The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    tmccarthy0's picture

    What's Your Plan Progressives?

    Yeah this comes out of a comment yesterday and I want to know what the progressive plan is for getting more progressive legislators into the government, because that is the pertinent question here. So before I head out on a 50 miler today, I am going to ask the question, what is your plan to getting what you want?

    Richard Day's picture






    Brer Rabbit

    cmaukonen's picture

    America's "House Negro"

    Malcolm X gave a speech on The House Negro and The Field Negro.



    And The Honorable James David Manning says Obama would make a good white house negro.


    Should you vote for Obama and why?

    It seems that here at dagblog there are a variety of opinions as to whether one should vote for Obama, and what reasons people hold for that decision. Some of these opinions I understand, and some I don't. I recognize that not everyone believes in using logic to make decisions, but I think that it's a good exercise to at least see where logic takes you before making a conscious decision to ignore it.

    jollyroger's picture

    Hear the whine, feel the rage, pull the lever: Anyone but Obama (One post partisan speech too many...)

    As I struggled to hold down the contents of my stomach which churned and threatened projectile vomiting that would do any indwelling demon proud, I wished  (not for the first time, nor I fear the last) that Hillary had been just a little better at running her campaign.

    Richard Day's picture




    Joke of the Day:

    Wisconsin not only demands a DL in order to enter the voting booth; but Walker shuts down ten DMVs!

    stillidealistic's picture

    Snails and Republicans

    I don't normally get to garden much this time of year, but since our normal heat seems to be going to other parts of the country this year, I was able to get out and putter today.

    I do my best thinking out there. It's quiet, and pulling weeds and dead-heading plants require little brain power, so my mind gets to work on other things. Today, probably because of all the consternation the deadlock on the debt ceiling is causing me, I was reflecting on politics, and a comparison between politics and the garden came to mind.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    On Any American Saturday with Jeremiah Johnson, Chief Joseph, Roger DeCoster and the Tea Party

    Jeremiah Johnson made his way into the mountains
    Bettin' on forgettin' all the troubles that he knew
    The trail was wide and narrow
    And the eagle or the sparrow
    Showed the path he was to follow as they flew.

    A little while I go, in response to the claim that Unforgiven is best American film ever made – I claimed that the truth actually was Jeremiah Johnson.

    jollyroger's picture

    Dollar Daze-Bill Gross (PIMCO) to Wolfie, Miguelito:"Gotta spare room, homies?"

    Signaling the accelerating skid of the evil empire (that would be us...), the big kahuna of bond managers is getting out of dollars and into four different currencies.

    It will not surprise that hard upon the heels of  Incurious George's Excellent Mideast Adventure, the suicidal lemming rush of the  Teabaggers and their Repugnant allies is making what was once a reserve currency par excellence something of a faded glory.

    Watt Childress's picture

    Birth pains for plowshare conservatives

    I'm an Independent. I believe America needs a balanced budget based on the priority needs of people, not the demands of crony capitalists. I see our dependence on ever-increasing debt as a form of slavery.

    Democrats boast that America’s budget was headed toward balance under President Clinton. While his role in that achievement is debatable, it’s true that our country’s finances were in much better shape when Clinton handed Bush the reigns than when Bush handed them to Obama.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Chris Matthews to Joe Walsh (R) Il 8th District, "He's Your President Too."

    Let's get this out there, Rep. Joe Walsh is discrediting a good name. The Joe Walsh I remember, played guitar had his own band and sang songs like All Night Laundromat Blues.. this guy, well he just doesn't seem like he is that much fun and he is trashing what is otherwise a very good name!

    Richard Day's picture



    She was raped and beaten and left for dead in an alley....

    Gang of Six Plan-Hits Hard on Middle Class and Poor, Easy on Rich

    Gang of six: Contributors include Senate Minority Leader Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., and Sens. Mark Warner, D-Va., Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Murdoch Narrowly Escapes Getting Creamed

    On snap, Wendy Deng has some great reflexes! She spikes a shaving cream pie, intended for her husband back into the attackers face! I mean this is actually some pretty good stuff! Who knew there was something to be admired about Rupert Murdoch... that is right, his wife. This happened about 10 minutes ago.

    I thought today would be a good day to record some hearings! However I didn't realize I would get to see this:


    Elusive Trope's picture

    Now is the Time

    As we continue to watch the unfolding debate regarding the budget, debt ceiling, and the deficit, it seems to me that it is pretty clear what is at stake in 2012.  Regardless of one's opinions about how liberal Obama is, or just how much difference there is between the Dems and the Repubs, one has to say now that the "tea party" faction has taken most of the control, a Republican-controlled Congress starting in 2013 would be disastrous, even with Obama still in the Oval Office.

    cmaukonen's picture

    What Is Money ?

    Tally Sticks
    Tally Sticks

    tmccarthy0's picture

    High Altitude Training -- From Sea Level

    I am training for a 120 mile ride in the Pintler Mountains this August. It's  going to be a challenge, I live right at sea level. I am excited but anxious. The CHaFE was a pretty grueling ride, some of those hills we long assed climbs, not to difficult to complete but I actually got off my bike and walked a quarter mile during that ride, I've never done that before.

    Home From War.

    Two of Couer d'Alene's finest came home from war. And will be laid to rest (video of memorial service).


    Red Planet's picture

    Nine Mile Road

    There's Wall Street. There's Main Street. And there is Nine Mile Road. Even the folks on Main Street don't know much about Nine Mile Road.

    Barth's picture

    No time for Rockefeller Republicanism

    ... this is not the time for Rockefeller Republicanism. We've got a country that is sinking. We've got a country that is on the verge of a crisis in the debt ceiling issue, and that's just one symptom of much larger problems.

    ---Former Minnesota Gov Tim Pawlenty on Meet the Press, July 10, 2011
