk was stupid, but I imagine various people have various opinions.
Here's some links, people can make up their own mind:
Interview, Simon Sinek:
Articles by:
Interview, LA Review of Books:
Diversity Training:
Wiki description:
TED talk: Theories of Enchantment:
Conor Friedersdorf:
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 9:19am
I do see that prices for her anti racism products have changed
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 10:17am
BTW, skimming Reddit for opinions on Valdary, I came across this hypothesis (backed with research analysis) about Ivermectin, that it's more effective in 3rd world countries where worm infestation is common than it is in 1st world countries (and effects of the disease are worsened by that infestation) - which might be why 1st world validation hasn't worked so well.
Interesting at least to consider that not everything is black and white - many things have a sphere where they're more true or false than others.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 9:25am
Looked at the astralcodex link.
Take a course in statistics and get back to me.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 10:24am
I've had a course in statistics (several) - was there a point?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 11:06am
The obvious many studies reached statistical significance?
Edit to add:
Let's put this in a real world consideration
If you are in a third world situation and we're offered access to the Merck and Pfizer oral meds, would you choose one of them or Ivermectin?
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 12:31pm
Let's put this in a real world consideration - you show someone a paper where the author is brutally honest with how he works with the data and its problems but useful interpretation,, and some asshat acts all smug by pointing out the paper doesn't do what the author said the paper/studies didn't do. *AND* the asshat compares 2 drugs that are likely coming on the market a year or more after the drug these papers are talking about was already being given experimentally to patients. THESE OTHER DRUGS ARENT EVEN AVAILABLE YET, MUCH LESS IN QUANTITY, MUCH LESS AFFORDABLE IN 3RD WORLD COUNTRIES. (do these drugs have real problems in real world applications that don't show up in its studies, just as the Pfizer vaccine fades quite a bit faster than believed at the start? well, JUST TRUST THEM) If you're in a 3rd world country, you won't be offered these meds for 6 months or more, so why do you even bother with your hypothetical? What I said from the begininning is this debate from Western liberals ignores real people elsewhere suffering with *NO FUCKING VACCINES NOR THERAPIES* with a deadly disease that was killing 4000 a day in India alone, half that amount in Brazil, many many more elsewhere, a lot of which went unreported. But snicker snicker snicker, let's own the conservatives!!!
So what did the author say?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 12:47pm
You create a strawman
Then you blather on.
All of this nonsense is happening in your own head.
The Merck drug is for those with mild to moderate COVID
The Pfizer drug is for non-hospitalized high risk COVID patients
Ivermectin studies were a mixed bag
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 1:45pm
You quote something from the author & then say it's made up in my head. Do you hear voices?
Ivermectin studies were sometimes trying to identify the right place where it could be effective.(early, late, oxygenated or not...). Now you're saying both of the drugs you're touting are for early stage patients when most of the time doctors are only getting late stage patients when symptoms are insufferable. This is gonna work well. But hey, science.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 1:55pm
I will stick with the Cochrane conclusion
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 4:51pm
You're repeating the author's conclusion out if a certain setting, but
Thats a lot of studies they hadn't been able to check 5-6 months ago. What's current status?
Oh, and your Cochrane site says Ivermectin's good rosacea in humans - i thought you said it was only a horse de-wormer?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 5:39pm
Other drugs are moving forward.
Ivermectin is not recommended for COVID
Let me know when there is an update
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 5:43pm
You miss the fucking point because you're a narrow bigoted asshole who's uninterest in learning anything, only in grinding things down to your pre-conceived viewpoints - a waste of space. I give you a review of studies that provides an very interesting take on how studies work in real life, basically says Ivermectin doesn't work & believers have fooled themselves, *yet* there seems to be a connection between positive results and worm infestation (primarily outside the 1st world:
Which is a pretty major discovery if true, and throws a real interesting twist into the story, which you don't care, cuz you stopped with "tastes great/less filling". But others trudge on...
and looking for forests despite trees (and Twitter fights),
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 6:29pm
Your last retweet from healrh nerd comes with a preprint warning posted at
Caution: Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information.
by NCD on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 7:06pm
Wow, that's so incredible to know that a guesstimate in a journal article isn't hard coded fact - i almost jumped off a bridge. Especially when noted that underreporting is a huge problem with the implication that maybe we can try to discover how big it is vs "here it is already pre-measured".
Though might I suggest this guy seems to know what he's doing even if not peer reviewed...
Poor people in Africa need more vaccines? I think we need a peer review to jump on that right away.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 7:50pm
Are you on the Yale peer review committee?
