by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
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Chris Christie halts campaigning for Romney; gets back to NJ and praises Obama's handling of the coming storm of the century—so far.
Obama cancels campaign appearance in Florida to get back to DC and act as Chief Executive during the pending and impending 'Perfect Storm'.
Reality has set in.
Some 50 million people are predicted to be affected by Hurricane Sandy.
NYSE is shut down today and probably tomorrow.
And there shall be no on-line trading either.
Power may be cut off for ten million of our citizens; maybe even more.
And these power outages caused by Hurricane Sandy might last through election day!
The weather prognosticators are not cutting back on their forecasts.
Quasi tsunamis are going to hit the Eastern Coastal areas from Virginia to New York.
Six inches of rain and more will hit the coastal areas while farther inland two feet of snow and more will most likely shut down traffic for hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans.
The 'worst' of it shall be felt until Tuesday noon? But the aftermath of this hurricane might even be worse.
When can power be restored?
When can mass transit be restored?
When will roads become passable?
It is so petty to consider politics in all of this; but that does not keep cable news from being petty.
And I can hardly blame cable news really; especially since updates have been available every fifteen minutes.
I just find so much irony in the fact that following two full years of campaigning; most of it meaningless as far as substance that the last 8 days of this election have been interrupted by an Act of God!
Strange articles are showing up on the web already.
Mitt has previously stated that FEMA should be abolished and all emergency supervision sent back to the states.
Talk about politics.
But, on the other hand, our representatives in government are supposed to hone in on issues such as emergencies caused by Acts of God.
What we are witnessing is a perfect storm running from Virginia all the way north to our Canadian border; one state cannot handle this problem on its own and the bureaucracies involved can hardly cooperate on a state by state level; especially when five or ten states are facing perils associated with this natural catastrophe.
Christie has requested funds from the Feds and has received those funds and the support of the President of the United States. And Christie is requesting even more funds and support.
And Christie has praised the actions already taken by our President and suspended his campaigning for the Republican national ticket.
When you write a script for a movie, you need to include some ante-climactic scenes as well as THE CLIMAX.
What we are witnessing is a reality that mirrors a good script.
If there are power outages affecting millions upon millions of households; how can you 'get out the vote'. Hell, how can you vote?
If there are power outages that last a week or more people might be more worried about food and water and warmth than their right to vote.
Again, two years of meaningless campaigning and the campaign is shut down 8 days prior to the election!
Makes one consider whether or not the Good Lord is a little angry at us!
I don't know if it is actually petty to consider politics since one of the two sides harps about decreasing the size of government and doing away with such entities as FEMA. There will be further acts of God in the future, and this election will in part be a decision about how one wants the national approach to be to local and regional disasters.
by Elusive Trope on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 9:51am
Oh cannot disagree with your points.
How does government respond to perils facing our citizens? Well politics 'decides' the response in the end.
Just an addendum:
MSNBC & CNN just discussed problems in Ohio. 70MPH winds on Lake Erie. People are being told to hunker down and this is all related to Sandy.
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 10:00am
Mitt, June, 2011, CNN:
ROMNEY: ......we should ask ourselves the opposite question. What should we keep? We should take all of what we’re doing at the federal level and say, what are the things we’re doing that we don’t have to do? And those things we’ve got to stop doing, because we’re borrowing $1.6 trillion more this year than we’re taking in. We cannot-
KING: -Including disaster relief, though?
ROMNEY: We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids......
Mitt: We cannot afford to raise Mitt's taxes or those of his billionaire buddies. Ergo, close FEMA, you are on your own. Hold your breath, bend over, and grab those bootstraps that are under the water you are standing in.
Filthy rich people like Mitt use every loophole in the book to avoid paying taxes, which could be used for disaster relief or reducing the deficit. Keeping their money takes priority over 'Acts of God' that impact 'our kids', or us. It might take a 'Act of God' to get them to open their wallet and pay their fair share.
Meanwhile Mitt continues to support sending 'our kids' parent's jobs to China.
Yeah, Mitt really cares about 'our kids'. That's why he wants to slash support for health care for 'our kids' living in poverty.
If you have a kid, Mitt doesn't give a crap about you, your family or your kid. He cares about money, his money, and getting more of it any way he can.
by NCD on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 11:40am
They just quoted this on MSNBC!
