The Battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775 Gentlemen, raise your bricks.... At last count five different Democratic Party offices have been attacked with bricks or stones. Supposedly, Mike Vanderboegh; a militiaman, is at least partially responsible... 
The Battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775
Gentlemen, raise your bricks....
At last count five different Democratic Party offices have been attacked with bricks or stones.
Supposedly, Mike Vanderboegh; a militiaman, is at least partially responsible for these acts of violence. This man was profiled on Rachel last night; very intriguing gentleman. There are a number of relevant sites out there for us to examine in an attempt to get the full story.
Rachel Maddow demonstrated rather forcefully that Mike Vanderboegh has a history in what I call the 'Militia Movement'.
She alleged Mike Vanderboegh initiated the calls for people all over the country to attack Democratic offices and headquarters with bricks. And that is what happened. TPM has logged five such incidents. I noted this yesterday.
Rachel then provided a sketchy history that sure pushed my buttons.
There is a three percent solution. This is at least a double pun on Sherlock Holmes' Seven Percent Solution and Suskind's slam on Cheney called The One Percent Solution. It may seem that the Majority in any democracy can become authoritarian vis a vis the minority. But if Mike Vanderboegh can get just three percent of the population well trained and armed he will have an army approaching 10 million and as Bill Cosby liked to put it: