by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Sweep the primaries leaving a gaggle of standard issue republican polls in her dust.
Pick an establishment running mate. Patraeus anyone?
Acquit herself fine in debates with Obama. I've seen the tapes of her Alaskan gubernatorial debates. She won. Informed, sensible , sell assured. And
Leave Obama carrying a handful of states with large black voting blocks.
Get ready for it .
Don't mistake my tone for approval. Unlike many of those posting here I applaud his first two years. In particular Obamacare. But that doesn't blind me to the fact that Palin is an exceptional candidate and for his many other skills, Obama is not
Um, okay, this is snark, right? If it isn't, all I can say is that the GOP doesn't want her. The Tea Party, yes, but she has now marginalized herself into their corner of the world and there ain't no way in hell she's gonna win over Independents or moderate Republicans. Nor any, make that ANY, Dems. My god, Flavius, have you seen her disapproval ratings???
I like to think this is snark. I'm gonna assume it is snark. I sincerely HOPE it is snark. Have a nice day.
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 4:49pm
The question is, somebody tell me what real difference would it make if Palin was President? Would Fox News become less popular? Would Americans realize she is an idiot and all turn into Democrats or progressives? Would Teabaggers suddenly discover they are pawns in the hands of the wealthy and corporations?
She will do what the GOP always does. Even if a Democrat were to beat her, Obama's accomplishments are not likely to be seen again this decade no matter who is in office. The country is broke, we can't afford another war. Congress cannot be expected to do anything of significance, except reducing entitlements and screwing the middle class and poor, which is likely to happen sooner or later, the rich on Wall Street will never see their taxes going up or their hegemony in Wash. DC usurped,
Obama has already cried Uncle and Petraeus is going to keep the Afghan War going far past his own retirement, to 2016 and beyond, while we negotiate peace with impostors. There will be no peace agreement in Israel, no stability in Iraq, and the Taliban will never stop fighting.
Sure, with Palin in, the dollar will likely drop faster as investors wonder what is going on here, oil will go up, but maybe the Chinese will step in to fill the gap. Some really bad appointments to the Supreme Court? Its already full of them. I would imagine a 4-year crusade, session after session, on fetus protection, gun rights, anchor/terror babies, border walls, gay bashing, health and school vouchers, medicaid/CHIP cuts etc. etc., very close to what we have now in many states. Starting next month the economy and the unemployed, or under employed, will be on their own anyway, as Boehner takes over the House.
If things got really bad the GOP base would just flock to the New New Breed of conservatives in the next GOP primaries. Sorry to be negative, but the story on the Pakistani impostor who got "in the low 6 figures" and free NATO plane rides to participate in 'early stages' of peace talks with Karzai, combined with the crotch checks at US airports has me thinking our politicians are too carried away with BS/politics/GWOT/the next election/money for the next election to do anything much good anytime soon for the country at large, and too many voters are too dumb to know it.
by NCD on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 5:13pm
Wow. Now that's a downer of a comment. Well, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving anyway.
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 5:37pm
Same to you, on a brighter note what could bring more holiday cheer to a bitter liberal than The Hammer being nailed.....from Dancing with Stars to Dancing with Cons!
by NCD on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 7:42pm
Hee, yeah I think I heard that Jennifer Grey (nose job and all) beat Bristol? I dunno, cuz I don't watch it...but that's what my yahoo headlines seem to be saying.
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 7:45pm
I believe what you say is very probable. She is an excellent newsreader / celebrity spokesperson.
Any idea who her power brokers are? Are they the same ones who run If so, watch out because her chances are even better than I suspect.
Maybe the major parties should go back to picking their candidates in private, now probably smoke-free rooms. The primary system seems too prone to demagoguery.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 6:10pm
LOL, can't resist adding this:
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 6:12pm
That's a great piece. But I'm long used to the idea that good guys finish last.
by Flavius on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 6:49pm
I really, really don't think she could win. But I'm willing to place bets on the side. Wink.
Okay, looking at it from a Tea Party angle, knowing that they are already pissed at Romney for being "too far left"...omg, did I just say that?....I can see where Palin could win the primaries. But the general election?? No.
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 7:31pm
Palin and her followers are firm believers in what I call the the dummy down grading, also known as grade inflation.
Suppose you are a teacher and you give a test to your students. Once you grade the test you realize no one score above D. So instead of failing everyone, you give the highest score a weight of 100 and the rest fall into place so everyone passes. It doesn't take much imagination to see those student actually believing they know more than they really do.
Now take that example and couple it with Palin, her MILF Party and tea-baggers and you'll see my point. They're all the dullest tools in the shed, but they prance around as if they're they have the keenest political savvy equal to that of the founding fathers.
If Palin does win in 2012, the only thing I can say is what Robert Redford said at the close of The Candidate...What do we do now?
by Beetlejuice on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 8:26pm
A ha. See, you're better with analogies than I am, Beetle. WAAAY better.
I'll put this one out here straight, this time. Putting Sarah Palin in the White House would be just as useful as putting ME in the White House. I know just as little as she does. I suck at talking with opposition as much as she does. I use what I know (which is little) to endear myself with folks who already like me, but win no friends that way, just like her.
Now there is an analogy I can live with.