And what is best is that Obama needs to say nothing about that interview!
I am watching Lawrence O'Donnell and Alex Wagner right now.
Obama addressed the emergency in the 12 state area in half an hour!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 12:12pm
Bloomberg kind of joked this morning that NYC's high tax rates should be credited with the city's preparedness. And... well... yes. The taxes suck when you pay them but the money can actually be put to good use.
by Michael Maiello on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 12:39pm
There ya go Destor.
Well put!
On all of these web sites I see grocery stores with empty aisles strewn throughout the Northeast!
These people will need water besides food and shelter!
And I just watched the President's talk on this five minutes ago; and hopefully some infra structure for delivery of precious commodities will work.
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 12:59pm
Midtown Manhattan report: Crane collapse, next block. It was loud.
PS Filling bathtub now
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 3:18pm
I bet it was loud!
Damn, what frickin mess!
What hath God wrought?
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 3:20pm
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 3:40pm
Mitt and the Republican CEO's TOLD people not to vote for Obama, they told them and pleaded with them....but NO too many went ahead anyway with early voting. Now this! Surprised?
Don't they know that the reason Mitt plans to cut FEMA disaster aid, is because there will be no more 'disasters' if Republicans take over? Does Mitt have an ad or position on this yet? "Obama has done nothing to prevent hurricanes in 4 years. I promise you that if I am elected, we will solve the hurricane thing by the end of my second term"
by NCD on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 4:07pm
The last line is a gem NCD.
Oh, but I have at least two awards left so I hereby render unto you the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site; given to all of you from all of me.
We'll get back to you on that says the Romney Squad!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 4:15pm
Thanks Richard. Also a reminder for the GOP candidate, don't forget to go home and dial 211 if your house is washed away. Didn't Romney joke about 'stopping the rise of the oceans' at the GOP convention? Not a joke now along the eastern seaboard.
Romney campaign managers are backing off slightly from that hurricane promise, saying although they don't rule out he will 'solve that thing', it was an off the cuff response from Mitt after a heavy weekend of campaigning.
by NCD on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 4:32pm
Apparently god, in one of his frequent fits of pathological rage about teh gays, is again sending a hurricane to destroy America. So of course if Romney is elected there will be no more hurricanes. He'll stop the gay agenda. Problem solved!
by ocean-kat on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 5:37pm
I saw that, the reincarnation of Falwell. Damn
I cannot explain this sentiment at all!
Those poor folks in NO and Louisiana.
Hell, Mrs. Bush made that terrible assessment down there about how abused folks are used to being abused....
And then we just blame the Act of God on the powerless!
The least they could have done was blame the catastrophe on Wall Street or the selfish rich or the felonious rich or...
I will never understand this perspective.
But then again 'they' blame pregnancies on the victims of rape...
This is all beyond me.
I do not think that dems let alone most repubs ascribe to this type of sentiment.
At least I hope not!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 5:54pm
They must advertise loudly that they are 'Christians', because you would never know by what they say and do.
by NCD on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 7:34pm
Wow. Michael, can I post this photo on FB?
Holey cow.
by erica20 on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 4:09pm
Of course. It's not my photo. We heard the crash but didn't see it, and we're not venturing out to take a look. I heard they evacuated some folks on 57th, but we're on 56th.
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 4:16pm
I misread this.
I thought you were kidding.
Hell, I did not know where you lived.
You do not have to respond to this. I just wish to tell you that I wish you the best.
You did hear the crash.
Damn, I wish you and your family the best and after your head clears; I know you will write this up. Salon and Huffpo and Washpo and others are calling for your personal experience in this Holocaust and I just hope you keep us apprised with links anyway!
Damn! you have at least another 10 hours? of this hell!
I really am sorry.
This aint no joke!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 5:21pm
Nope, no joke. I didn't hear that anyone was hurt, fortunately. Apparently some of the debris landed on my block, and they evacuated some folks down the street. Bloomberg just said that they might cut water and gas in the vicinity. Hope not.
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 6:49pm
I've been thinking about you all day, Michael, hoping you all are okay. Stay safe. I hope your power doesn't go out. What a mess!
by Ramona on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 9:43pm
This is how close we were...