Get back when it's published and put into clinical action on the ground, and whatever benefits are claimed are duplicated and confirmed by others than health nerd.
by NCD on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 8:05pm
sorry sir, this is a Wendy's
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 1:13am
Ivermectin #Skepticon2021, eh?
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 1:23am
Seems like the talk will say that there is no reliable data to suggest Ivermectin is useful in COVID
The lesson of ivermectin: meta-analyses based on summary data alone are inherently unreliable
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 10:20am
Seems the talk pitches accuracy via meta-analysis instead of just summary data for *any* drug or safety analysis - you're stuck trying to be right on 1 single drug, and you don't register that much of the results are faked and fucked on parts of whatever drug trial or mask evaluation or other medical procedure. You're bothered by systemic racism? This is systemic flawed scientific/medical evaluation. You know the 6 foot rule on Covid? It's an arbitrary and flawed rule pulled out of someone's ass 70 years ago for a different disease with different behavior and physics based on a completely unrelated set of circumstances, yet it's been used to misleadingly tell people what's safe for the current pandemic. But I'm sure flawed studies helped perpetrate the myth.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 12:09pm
So the Ivermectin data is not trustworthy.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 12:14pm
FFS, can you read the motherfucking article and stop typing with your dick? What the fuck is wrong with you?
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 12:35pm
School of Health and Society, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 1:03pm
Still fapping on what your tribe told you to fap on.
The more important point is that these same systemic errors
will be present for reviews of all the vaccines, your new fave Pfizer and Merck therapies, and whatever else. Ivermectin
studies are just a sample of what can go wrong.
We know that half the studies out there are crap, but even
aggregating, filtering, culling them we still may end up withcrao w/o new procedures.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 1:43pm
Peer review, eh?
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 2:13am
WaPo's Jennifer Rubin with a great take on our current situation
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 5:41pm
New McWhorter op-ed at the NYTimes:
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/21/2021 - 7:31pm
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/24/2021 - 11:12pm
Many French see "wokisme" as pernicious infiltration from American universities "aimed at spreading racial and gender discord over French universalism":
by artappraiser on Sun, 11/28/2021 - 6:34pm
MLK on being Woke
Edit to add:
MLK noted that there were people who wanted you to wait for a more convenient time
Nothing new is happening.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/28/2021 - 7:58pm
MLK sez go out and do whatever fool stupid thing you got planned cuz the world can't ever wait for the right time - you gotta always rush in right now whether you does good or fucks it up.
I just love dragging Martin Luther King's ass through every little moralists take on current events. I imagine he thought he'd get to rest in the grave, but a lot of travel to do supporting harebrained ideas and impulsive ADD thinking by tooting out that quote for any occasion.
PS - my momma agrees, she says make every day count, or carpe diem. But seize *which* day? They all look pretty much the same.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 11/28/2021 - 8:36pm
Normally I'm not a big fan of pop psychologists, but this which I just read is really hitting the spot you're getting at
by artappraiser on Mon, 11/29/2021 - 1:42am
The Arbery case is a clear example where people did not except victimhood.
The parents and activists did not accept a DA who refused to prosecute the case
They did not accept when a second DA recused himself, but felt the need to prosecute the men who murdered Arbery
They pushed on
Now we have three convictions and the initial DA indicted for intentionally mishandling the case.
They snatched victory from defeat.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 11/29/2021 - 6:32pm
Doh, no kidding. I am answering you against my better judgment - I'd really prefer you stay off this thread - because it's become so very clear you don't even get the basics of the divisive nature of "wokeness" and playing the race card, but here goes
Did you even read about the trial or just read what your favorite "activists" said about it. I put this on the Arbery thread, did you read it? Lawyers left racism out of the trial over Ahmaud Arbery’s death. Here’s why.
Did you see Arbery's father say "ALL LIVES MATTER" not "Black Lives Matter"?
For the dense: he did that on purpose. Though a lot of people don't know he's changed, even Al Sharpton does the same thing, why can't you?
What is your problem continually defending the woke segregationist crap? Back to McWhorter, it's exactly what he's pointing out: woke is a narrative of playing hapless victim of supposed white supremacy. Things have changed, you're not slaves anymore. Quit reinforcing racism by being racist. Stop stoking racism, just stop. You can win over juries of southern white people that way. You can win elections that way, too, stop stoking racism with the race card. Stop defending libertarian woke racists who want to abolish police and prisons.