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 8:30pm
This wasn't a snark, I'm afraid. If Feingold could lose , Palin could win.
Have a good Thanksgiving anyway. If nothing else be thankful you're not living in Gov Winthrop's City on a hill from which he exiled Roger Williams and Anne Hutcheson for attempting to claim the same right to freedom of conscience for which Winthrop boarded the Arabella.
by Flavius on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 8:51pm
Whoosh! Right over my head that comment went. And right over Palin's it would go too.
Who'd we rather have in the White House? Palin, or Obama?
Because Obama, unlike me or Palin, would get that reference, and come back at you with a rejoinder. Then again, too many "folks" dont' even know or care what a rejoinder is anymore, do they?
Well, let me just say that I will do my utmost to ensure Palin is not our President in 2012.
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 9:10pm
I'll be blunt...what if Angle and O'Donnell had won their races?That would have been far worst than Feingold's loss.
There are some people out there...somewhere...who still have a grasp on the life preserver of Hope, not the one of Despair.
GOPer's in Nevada woke up and realized their Party had been hijacked and was force to swallow some bitter medicine and vote for...god forbid...Reid, a Democrat. Same thing in Delaware too as well as Colorado, Oregon and Washington. I suspect the antics of the tea-baggers in the next 18 months will force many more to get in the que and take their medicine no matter how bad it tastes.
In short, the eleventy-second (hobbit speech) Congress will be their high watermark. Once the general public sees them in action and realize how ineffectual and down right foolish they are, they'll be swept out of office in a heartbeat in 2012.
Furthermore, the faster they implement their grand designs, the more time the general public will have to let it sink in that the country took a severe right turn and needs to be corrected to the far left to get back on the street and in the correct lane with the flow of traffic, not against it.
But I will agree I am grossly underestimating the power of Stupid.
by Beetlejuice on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 10:34pm
Amen, Brother Beetle. No, I agree with you completely.
I've been reading many a harrowing tale from right-wing blogs about how the Tea Party and the GOP are in-fighting. I know that the moderate Repubs are beginning to feel, as you so aptly put it, hijacked. Between now and 2012 I can only think that the GOP has got to get a wake-up call while trying to hold onto what little power they have right now. And this, to me, spells out hope for Dems.
But, hey, if y'all want to really get into a deep and meaningless discussion in the meantime, come here instead.
by LisB on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 10:47pm
I have crossed the Mason\Dixon Line. I have visited the "wild west!" If I can make it to Alaska, I will have visited all of the "Lands of the Mental Dwarfs!" Jesus wept....Sarah Palin!
by chucktrotter on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 1:12am
by LisB on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 1:24am
Lis (Forgive me for mispelling your handle, previously)
This is a country gone awry...If my wife was not close to retirement -- I would get out and not look back!
by chucktrotter on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 1:33am
Chuck, no problem. Everybody gets my name wrong at some point or another. Lis, rhymes with is, makes no sense to a lot of people, apparently. I'm Lisa, I'm Liz, whatever.
But I refuse to accept the defeatist talk in your comment. There are too many smart people in America, and we won't let teh crazy take over. Trust me.
by LisB on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 1:43am
If I'm wrong, I would like to reserve some attic space in your villa in Canada or Cancun, or wherever it is that you plan on going to.
by LisB on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 1:45am
Two bedroom condo on the beach in Peurto Rico. Sea-side so the waves are a bit tougher. I can't leave the woman I love and my home here in Iowa. Besides...My Spanish really sucks! But, that sun is tempting! Sigh...!
by chucktrotter on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 1:55am
Let's compromise. A small duplex in Huntington Beach, CA. I just need a small room to myself and my two cats, and kitchen rights now and then. Oh, and internet. Definitely internet.
by LisB on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 2:12am
I worked for ten years in California -- near Sebastol, 3-1\2 acres on the coast. My property was filled with redwood trees. The people....Nut cases don't change from coast to coast. One can't run from reality. I prefer isolation. The carribbean is my choice.
by chucktrotter on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 2:46am
Nut cases, you call them. Friends, I call them. Crazy people are everywhere.
Enjoy the Caribbean.
by LisB on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 3:23am
I'll freeze here in Iowa for a time. Sleep tight!
by chucktrotter on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 4:13am
It will be a quick tongued , apparently self reliant white woman.Against an intellectual black whose father was a muslim.
While unemployment is entering its 4th year over 7% and the Federal Government is being down sized under combined pressure from the T Party and the bond market.
I don't see it.
A couple of days before the 1980 election I was talking with a savvy executive who'd held a combination of military , government and industry jobs ( later he took mine). Reflecting on the election he said "I can't really believe that when people go into the polling booth they'll actually vote for Reagan".
Have a good Thanksgiving anyway.
by Flavius on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 4:18am
Sorry to sound conspiratorial on Thanksgiving, but do you think that if Caribou Barbie gets really close to the GOP nomination, some of Poppy's old pals at the CIA will take her out with a 2nd amendment remedy, opening the way for Jeb to grab the nomination?
All kidding aside, I can see her getting the GOP nomination, I don't see her being able to win electorally. Only thing that might make her viable would be Bloomberg running and siphoning off Obama voters in the big states.
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 10:20am
I don't see Bloomberg running strategically He likes winning.
by Flavius on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 9:20pm