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 2:49pm
I don't often use this internet lingo but:
So that was you calling in and describing the situation on NY1?
You've got to do a post (or publish a story elsewhere?) Where did you go, what did you do when they kicked you out of your apartment? Enquiring minds want to know!
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 2:52pm
It was very uneventful. We heard a big crash and went to downstairs to see, but we couldn't see anything from the foyer. So we went back up, and that was it until we read the news. They evacuated the north side of 56th but not the south side, so we didn't have to leave.
The streets are all blocked outside though b/c it's still dangling. We had to show IDs to get back in after we went for a walk today.
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 3:20pm
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 3:38pm
Amazing picture. Glad you're okay.
by Ramona on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 2:53pm
I cannot speak for Genghis, but I am sure he will not castigate you for reposting Wiki. hahahahaha
You are correct, I have been laughing for ten straight minutes.
The two pix over-lap. hahahahaahah
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 4:17pm
Oh, now I see. That's Paul Ryan up on the pedestal thingie, handling the prayer requests. Nice pecs.
by erica20 on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 4:26pm
Turn down the temp in your refrigerator and freeze as much water as you can. When it is frozen put it in the fridge part and freeze some more.
Good luck.
by LULU (not verified) on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 5:39pm
Good idea. Plus we can use the ice for martini's.
They're shutting down power downtown in the flood zones, but I don't think we'll have a problem here unless the whole grid goes down.
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 6:52pm
Sacrifice the milk, cool down enough beer to last a week.
by NCD on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 7:32pm
I know that this is serious and I hope that you stay safe. But I love all the Facebook posts and blog comments from my friends in New York. Sarcastically making the best of it--it's just the New York way. Ice for martinis indeed.
by Orlando on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 1:27am
We just think we're invulnerable. Not because we're tough. It's just that in a town of 8 million, what are the chances that you're the guy who gets hit by a crane?
by Michael Wolraich on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 2:53pm
This pic posted by Mike, is being apprised by HLN right now.
Pieces of the building that the crane is attached to are falling!
There is a real concern that the top? of the crane is about to fall!
No wonder the powers that be wish everyone to stay off of the damn streets.
Spielberg has nothing to do with this reality.
Winds do not even reach their topmost velocity for another 12? hours.
This thing falls and parts of the building are going to come down too!
And this is just about one damn crane.
What else is going to fall with gusts at 115MPH and more?
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 5:37pm
I feel a need to continue this.
1.5 million Americans are now without power. 5:29CT
And we have 12 to 24 hours more of this?
Are we supposed to vote?
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 6:30pm
Somewhere I read that FEMA has the power to postpone voting if things get too bad. I have not been able to confirm that, tho.
Early voting is making a lot of sense right about now. Is there still time to get an absentee ballot in states affected by Sandy?
And also, too, I wish for all of you in the storms path to remain safe. Run west. Run faster.
by wabby on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 6:58pm
We're getting hit way over here in Mid-Michigan.
by wabby on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 6:53pm
When I saw the warnings for parts of Ohio and the 70+ MPH wind warning; I was astounded.
My goodness; Now we have probs way up where you live!
I recall times during the last six or more years up here with warnings of gusts over 45 MPH and these times were not fun or safe. One does not venture out in these types of weather.
Hang in there Flower and keep reporting!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 7:14pm
Making the rounds on facebook...
"Currently the situation going on in New York."
by wabby on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 8:06pm
We've left our island just in case. Staying in a hotel tonight. They're predicting gale-force winds on Lake Huron and the St. Mary's River and I can't take a chance that I'll get breathless again and the ferries won't be able to run.
We'll see what tomorrow brings. Looks like snow but not a lot.
by Ramona on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 9:41pm
Now you have me worried, greatly....
I do not wish Ramona breathless for any cause whatsoever.
You hang in there Ramona.
Even though I side with Hitchens too many times (and it is the ghost of Hitchens for sure)
I shall get down on my knees and pray for you just the same.
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 9:58pm
Ha ha, never fear, my friend. I'll be fine. Had a follow-up Doc appt on the mainland today so we decided to stay. No biggie! (He says around about Thanksgiving I should start getting up some steam. Ha! I'll show him!)
