Michael Maiello's picture

    Who Deserves Credit For Obama Dropping Social Security Cuts?

    Victory!  Barack Obama will not pursue cutting Social Security benefits by using the Chained CPI measure of inflation to calculate future benefit increases.  Obama had proposed doing this just last year, offering it as a compromise to Republicans.

    Now, who gets credit?

    One possibility is that "the left," gets the credit.  Obama has told "the left," which is a well-organized political apparatus of some sort, to "hold his feet to the fire."  And, boy, did we!  Why, I have personally blogged about the topic.  Ad nauseum.  Seriously, I wrote about it a lot.  I should have shut up already.  So, us.  The left. We did it!

    Obama deserves the credit! With a relcacitrant Congress but a helpful Federal Reserve, the Obama administration has, in fact, helped the economy grow and helped to reduce the size of deficits.  He can justly argue that recent economic successes make moving to the Chained CPI less necessary.  The best defense of the current budget is, after all, a growing economy and we have that.  So, Obama did it!

    Republicans saves Social Security!  Don't give them credit, though.  They did it unwittingly.  See, they asked for the Chained CPI cuts.  Well, to be fair, they asked that Obama ask for them.  The Republicans want this policy change but they do not want to propose or enact it themselves because then it will look like they cut Social Security benefits and Republicans are for rich people but also for old people.  Old people like Social Security and Matlock. Republicans would like to see Social Security benefits cut by Democrats.  That is all that they want.  Obama offered this to them and then said, "Now what will you do for me?"  They said, "Nothing."  Had Republicans offered something, the cuts would have happened.  So, bad faith bargaining saved Social Security!

    The Simpson/Bowles Commission saved Social Security.  Let's face it, the Simpson/Bowles Commission is not cool.  It is, in fact, uncool.  That makes cutting Social Security uncool too.  Everybody wants to be cool.  Except Republicans.



    I read already that some republican (it honestly doesn't matter which one) who, in his utter contempt for our President, said something to the effect of:  "This once again demonstrates that the President doesn't care about the deficit."

    REALLY?  REALLY?  Because if not for Ronald Reagan there would be no concern about Social Security regarding the deficit (because he raided it to cover tax reductions).  As we all know, Social Security is self-funded and in reality has NO effect on the deficit. But let's pretend that Ronnie didn't steal it since we are, after all, USA! USA! Social security is fully funded until 2033 and if they take away the cap for contributions, it will be funded through infinity. 

    I am so damn sick of these unrequited lies. Why is there no effort at educating people about the truth of this? WHY?  

    I am constantly amazed at the Gomers who won't sign up for health insurance "because they can't stand  to get a policy with "his" name on it...then they vote to screw themselves re Social security just because TeaBaggers have them convinced that SS Recipients are lazy bums. They have no idea that "entitlements" means that people have actually paid for these services. 

    I am so sick of the selfishness that has taken over the Republican Party as though it was a virtue.  Bravo to the President for taking this out of the budget, but it is a VERY grudging bravo because I think he would have still left it there if the GOP had given up one teensy single thing.  At least now (after 6 years) he's finally realized they never intended to govern--only to obfuscate and blame him when it didn't work. 

    How correct you are... Mike . . .

    Yes... "The left. We did it!" As in mainly the LIBERAL LEFT. Not so much the fence-sitting passive middle-of-the road so-called progressives. And really NOT the Third-Way bunch... Someone I know posted something about that Third-Way bunch back in December over here. And today I dropped the following:

    So... Third-way Grabbed at the Third-rail and Gets Shocked?

    And take a look there Mike and see who posted a like on it... Heeheehee..


    You must all be TPM Prime members.  It just took me to a door I couldn't enter unless I wanted to pay.

    Yeah, it was the repugnants, teabaggers specifically.  Without them, Obama's fondest dreams would have come true--Ah, legacy, legacy, sweet legacy...

    (Of chicken, for instance, to be exchanged by the canny shopper for "Chicken Flavored Kibble, New&Improved! Now with aroma crystals!").

    What a great depiction 

    I was not expecting that one...

    I am glad that is over with.  Now how about a raise.

    I doesn't matter who gets credit or how many tributaries emptied into this river.

    This is Mantle v Maris meta. Like school yard boys, we're very hung up on these types of discussions.

    And based on my reading of Obama, I don't think he cares who gets credit--which is a good thing.

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