Why don't you get it? It's not 1965 any more, sorry, you seem to like to pretend you're living there, so you can be a 1965 style victim of Jim Crow, and stay segregated, but you're not. It's impossible to time travel.
Another tip: hate for "the other" is not going away. People do that. The way to live together in a multicultural society is tolerance of the other you hate. That's why we allow hate speech in this country - to let off the steam and even to let the virulent haters self-identify and be ostracized -but it's against the law to act on it.
This thread is about ostracizing you "woke" haters and the woke who insist there's no end to the evilness of this supposedly white supremacist country. It's simply not true anymore. Pretty soon they'll have to take the race question off the census because too many can't pick a single race. What tribe you gonna go with then, the "victim" tribe? The one where people have 1/8 ADOS blood?
by artappraiser on Mon, 11/29/2021 - 11:29pm
Most Americans say the declining share of White people in the U.S. is neither good nor bad for society
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/30/2021 - 12:31am
the following is simplistic but the principle is sound, basically that many things like this are the work of "outside agitators"
hence you see reactions like this
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/30/2021 - 3:17am
Let it be known to all loud and clear that Detroit's superintendent of schools says DETROIT IS USING "CRITICAL RACE THEORY" in it's curriculum, he uses THOSE ACTUAL WORDS.. And denial is not a river in Egypt, enough with the denial, okay? It just makes the deniers look silly:
Those who don't like him using those words, have a talk with him, quit trying to gaslight everyone else who know wassup in a lot of public school curriculum.
by artappraiser on Tue, 11/30/2021 - 7:17pm
Wes Yang making a point using Squire's tweet:
Mho, he's opining about a kind of grift that's related to this kind of grift.
Then I am reminded of Obama in "Dreams from My Father" writing about Kenyan society and how so much of it is dependent on one member of a large extended family living off the income of one man with a social service job.
by artappraiser on Wed, 12/01/2021 - 9:03am
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/02/2021 - 9:13pm
Believe It or Not, I Like Some Things in Our Progressive Era
Op-ed by John McWhorter @, Dec. 3, 2021
by artappraiser on Sat, 12/04/2021 - 1:17am
by artappraiser on Sun, 12/05/2021 - 6:42am
excerpt from Greg Sargent's WaPo article cited by Yang above:
Official BLM has lately been unashamedly running with a very strong Marxist line, no excuses, with stuff like this and more:
(if you haven't read any news about the above, they are spinning absurd! it was a very celebratory turnover ceremony, with Prince Charles in attendance with cheerful demeanor, nothing but good wishes and good will for their future, happy for them )
um Jussie Smollet is the best Angela can do now?! and BLM is, of all things they could talk about, is promoting it?!
edit to add: it really does seem at times that they have an anarchist desire to destroy the Democratic party and the country and start over from scratch
by artappraiser on Sun, 12/05/2021 - 7:27am
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/09/2021 - 4:57pm
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/09/2021 - 4:52pm
by artappraiser on Sat, 12/11/2021 - 8:51pm
who'da thunk it?
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/16/2021 - 2:42am
Oh goodie, Henry Louis Gates!
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/27/2021 - 7:35pm
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/27/2021 - 11:04pm
Elon seems a bit on the spectrum, where cluelessness and awkward social interaction can be expected. His puerile king of juvenile humor can easily slip over to the 50s style of classic insulting jokes with "no offense intended" ("take my wife - please..."). While humorlessness might be a problem, frat boy humor isn't a cure-all either, whatever Kavanaugh may think in retrospect. Ugly things do get said, people do get hurt to make the majority chuckle, and there's nothing wrong with having a few years discussion whether those Yid/Dago/Mick stereotypes are really that humorous. Oh wait, that was post-war woke re-evaluation in the 50s and 60s, when we knew minorities were minorities, not these wannabe cripples and psychotics and sexual-hybrid-conglomeration-warriors and simply all the fat ugly people who can't get laid without new pronouns. As our colleague Rootie would say,"Har Har Har". I know it's a shame to not be able to tell Henny Youngman-style jokes in 2021, when our brains need to be responding ASAP to the latest Twitter howler feeding frenzy where every second to witty twitty response counts. Political correctness is such a drag.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/28/2021 - 6:12am
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 2:52pm
by artappraiser on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 4:01pm
Historian and sr. editor of Aeon indicates via sarcasm that he can't take it anymore:
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/30/2022 - 6:35pm
and not coincidentally that's why Russian trolls like to quote Woke so much
by artappraiser on Mon, 03/21/2022 - 2:17pm
by artappraiser on Fri, 05/06/2022 - 1:45pm