But thanks for caring. Mona
by Ramona on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 10:33pm
Damn, now I am crying more than I was before!
I am such a buffoon.
But I weep now with more joy.
Thank you!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 10:40pm
by Ramona on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 10:45pm
CON-ED shut down in NYC!
This is bad!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 10:38pm
Some Con-Ed facility BLEW UP! According to MSNBC.
And now there are 3.6 million without power. 10:08 CT
Here it comes!
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 11:08pm
I'm on the Upper West Side, Broadway and 108th St. and we still have power as of 11:26 PM Eastern time. It looks as if the power outage at the moment is mostly affecting the areas below 34th St.
by MrSmith1 on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 11:26pm
I was going to ask you this exact question!
It seems, according to cable--which you already watch!--that this might be the end of outage today for your area.
Let us pray!
By the by, how is the flooding where you are?
by Richard Day on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 11:38pm
From what I can see out my window, the flooding in my area doesn't look too bad, especially compared to downtown. (Below 14th St.) I work down on Avenue A bet. 3rd and 4th Sts. in the East Village and evidently they got a lot of flooding. That Con Ed Substation is the one on 14th St. and Avenue C in the East Village. It has had problems before that led to blackouts.
P.S. If Genghis lives close to the crane collapse, he's in mid-town, not downtown. The mid-Fifties isn't considered downtown. I think for most NYers, Downtown starts at 14th St., which is considered the upper boundary of Greenwich Village. On the other hand, ABC calls the location of their Times Square studios Downtown, so maybe the term has been re-defined.
by MrSmith1 on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 5:12am
I think for most NYers, Downtown starts at 14th St
Well we could argue about that as New Yorkers are wont to do about real estate in general and neighborhood patriotism.
To me that's a definition mostly used by the people that live below 14th Street, as in: "you're not really part of our hipster downtown club if you consider the 20's downtown." But I think most New Yorkers who, after all, use a subway that's labeled "uptown" and "downtown" instead of "north" and "south," would think of anything below 34th Street as fitting into the definition of "downtown." I know I do and also did when I lived in a tiny studio on 68th and Columbus instead of the Bronx. When getting into below 14th Street, I am used to people referring to the actual neighborhood (such as "it's in the Village" or "it's in Soho") rather than saying "it's downtown."
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 2:26pm
Yeah, okay, point taken. I guess my aging hipster roots are showing.
by MrSmith1 on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 6:43pm
Damned communist.
Greenwich Village dope smoking Rolling Stones afficianado. hahahahah
I bet you voted for McGovern! ha
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 7:27pm
Mr. Smith, I take everything below the UWS as downtown. Just my perspective since I live and breathe up here. And in terms of the hipsters, nobody thinks they're more hip than the people in South Clinton lofts and they're definitely not downtown. But the truth is, if you're you're young and hip you live in Brooklyn these days.
by anna am on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 8:47pm
Alls still well at the end of the #1 line in da northwest Bronx, crossing fingers (transformers down the block making serious fireworks all afternoon and evening, so I am not sure about all the individual neighbors, but power still here and as far as I can see out the windows lights are on)
I have had Noreasters and heavy rains in the last couple years that were much worse for me (like flooding of my own drains, and storm drain backups from city into my basement)
BUT I believe Genghis lives downtown, no?
If true, looks like it's possible he has to deal with power outage equivalent to the blackout of 2003,
but also after a perusal of many online photos, there was very serious flooding in the East Village around 14th street, but also also I believe on the west side, in the 20's as well as the Battery Park area
Besides the massive job Con Ed and it's twins allover the Northeast have to do,
MTA's tweets have been pretty depressing so far about lower Manhattan:
Salt water and subway mechanicals don't mix well; it's not a simple matter of pumping
Hafta go too many worried calls from family---
Edit to add: MSNBC just gave the estimate now of 7 million without power on the East Coast
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 1:59am
new tweet at MTA:
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 2:01am
So Genghis lives in Midtown with a crane hanging over his head--I am thinking maybe I got him confused with Destor, that it's Destor is the one that lives downtown? That he might have lost electricity soon after he posted on this thread late Monday?
I checked his tracking on this site and looks to me like he hasn't been back since then, and I check his twitter feed and he stopped there on Monday afternoon. Destor you out there? Or are you running around to bodegas desperately seeking a way to charge the cell phone and find ice for Destor Jr's milk?
(Again, reminds me of the nightmare of the 2003 blackout, the double whammy of lack of electricity and lack of transit. Most people can only get batteries or ice by walking to find them, and even if you've trained for long-distance walking, you have to have cash because there's no cash machines and no card payments working. That's if you should be lucky enough to find someone open and selling something you need, and if you're in Manhattan, those store owners that live in Queens can't even get to their stores. Then there's stuff like if you're in a high rise and the elevator ain't working....)
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:21am
"Statement from MTA Chairman Joseph J.Lhota on Service Recovery
The New York City subway system is 108 years old, but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as what we experienced last night. Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on our entire transportation system, in every borough and county of the region. It has brought down trees, ripped out power and inundated tunnels, rail yards and bus depots. As of last night, seven subway tunnels under the East River flooded. Metro-North Railroad lost power from 59th Street to Croton-Harmon on the Hudson Line and to New Haven on the New Haven Line. The Long Island Rail Road evacuated its West Side Yards and suffered flooding in one East River tunnel. The Hugh L. Carey Tunnel is flooded from end to end and the Queens Midtown Tunnel also took on water and was closed. Six bus garages were disabled by high water. We are assessing the extent of the damage and beginning the process of recovery. Our employees have shown remarkable dedication over the past few days, and I thank them on behalf of every New Yorker. In 108 years, our employees have never faced a challenge like the one that confronts us now. All of us at the MTA are committed to restoring the system as quickly as we can to help bring New York back to normal."
by LisB on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 9:45am
108 years!
How is Penn?
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 1:31pm
Knowing that there are a substantial number of dagbloggers in the storm path, I have waited anxiously for each of you to post and am glad to see many of you here now. Even though it may be at the bottom of your list, I hope you are able to keep us up to date on your situation even if it is only to say 'still here'.
by EmmaZahn on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 10:04am
Thank you for the sentiments, Emma. Things are looking incredibly sad. It's the widespread destruction, and the vast variety of destruction. For example, I daresay loss of subway and commuter lines is nearly as devastating to many people in the area as loss of electricity, it's especially life altering for many in the low income segment. Getting around on the bus in New York is like living in LA without a car, especially if you're not a resident of Manhattan (and fewer and fewer New Yorkers are residents of Manhattan, btw, in recent years it's more and more becoming a borough of pied-a-terres and hotels.)
One small sign of hope, that preparations here for the storm were good and the powers that be feel they have the funds and the support to get moving: there is a big Sanitation truck going around my hood right now picking up fallen trees and branches. This is not a hard hit neighborhood. If they can do that, it's a sign that there's enough resources to get back on our feet quickly.
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 2:48pm
I have often been told that people living in NYC and other big eastern cities don't drive.
The mass transit is used by a huge percentage of city dwellers--even when they have a car.
Nice to hear that there is a ray of hope where you reside.
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 3:34pm
I am always amazed to see how many chainsaws show up to clear downed trees after tornadoes hit locally. Never would have imagined the same thing happening in NY.
I do wonder though how long the head scratching will last before that broken crane is completely cleaned up.
No doubt having Bloomberg as mayor just now will be a big help. He will not want a botched recovery to be attached to his administration or his legacy. He is also seems to be the sort of man who could get New Netherlands to do what old Netherlands did after the 1953 Watersnoodramp and build its own Delta Works:
I am almost sure after reading How Goldman Sachs protects itself from a hundred-year storm, he would have the backing of the financial community.
And just think of all the money they can make doing it!
Glad you're okay.
by EmmaZahn on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 5:54pm
Your chainsaw point is interesting I think about how more than once I've been in the Home Depot north of here in after a big Noreaster in Yonkers (the start of Westchester County, classic John Updike land.) And how each time I noticed they had a serious run on the few chainsaws in stock, people desperately looking for them. Makes me think how there really isn't a great deal of iconic messaging in owning a chainsaw round these parts (tri-state), though there are certainly plenty of trees, people only think of them when they are desperately trying to figure out how to get that tree trunk out of the driveway after they've hacked all the branches off with a handsaw. I think it's not until you get to Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont where you might find the love of the chainsaw? Chainsaw cult might be something that all more rural North American peeps share whether liberal, centrist or conservative, from Texans to Georgia to Oregon to Michigan Yoopers to New Englanders to Canadians?
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 11:52pm
by Elusive Trope on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 11:59pm
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:30am
Oh cripes.
Now I have to experience heart burn until sunrise.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:37am
Brush clearing is actually quite therapeutic so I never begrudged W that hobby. If only he had limited himself to brush.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:55am
I have nothing (else)
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 1:14am
Do you know that guy personally? Did he realize how dangerous cutting a log that size that high off the ground was?Did he survive?
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:54am
Oh Jesus, Trope knows everyone personally. hahahahaha
That is part of the problem.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 1:17am
Seriously, Emma...what the hell is this guy thinking? First of all, the bar on that saw is way too small. If he's gonna kill himself, he needs at least a 16 inch. And if he wants to kill himself faster, he should take that little sissy saw he's using and cut one of those branchy things propping the tree up farther up the trunk. This guy is definitely not lumberjack material.
by wabby on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 11:20am
Just to be clear, we Michigan Yoopers don't actually love our chainsaws in any romantic, muscled, plaid-shirted way. They sit in our barns and our garages until they're needed--just another tool to fight the elements. Hardly ever used, by the way, at least at our house. But comforting to know it's there.
No love, no cult, just being practical.
by Ramona on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 6:55am
Well, the Yoopers might not have a chainsaw cult, but the Trolls (those of us who live below the Big Mac bridge) surely do. There's a Stihl faction and a Husqvarna faction and Poulan faction and a McCulloch faction and a...
But, if you have a Craftsman chainsaw don't even bother showing up at the meeting because you'll get laughed right out the back door.
You must have at least four saws to be able to join the cult and a flannel shirt...your choice of plaid.
Sadly, Mr. flower and I do not make the cult cut as we only have 3 chainsaws hanging from nails pounded into the rafters of the manshed.
The reason cultists own so many is because at any given moment, only one of 'em is in any kind of working order, the others having run out of their 'special' gas, the chain is loose or dull, or the damn thing just won't start.
Just in case anyone wants to know, it takes about an hour and a half to get the saw prepped and properly revved and then about 18 seconds to buzz through an eight inch log.
We usually end up using the buck saw anyhow.
You city folks just don't know what yer missin'.
by wabby on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 11:13am
And you made me curious to check out a news search for Goldman Sachs, and lo and behold:
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:24am
This just hit me.
You know that the biggest credit-card companies sent out this notice that no one in the NE will have to pay late fees and such?
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 12:42am
Just discovered Yglesias promoting the Dutch Delta Works idea as well.
Hope the PTB are paying attention.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 1:00am
Actually, in this case I suspect it was the PTB that started the meme: Gov. Cuomo in his Tuesday morning press conference.
It was a little mini-speech after announcements, but before taking questions, about needing to rebuild smarter. Initially I don't think he used the the New Amsterdam reference--that was added later by reporters he gave individual interviews to at various sites as the day went on--but he did use a New Orleans comparison--that maybe downtown needs a levee like theirs.
The mini-speech started out with a political jab toward global warming deniers, with him saying that on the phone with the President he joked that "we have a 100-year flood every two years now." Then he went on to describe scenes he saw at Ground Zero and subway tunnels downtown, as examples of how the city is not built for the new reality and rebuilding needs to address it. He kept repeating the "we have a 100-year flood every two years now" like a talking point as the day went on, and that the city needs to be rebuilt differently, to withstand flooding.
by artappraiser on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 11:57am
"how the city is not built for the new reality"
From what I have read, it was not built for the old reality, e.g.Goldman and others building on the known 100 year flood plain not to mention a subway system with openings to said plain.
Still, good to know that it looks like NYC will be getting a multi-year infrastructure project to stimulate its economy. That is, unless Goldman and others in the financial community decide to relocate. Both Lebanon, Kansas and Rugby, North Dakota look like they have some growing room.
by EmmaZahn on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 2:23pm
Astronauts see superstorm Sandy from space station
by EmmaZahn on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 11:20am
I must say goodby to this wonderful response.
I cannot help myself.
Well no one can really help myself anyway; hahahah
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 1:57am